At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6449 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Much to Inuyasha and Father’s dismay none of the wolf bodies were compatible except Kouga’s. Kouga was another perfect match. If Inuyasha really hated Kouga, which he didn’t the wolf would definitely die today, but instead the wolf lay on a futon getting patched up by the healer.
“Father I searched all of the East, West, North, and South. Unless one of the Lords that are compatible to you is in hiding I think we are screwed as far as Japan goes.” Inuyasha said. “Well I am sorry about what this body did to you son. If I did not have to use it I would not be in it. I promise if we find another body you may do as you please with this one.” Father said not sure he liked having black hair, but the genes of the body was that of a black Inu diayouki and thus he would take on some of the attributes of the previous owner. As soon as his blood was infused though that would possibly change. Touga did not want his blood infused with this body if there was another option. “Well I will tell ya this much Father, if wolf turd pisses me off again his body is all yours.” Inuyasha said wondering if he and Kouga were even going to still be friends anymore. “Well I guess we had better reattach these boy’s heads.” Father said. “Fuck ‘em.” Inuyasha said with a shrug. He didn’t want to get hit on again and one of them was a real grabby bastard. “No son. You must take responsibility for your actions if you want to keep your friend.” Touga said as he got up with Inuyasha to look at the pile of bodies. “Oh fuck. I don’t even have the slightest clue whose head goes on whose body and there are twenty at least of these assholes.” Inuyasha said with his eyes going wide. Touga chuckled at his son. Of course Inuyasha wouldn’t remember. “It is ok son; we will just use trial and error. I am certain between the two of us that we can figure it out.” Touga said. Pearl came out to see what was going on and Inuyasha explained. “Oh I am good at these games. Can I play?” Pearl asked looking at the heads and the bodies that they had all lined up in a row. “Why not? We ain’t got nothin’ better to do for the next couple of hours.” Inuyasha said since maybe Pearl could figure it out. It took most of the day, but soon everyone had their head on straight or their correct head on. Pearl was pretty good too. She found the first few in a matter of minutes while Touga and Inuyasha took a bit longer. By the time they were done though everyone seemed to be in order. Some of the wolf Lords wanted to take their complaints directly to Kouga and have Inuyasha incarcerated for assault. The two who thought Inuyasha was sexy still thought that and wanted to take Inuyasha home with them. Inuyasha didn’t give a rats ass what anyone else wanted he just wanted to go back to bed for a while. He was fucking tired. Touga informed the group that they would be compensated and that their leader was currently injured so they would have to wait to make their formal complaints until he returned to the North. Touga was able to smooth things over with most of them since he had been doing so for centuries and everyone left to their respective kingdoms. Seeing as though everything was right with the world for now, Touga went down to see his other boy who was in the middle of getting his hair combed trying not to cry out in misery with all the mats that got into it. This was worse than being whipped. At first Sesshoumaru did not recognize his Father and then Touga spoke to him surprising the boy who ignored the mats to rush up and hug his Father. It was unseemly, but Sesshoumaru did not care. He was just happy his Father was alive as he nuzzled him with tears pouring down his face. After a while of holding his precious son and comforting him, Touga explained what had happened. His body had finally died and the healer took his head just before he passed onto the other world down to his laboratory where he attached it to this body. The body did not take at first, but once the healer infused it with some of Touga’s living blood it came to life. For about an hour though he had to stay in the tube and allow the demon regeneration potion work in his system. Sesshoumaru was a bit upset they had to use Hakimura’s body, but was also eternally grateful to the healer for saving his dear Father. Touga told Sesshoumaru that Kouga was also a match for him and Sesshoumaru asked why he did not take that body. Touga growled and told Sesshoumaru it was not an option to take an ally’s body and a good friend of Inuyasha’s. Not only would it cause war it would cause distrust and chaos. It was morally wrong and Touga would have rather died then do something so underhanded. “But what if we do not find you another body Father?” Sesshoumaru asked. “It is what you do in a body, not the body itself that is the problem Sesshoumaru. This body is suitable for life. The person who used it before used it for evil and as I said to Inuyasha whatever was done in this body before me will not be done again. It is a gift and if it is meant to be mine as the gods dictate then who am I to complain. The only thing I do admit I dislike about this body is that I was much more well endowed in my old body. I will