Poison | By : Xakana Category: InuYasha > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 7586 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Disclaimer: I think it will be very clear very shortly that I am in no way the proprietor of this series, but if it’s not, then know that I don’t own the characters or the world. One day some world may be mine, but not this one.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: YAOI, angst, substance abuse
Codes: Mir/San, Mir/Sess
Notes: No lemons for a while, folks, just story progression.
Poison Chapter 6
Sesshomaru sighed and licked his hand clean, and wiped it on his wet pants. Then he slid Miroku’s robes back on him and lifted the human over his shoulder again. The difficulty in something that should be so easy reminded him of why he hated his brother yet again. He carried the monk with ease back to Rin and Jaken, who were huddled in a small nearby cave to wait out the rain. He dropped Miroku carefully on the ground, pulling his robes closed. The fever was completely gone, which was unusual for him in this stage of the toxin’s influence.
“What happened to Miroku-sama?” Rin asked.
“He fell asleep outside,” Sesshomaru answered evasively.
“Is he sick, too?” Rin asked, coughing a little. Sesshomaru looked at her and frowned at the rosy hue of her face. He reached out and touched her forehead, pulling his hand back when he felt how hot her skin was. Her eyes were dull, missing their usual shine and she was slumped over. He heard fluid in her lungs and he was now getting very concerned. He touched Tenseiga without thinking about it, comforting himself that if the fever took her, he should be able to bring her back.
“Yes,” Sesshomaru answered her. She nodded and her eyes started to close, her head falling forward. She jerked it back, opening her eyes wide and he frowned. “Lay down and rest, Rin,” he commanded. She looked up at him and nodded, giving him a faint smile before obeying.
“Where the hell is he?” InuYasha’s loud, angry voice called from the mouth of the cave. Sesshomaru glared at him when Rin sat up, frightened, with a coughing fit overtaking her.
“Right there,” Sesshomaru said, gesturing with his head to Miroku’s prone form.
“Why isn’t he awake?” InuYasha demanded.
“Isn’t this when most people sleep?” Sesshomaru asked, irritably. InuYasha’s eyes narrowed.
“If he was just asleep, then he would have woken up like she did,” InuYasha growled, gesturing to Rin. Sesshomaru stepped in front of the girl protectively.
“He is sick,” he offered, his voice soft. Rin took hold of his hakama for comfort. He turned to look at her. “Rin, I told you to rest. You do not need to be concerned. I will not allow anything to happen to you.” Rin’s eyes went wide at his words. He rarely comforted her, but he wanted her to be healthy and that wasn’t going to happen if she was stressed out of her sleep. She nodded and laid her head down, watching everyone quietly. Sesshomaru noticed Jaken was still asleep through his brother’s noisy entrance and he gave him an angry kick.
“My lord?” Jaken sputtered, jumping to his feet and grabbing the staff of heads to threaten InuYasha, who was examining Miroku. His soaking wet companions were standing just outside the cave with the rain pouring down on them. Sesshomaru got a good glimpse of them as lightning flashed overhead and he surreptitiously scanned the cave for any exits other than the one they were blocking. There wasn’t and he hoped he wouldn’t have to fight his way out. Already, he was beginning to feel trapped and he wanted them all to either come in or get away from the entrance.
As if she heard his thought, Kagome stepped into the cave, followed by the demon exterminator, who watched Sesshomaru warily. The fox and twin-tail were right behind, the cat giving him a death glare. Kagome knelt by Miroku and touched his forehead.
“He doesn’t have a very bad fever,” she said. “But there is one there.”
“It was worse earlier,” Sesshomaru said. InuYasha looked up at him in confusion. “Jaken’s medicine seems to have worked on him, but not Rin.” Sesshomaru had seen the work Kagome’s medicine had done for Miroku and he hoped she had something better for Rin. He looked past his brother at her, catching her eyes. They widened in surprise, but she smiled at him before standing and walking to the child. He watched her kneel in front of Rin and feel her head as he had only a few moments before they arrived. She frowned at the heat.
“How are you feeling?” Kagome asked. Rin looked to Sesshomaru and he nodded at her, giving her permission to answer.
“My head hurts and it’s painful to breathe,” she said. Kagome nodded and took the yellow bag off her back to rifle through it. A moment later, she pulled out a strange box and from within, she pulled out a white bottle. She took out strange things that looked like pebbles and Sesshomaru wrinkled his nose slightly when he smelled them. Why did medicine always have to smell so bad?
“Take this,” Kagome said, handing her one, “and swallow it.” She held out an odd clear container of water and Rin stared at it for a moment before looking at Sesshomaru again. He trusted the girl wouldn’t poison a child, so he nodded again. Rin swallowed the medicine and drank most of the water, then smiled weakly at Kagome. She lied back down and closed her eyes and Sesshomaru relaxed a little. This was an uneasy truce at best, but a necessary one. Sesshomaru looked out at the driving rain of the night and prepared himself to leave this dry place and sleep in it.
But first, while he trusted the women and child in here, he did not trust his brother at all. So he glared at the hanyo until he had his attention, then turned and walked out into the rain, checking to make certain the boy followed him at regular intervals. He didn’t pause at the last dry moment, as he saw InuYasha did, but continued, not allowing the rain to bother him. He pushed his immediately drenched bangs back behind his ears and looked for a place he could sleep while keeping watch on the cave.
“What’d you drag me out here for?” InuYasha grumbled at him, shoving his wet hair out of his own face.
“I will not tolerate you sleeping in there with Rin,” Sesshomaru answered.
“Me? You don’t care about Miroku, but you won’t let me stay around your kid?”
“As I am certain you are aware, it is not the first night Miroku has spent in my company,” Sesshomaru answered.
“What the hell is going on?” InuYasha demanded.
“I suggest that if the rain bothers you, you find a dry place to sleep,” was all Sesshomaru offered him. He was not about to admit the horrible hypocrisy he had committed to his brother. He gathered his youki and lifted to the air, finding shelter in a tall tree that was still lower than most around it, decreasing his chances of being hit by lightning. He watched the hanyo glare back at the dry cave and then hop into a neighboring tree that was much closer to the ground than Sesshomaru had chosen to sleep.
He was kept awake guarding the cave and staring at his brother, who was tossing and turning in his chosen bed, trying to find a dry place to sleep. Finally, the boy gave up and moved to another tree. He repeated the same irritated behavior until he must have found a comfortable position, because he relaxed and closed his eyes. Sesshomaru watched him for a while, his own eyes growing heavy, and then finally got comfortable himself and succumbed to sleep.
_______________________________________________________________________________________Miroku awoke the next morning to the smell of a campfire and roasting meat. He blinked his eyes open and yelled when they met a huge pair of accusatory, red-orange, feline eyes. Kirara mewed in protest at his greeting.
“Are you feeling better?” Kagome asked gently. Miroku sat up and looked slowly around. Rin smiled and waved at him, looking a lot better than the night before. He smiled back and rubbed his stiff neck, trying to determine what had happened. ‘Did Sesshomaru leave Rin and me behind?’ he thought, but then Sesshomaru walked into the cave, glancing down at him.
“What’s going on?” Miroku asked.
“That’s what I want to know,” InuYasha growled from behind Sesshomaru. He was standing at the entrance to the cave, his arms crossed and glaring in. Miroku’s mind spun trying to answer the question, but stomach interrupted by clenching painfully.
‘Not now,’ he thought desperately. ‘How can I want that again so soon?’ Then he remembered his conversation with Sesshomaru the night before: ‘…as long as you continue with this addiction, you will keep destroying yourself,’ Sesshomaru had said. Miroku felt a thrill of fear at the thought of those claws for the first time in over a week now. ‘I simply think that you have reached your body’s tolerance for my poison.’ And he had answered, ‘I don’t care.’ Miroku looked down at his hands, clenching them in a deep emotion that was a cross between fear, lust and hatred. ‘Do I really not care anymore if I live or die? As long as it is in his arms?’ Miroku stood up too quickly and nearly fell back down. ‘What have I done?’ He looked around at everyone, backing up, fright gripping him intensely. He was suddenly terrified of everyone and needed to get away from them.
“Miroku?” Sango asked, holding her hand out. He stepped back and tripped on his robes, which weren’t tied. He hit the ground hard, but he felt like he was still falling, hard and fast. He rolled over onto his hands and knees and fought the urge to throw up. He stood and ran from them, slipping in the wet grass outside. InuYasha’s hand wrapped around his arm, catching him and he looked at the hanyo in panic.
“Release me!” Miroku demanded.
”What the hell is wrong with you?” InuYasha asked, digging his claws in. The second Miroku felt them touch him through the fabric of his robes he went still. He dropped to his knees, his robes falling open and the blackened left shoulder was exposed. InuYasha’s eyes flicked to it curiously and then returned to meet Miroku’s. Miroku’s body reacted to the press of claws, shine of gold eyes and fall of white hair. InuYasha’s eyes widened and he let go of Miroku, who fell back. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Take him and go, you have worn out my patience,” Sesshomaru snapped, shooing the girls out of the cave with a glare. “He was looking for a remedy for that wound I inflicted. I still have found none.” Miroku looked at Sesshomaru in shock.
‘He lied for me?’ Miroku thought. ‘No, not exactly a lie…’
“You were trying to help him?” Kagome asked softly. Sesshomaru’s eyes slid to her, narrowing.
“I said, go!” the youkai growled. Kagome didn’t flinch, though Shippo ran and hid behind InuYasha, who was gaping at his brother with his mouth open. Miroku rose to his feet and tied his robe closed as he walked quickly away. Sango caught up to him after only a moment and he slowed his pace so that she didn’t believe he was trying to leave her behind.
“Miroku, what has been going on?” Sango asked. “Was Sesshomaru really trying to help you? Why did you keep going back to him in the first place? I thought Kagome’s herbs were working.”