most likely have that part removed if I keep this body and have mine reattached.” Touga said since he definitely liked his cock being bigger. The one on him wasn’t small by any means, but it was not his own. To a man his cock was like an old friend and it just wasn’t right having some other man’s friend looking back at you in the mornings when it would get all nice and woody. “Father, please……..” Sesshoumaru said and then shuddered. He could not imagine his cock being cut off and reattached. It was just too ghastly to imagine and far too painful. “You know what son. I am going to have the healer do that now while I am thinking about it and I am going to keep this body. I will have the tattoo removed though. I do not want anything much of the former owner attached to me.” Father said getting up to leave. “Well I guess I hope it goes well for you Father.” Sesshoumaru said as he rubbed the back of his neck not sure what to say to that. It took a real man to do what his Father was about to do and Sesshoumaru hoped his Father was happy. That was the main thing. Later that evening a roar was heard across the castle making the males who knew about what was going on shudder in horror. When Inuyasha heard what his Dad was going to do he later looked down at his best friend between his legs and prayed he would never have to switch bodies with anyone. However he did ask a favor of his Father. That he be allowed to burn the other one so it could never be reattached. The next morning Father did not come out of his room. He stayed in there all day with a pack of ice between his legs. He had both the cock and testicles removed then reattached his own. They were still a bit tender, but they were his. While this was being done blood was being pumped into his body through a series of tubes, needles, and jars. It looked quite interesting as the healer hand pumped the blood from the old body into the new one. Touga also had a bandage on his upper arm where a tattoo had been removed. Inuyasha came into Father’s room and jumped on the bed in excitement bouncing Touga and thus bouncing the ice onto his sore testicles as he tried not to cry out in protest. “Father! How are ya today?! Wanna go spar?!” Inuyasha asked just like a playful puppy. “I’m sorry son, but I cannot today. I promise you though tomorrow we will.” Touga said and Inuyasha pouted. “But I’m so bored!” Inuyasha said flopping down on the bed. Pearl came into the room and looked at Inuyasha. “You are going to dance with me.” Pearl said pulling Inuyasha up who whimpered. “Do I have to?” Inuyasha said in frustration. He didn’t want to dance he wanted to fight. “Yes you do.” Pearl said dragging him out of the room. Father thought his day was bad as it was until Sesshoumaru came to visit him. Sesshoumaru too wanted to play. He got permission to see his mates and the first thing he did was have wild sex with Pearl and sucked off Inuyasha making his puppy feel very good. Now he wanted to play with his Father and have Inuyasha throw a tree for them to go fetch. “Son as much as I love fetch, I am just too sore right now. However your brother wanted to spar for a while so why don’t you boys go to the dojo together?” Touga suggested so Sesshoumaru went to go find Inuyasha who was glad to be saved from his dance lesson with Pearl. Pearl did however go out to watch the boys spar and to practice with her bow and arrows. Louna later came in to see how Touga was doing and she looked absolutely beautiful to Touga. He told her thus and they had a nice conversation about her new intended whom Touga had yet to meet. Touga was happy for Louna and she had apparently talked to this Ramos fellow about mating with both Touga and herself. Ramos seemed to be a very understanding fellow and was willing to share Louna although both men seemed to agree they had no interest in sharing each other. Touga was however in no hurry to mate and currently had his eye on one of Louna’s pretty little maids that he had flirted with a bit before he had been placed in a coma. Louna teased him saying that old dogs never seemed to change and smiled at her best friend. Touga pretty much rested most of the afternoon and into the evening. The healer had his assistance help him transfer the blood over and that took most of the day. Touga felt pretty powerful after a while as his blood roared through his veins and was pleased when his hair went from black back to the signature silver. Sesshoumaru had spent most of the night lying in his Father’s bed against his Father not necessarily talking, but touching him to know he was real. Even with Hakimura’s body he had the scent of his Father now and his blood had changed the hue of Touga’s skin to the same alabaster as Sesshoumaru’s. It was just hard to believe his Father was alive and really here with him. When his Uncles came, Sesshoumaru whimpered a bit that he had to leave. However Touga kissed his forehead and told him to get some rest. They would see each other the next day. Touga also promised they would play fetch depending on if he could change forms yet or not. He wasn’t sure if that was possible until the blood had time to settle. As Touga rested he hoped that tomorrow would be a better day. He absolutely hated being on bed rest and was told he would have to go