“It relieves the bruising,” Miroku answered. “But not the effects of the poison itself. As you undoubtedly saw, it keeps coming back to haunt me. I keep getting sicker from it. I didn’t want to worry any of you.” Kirara growled at his words, but he ignored her. “Kirara didn’t think I should risk my life going to Sesshomaru. She tried to stop me. But I think he’s the only one who can help me,” Miroku concluded. Kirara hissed.
“I don’t think she agrees,” InuYasha said.
Kirara was furious. The nerve of the monk! Not only disregarding her friendly advice, but to lie to their friends as well! Kirara barely suppressed the urge to bite him—hard. He was having sex with the enemy youkai and still trying to mate with her mistress! And she had no way of communicating this to Sango, except by trying to keep her away from the lecher. Her poor mistress would be heartbroken if she knew what was going on between the men, so she had deliberately misled her when they almost walked in on the monk and the dog. She hated dragging them around in the rain and tried to find them a dry place, hoping that if she did, they would stop risking their health for a man who was hell-bent on self-destruction.
Sango was worried about Miroku. She didn’t know what to do to help him. That he would risk his life visiting Sesshomaru for a cure meant that he must have been desperate for help. The closest she could come to understanding that kind of desperation was when she stole the Tetsusaiga to try to bargain for Kohaku’s life. She was suddenly very afraid for him and reconsidering her decision to wait to bear his child. After they had walked for a large portion of the day, she had made her decision. She would give him what he had asked for.
That night at the campfire, Miroku noticed that Sango was watching him very intently. She kept giving him meaningful glances and then looking away when he caught her. He didn’t know what to do or what to think. Finally, when they were done eating, she stood and walked by him, touching his shoulder as she went. He rose and followed, curious and mildly hopeful that she was going to offer to share his bed. Then the hope vanished under a wave of guilt—Sesshomaru. He already had a bed partner. ‘I will just never go back,’ he thought. ‘It should never have happened in the first place.’ When they were a distance away from everyone, Sango spun around and hugged Miroku. He was startled, but quite happy to hug her back.
“Miroku, I was so worried about you when we awoke and couldn’t find you! Why didn’t you tell us you were still being affected so badly?”
“I told you, I didn’t want you to worry,” Miroku said, resting his cheek on her head. He sighed happily at the scent of her hair. She smelled a little like Kagome and he supposed they probably shared soap, since they usually bathed together. Still, there was a big difference under the flowery fragrance between the two girls.
“I wanted to tell you…” Sango whispered. Miroku waited patiently, rubbing circles on her back and enjoying the soft material of her kimono under his fingers. “That if you still want me to, I will marry you.”
“Then,” Miroku asked, pulling back and looking into her eyes, “You will marry me?” A blush spread across her cheeks as she nodded. “You will bear my children?” She tried to hide as she nodded, but he kept a firm hold of her, delight spreading through him and erasing all the darkness he had kept inside. “Oh, Sango, you have made me so happy,” he said, holding her close.
She pulled back, but only far enough to look up into his face and close her eyes before standing on tiptoe to kiss him. He closed his eyes and kissed her back, surprised by how much softer her lips were than Sesshomaru’s. The thought ruined the moment and he broke the kiss and looked off into the forest. Kirara was watching them, looking as unhappy as he had ever seen her. She hissed at him, then turned and ran away. ‘Of course. Kirara seems to know what I did with Sesshomaru,’ he thought. Then his mind went to the ache that seemed permanent in his left shoulder and he looked back down at Sango, who looked confused.
“Is my potentially impending death the only reason you are offering to lie with me tonight?” Miroku asked, hoping against hope that she would say, no. But he looked in her eyes and he saw the answer before she looked away. He stepped back from her, sighing.
“I want to bear your child, isn’t that enough?” Sango asked.
“No,” Miroku answered. “Would you wait if you believed I would recover?” Again, he watched her eyes for the answer. Again, her eyes betrayed her. “I will not do this with you under the shadow of a lie.” Her eyes widened.
“What lie?”
“Kagome’s remedy for the poison works fine,” he admitted.
“What? I don’t understand. I’ve seen the bruise—”
“And you’ve seen the number of wounds increase,” he reminded her. Her mouth opened and closed, no sound coming out. “I have been returning to Sesshomaru so that he might poison me repeatedly.”
“What?” Sango asked, horrified. “Why? Do you want to die?”
“No,” he answered. “I wanted… to feel it again.”
“The poison?”
“It was… euphoric,” he said, offering her the same explanation he had offered Sesshomaru. “It was like being wrapped in bliss and filled with ecstasy.”
“You… you didn’t seem… the pain—”
“Was nothing compared to the effects of the poison,” Miroku finished. She stepped back, staring at him with a mixed look of shock, anger and disgust.
“You’ve… you’ve been… risking your life… for such a thing… while we were worried about you,” Sango said, her voice shaking. Miroku stepped towards her.
“Sango, I never meant—” He had barely begun when her hand made contact with his face harder than it ever had before. It knocked him down and he was on his hands and knees when she ran away. He looked at her retreating form and a wave of revulsion washed over him. He hit the ground as hard as he could, over and over, closing his hand into a fist after the first three strikes and not stopping until he felt his skin split across his knuckles.
He had seriously fucked up.
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