into the tube again tomorrow for his body to finish the regeneration process. It was like swimming in goo and Touga hated it, but if the healer said it was necessary then so be it. Touga owed that healer his very life and thus whatever the healer said was what he would do. In the morning Inuyasha was told Kouga was doing better and the boy was afraid of going to see his friend. He wasn’t sure if they were friends anymore. He did try to take Kouga’s head and that kind of put the friendship thing into the mortal enemy realm. Inuyasha wanted to talk to Father about it, but Father was in that tube thing and Inuyasha just knew he would look at Father’s cock and balls if he went in there since he wondered how a man could really do that to himself. It was just he didn’t want to get caught staring at them for too long and it was already weird enough that he had this incestual relationship with his brother. Inuyasha really didn’t want Father to think he was ‘that way’ since he was pretty much gay on protest of being gay. How could he explain it? He thought his elder brother was sexy, but he didn’t like any other guy that way so what the hell was wrong with him? Just the thought of Kouga naked made Inuyasha feel the up chuck reflex. Sure Inuyasha could like bathe with Kouga, but he sure as hell wouldn’t touch him like he did his brother. Deciding he would risk the ball staring cock looking problem in the face he went down to go talk to his Dad. When Inuyasha got down to the laboratory the healer was humming mixing something together while Father was neck deep in some kind of gooey watery substance just chillin as naked as could be. That was when Inuyasha did it, he stared at them and the first thing he noticed was that his Father’s balls were bigger than his. Then Inuyasha noticed that his Father’s cock was also longer then his own and a bit off color from his skin. It was actually lighter and pinkish. “Son are you going to stare at me all day long or was there something on your mind.” Touga asked feeling a bit uncomfortable at his son’s obvious staring. Inuyasha blushed and looked up at his Father’s face with a hand behind his neck feeling a bit uncomfortable. He was talking to his naked Father. “Ya, it is about Kouga and Sesshoumaru.” Inuyasha said doing his best to find something else in the room to stare at besides his Father’s naked body. “Well speak boy.” Father said since he had nothing better to do and he was going to be in this thing for at least two hours. “Well I kinda tried to kill Kouga so I was wondering if someone can still be friends with someone even if you tried to off ‘em.” Inuyasha asked. “I see. How long have you two been friends?” Father asked. “Well, we ain’t like good friends. We were kind of rivals for Kagome. He wanted her and I wanted to beat his head in.” Inuyasha said. “So you two have been friends a long time I gather. Ever since you were released from the tree or just within the last hundred years or so?” Father asked. “Just within the last hundred years. Like I said we mainly wanted to beat the hell out of each other. I still want to beat the hell out of him. I just don’t want him necessarily dead.” Inuyasha said in all honesty. “So you two are best friends. I see. Almost brothers.” Father said. “Keh……whatever. He is a moron and an idiot. He didn’t even leave his side of Japan protected and he is their leader. It ain’t my fault he has no brains.” Inuyasha said with a pout. “So you feel bad about betraying him. Well all I can say is you two need to talk. You need to tell him that you are sorry for trying to kill him and for attacking his lands. You also need to be sincere about it Inuyasha. He is your brother if I ever heard of one man being a true brother to another even without sharing ones blood.” Father said. “He probably won’t even listen to me Dad. Like I said he is an idiot. If he had listened to me in the first place he wouldn’t be in this mess.” Inuyasha said. “Inuyasha you don’t know if he will listen until you try talking to him. One of the first rules of being a Lord is to admit when you are wrong and to immediately correct it. Sesshoumaru never believed in this rule, but it will get you not only respect but it will gain you allies. One cannot always be right or one does not learn anything from mistakes.” Father said. “Try telling that one to Kouga or Sesshoumaru. They are both hard headed assholes if ya ask me.” Inuyasha said. “You may speak the truth my son, but Sesshoumaru is trying I assure you. Give the wolf a chance. You may be surprised.’ “Now how may I help you with your brother?” Father asked. Inuyasha felt kind of uncomfortable with this subject, but he had to ask his Dad. No one else would understand him like Dad did. Finally getting the guts to do it he explained what a gay man was and how he wasn’t like that. Father completely understood all about gay men since he had dealt with them before many times. He said he was flattered by their advances, but his only interest was in women. Inuyasha completely agreed with Father and told him thus. He then explained he had some weird feelings about his brother and that they had been doing some things that would probably be considered gay. Father chuckled. “Inuyasha I think your brother is the only man alive that could make a ‘straight’ as you call it man ‘gay’. I find your brother very attractive, but he is my son. As his Father I would never betray the trust I have as a parent with my child.” Father stated honestly. “So you think Sesshoumaru is attractive?” Inuyasha asked. “Yes.” Father said. “Then I am not weird cause I think he is too?” Inuyasha asked. “No, I do not think you are weird or odd. I think you are completely normal.” Father stated. “So us sucking each other’s cocks is ok then?” Inuyasha asked. “Does it feel right to you?” Father asked. “Well kind of. It sometimes seems a little weird, but I like it when he does it to me and I like feeling the power over him when I do it to him. It is like a rush.” Inuyasha said. “Do you do this to gain power for yourself or do you do it to give your brother the same pleasure as he gives you?” Touga asked. “No, it isn’t like that kind of power. It just feels nice to know I do something he likes and his face looks so……….I don’t know the word, but I like it.” Inuyasha said. “Do you do this to please him or yourself?” Father asked. “It is like it pleases both of us I guess. It isn’t one or the other.” Inuyasha said hoping his Father understood. “Well if it makes you both happy and you like to do it then there is nothing wrong with that Inuyasha. I wouldn’t do that to another man, but I will not tell you not to do so. You must do what you feel most comfortable with.” Father said. “But that isn’t the whole problem. There is other stuff.” Inuyasha said with his ears drooping. “You may tell me anything Inuyasha. I will listen.” Inuyasha told Father about the rapes and reluctantly told him about the one done to him in the body he now possessed. “I see. Which is why you never wanted to have me in this body and thus is why you wished to burn that piece of this man.” Father said swallowing hard. He was trying not to cry for his son or rage. No man should ever have to suffer such a humiliating thing nor bear such shame. “Inuyasha first off none of that was your doing. It was the deeds of evil men. You are not weak nor are you shamed. You are a strong young man with a great capacity to love and be loved. Sex should not be something one feels pain from save the very first time for a virgin, but still. It is done with care and feeling.’ “I am not going to state I am a perfect man Inuyasha. When I was younger I raped many a village girl, I took what I wanted and left much like Sesshoumaru. However it was not until I was older that I saw the horrors of this act, the fear, the shame, and when a girl took her life while pregnant with my child I changed.’ “It was not a village girl I raped, but my cousin’s wife. She begged me and pleaded with me to stop. She was a mated woman and I coveted her. I wanted her and was going to kill my cousin over her. Two days later after raping her repeatedly she found out her mate was on his way home from war. My seed had taken and she could smell the scent of the child growing in her womb that was not her own mate’s son.’ “She took a dagger to her belly and gutted herself before slicing her throat. I had left for only a few hours to the market. I was buying a trinket for her when my cousin found her after coming home. He wept carrying her body out for all to see and then pointed to me. He had loved her dearly as I thought I did.’ “We battled and I took his life. He swore to me before he died that he would curse me to the seven hells and he said if I ever dared to love I would die a painful death. Thus his curse did come to pass since I did love your Mother. I loved Izayoi more than I had ever loved anyone in my life.’ “The night I died I remembered that curse, but I also was grateful since I had felt true love for the first time in my life. I will never regret loving your Mother and I did not rape that precious woman. We made love and out of our love you were born. Thus my curse became a blessing.’ “Inuyasha if you love your brother then what you do with him is out of love. Do what you feel is right in your heart and you will know when you are ready for whatever the future holds for you. Be it sex or be it simply basking in the love of each other. Love is never wrong my boy and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Those that do are speaking falsehoods and do not know of that which they speak.” Father said and Inuyasha felt worlds better. “Thank you Father.” Inuyasha said with a big smile on his face as he raced upstairs to go talk to Kouga. “You are very wise my Lord.” The healer said with a smile. “It takes years of practice to know how to speak to another soul. I was not proficient with my speech for many years. I was much like my youngest son with a foul mouth, a foul temper, and no patience for anything or anyone. He will learn and he will be a very wise man someday. His brother is also learning. These things take time.’ “Now tell me healer, what is that concoction you are brewing over there. I have nothing, but time and I would rather doing discussing something intellectual than simply being silent while I baste in this strange creation of yours.” Touga said as he listened to the healer talk all about his different mixtures and potions.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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