Choose Your Own Adventure: Sesshomaru's Tale | By : Indigoplatform Category: InuYasha > General Views: 5124 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or it's characters. All rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I make no money off of this fanfiction or the characters involved. |
Deciding that gaining a hint to his brother's, and by proxy Naraku's, whereabouts was simply too good an opportunity to pass up Sesshomaru stood tall and looked down at the human before him. The monk was obviously counting on the miasma to have weakened him so much that he would be unable to best a mortal in physical competition.
Sesshomaru nearly smirked as he looked upon his unknowing prey. He knew Miroku's overconfidence would be his downfall. "Very well. I accept your terms monk."
Miroku smiled as he retreated from Sesshomaru's presence. "I'm glad we could reach an accord Lord Sesshomaru. Now, shall we determine what kind of competition we should have?"
The daiyokai felt a needful pulse from his loins telling him to hasten the human's subjugation. "Make the competition what you will monk. I would not want you to feel that you were unfairly beaten."
There was a flash of irritation from Miroku, "Are you so sure you'll win?"
Sesshomaru gave a smug glance, "Are you so certain you've chosen the correct opponent."
Far more willing to engage in verbal sparring now the monk struck back, "I'll have you know that it's not always the strongest that wins. Often times the cleverest man prevails."
"If your challenge will involve our wits as well then you may as well forfeit."
Miroku smiled sarcastically as his frustration showed through, "I think you're underestimating me Lord Sesshomaru."
"I could say the same. Besides, I've seen your wit as you attempted to lure those priestesses to your bed. It was...uninspiring to say the least."
Sesshomaru watched Miroku's jaw clench as he brought up the monk's failed attempt at seduction. "Well then...In that case perhaps our competition should be between your sharp tongue and my cursed hand."
The demon lord arced an eyebrow, "...And the goal?"
Miroku calmly walked towards the bench he'd been sitting on previously regaining some but not all of his composure. Sesshomaru could tell instantly that the monk had a plan. "Simple, the first to submit to the other loses." With that the monk began to disrobe much to Sesshomaru's surprise.
"What are you doing?"
Miroku let his simple garb drop to the ground as he sat nude on his bench with his legs apart revealing his privates to his opponent. "Why I'm simply making it easier for you to use that tongue of yours. I'm sure that a skilled and experienced demon such as yourself will have no problem forcing me to relent."
Sesshomaru felt an odd mixture of irritation and arousal. The arousal was easy to pin down the source of but the irritation stemmed from the fact that he'd been maneuvered from metaphorical foreplay into actual foreplay. The monk had just put forward a competition that required Sesshomaru to suck the human off.
A moment passed while Sesshomaru contemplated leaving but both his pride and his libido refused to let him give the monk the satisfaction. Instead the daiyokai resolved to defeat Miroku at his own game. Though Sesshomaru had little experience using his dog-like tongue on men he had proven on more than one occasion that he could leave a demoness moaning his name and pulling his hair after only a few short minutes.
Showing only mild hesitation Sesshomaru stripped with calm purpose leaving his armor, weapon, and clothing on the side of the road. Walking up to the cocky monk with his demon sized cock swaying before him Sesshomaru prepared to kneel before the human in order to begin just as Miroku stopped him.
"Now now Lord Sesshomaru. I can't reach you like that. You're going to have to get in a fair position."
Tisking at the monk's machinations Sesshomaru took his place on the bench next to him straddling it. It, Sesshomaru found, was quite short allowing him to nearly kneel as he pulled himself up to Miroku so that his face would be in Miroku's lap.
He could practically feel Miroku smile as he slipped off the ring he kept on his middle finger and tossed it onto his pile of robes.
Sesshomaru allowed him to do this before beginning. With his closest hand Sesshomaru gently gripped the monk's flaccid uncut cock and began to masturbate it as he licked at it's head.
Sesshomaru repressed an odd twinge of arousal as Miroku's hand sensually placed itself across Sesshomaru's back and slowly moved it's way down tracing Sesshomaru's spine and moving steadily from side to side.
The demon lord scoffed internally as he wondered if the monk thought a back rub was going to get him to admit defeat. Sesshomaru's efforts continued until Miroku was finally erect. There Sesshomaru's libido began to have a little more say in his actions.
The demon lord took a moment to assess his opponent. The monk's size was not unimpressive for a human having perhaps room for two hands if they were of feminine size though Sesshomaru's larger palms took up most of his length leaving just enough room to work with. Foreskin covered about half of the monk's head which was perfectly normal as far as Sesshomaru could tell. Miroku's sack was of decent human proportions dangling heavily under his rod. Even the monk's pubic hair seemed normal if not slightly trimmed for grooming purposes. All in all Sesshomaru supposed he was impressive from a human standpoint though compared to Sesshomaru's knee length member any of the more aggressive demonesses he'd dealt with would have laughed him out of their bedroom.
Advancing by slowly licking the monk's length he was struck by Miroku's peculiar taste and strange scent. He had never been this close to a human's cock before but Sesshomaru noticed there was oddly little difference between Miroku and some other demon's he'd dealt with in his youth. The smell was slightly husky and had a musk to it that forced his half-erect cock to take notice and move yearningly under him. The more Sesshomaru breathed in and tasted the more his inhibitions washed away. And while he knew this was due to what remained of Naraku's poison within his system Sesshomaru could not find the will to care.
The demon lord was startled out of his trance as a firm hand gripped his rear as if he was being sized up. Miroku's fingers dug into his porcelain skin gently as he gripped the daiyokai's cheek practically massaging it with his slight movements. The monk's voice carried over him in a soft whisper, "Mn, not bad."
Not knowing if Miroku was referring to his rear or to Sesshomaru's efforts a slight blush rose to Sesshomaru's cheeks as he became acutely aware of how the scene looked. Deciding it was best to simply trudge on so he could put the monk in a similarly humiliating position Sesshomaru used his lengthy tongue to wrap around most of Miroku's girth and began to attempt to use his past experience with women to his advantage.
Sesshomaru licked and kissed with purpose gently holding Miroku's sack as he did so suffering through the monk's groping all the while. However it was becoming apparent to the daiyokai that his body was responding far more to the monk's taste and scent than it was to the monk's hand. Sesshomaru tried not to breathe as much but only ended up taking in deeper breaths once he needed air drawing in more of Miroku's musk and further exciting him.
The daiyokai shifted uncomfortably on the bench as his once semi-erect cock had now blossomed into it's fullest state. As he did this Miroku withdrew his hand after which Sesshomaru heard the soft sound of the monk's tongue working in his mouth.
Bracing himself for what was coming Sesshomaru felt Miroku's now wet middle finger soon press gently at his entrance. A warmth spread throughout Sesshomaru's body as the monk slowly inserted his digit inside the demon lord.
Sesshomaru immediately knew something was wrong. The slight intrusion of a single finger felt to him like the entirety of the monk's rod being placed securely inside him. His cock twitched under him and a quiet but noticeable breath caught in Sesshomaru's throat. He could feel Miroku smiling, "Something wrong?"
The demon's reply was short and curt out of necessity as Sesshomaru did not wish for the monk to perceive any weakness within him, "No."
"Good. I'd hate to think you were having problems already."
Miroku's finger began to move thrusting into him slowly forcing Sesshomaru to repress a small moan. Realizing that the miasma had indeed affected him more than he'd anticipated Sesshomaru redoubled his efforts taking Miroku into his mouth and instantly regretting the decision as the feel and texture of the monk's cock lit Sesshomaru's body on fire.
Sounds of stifled pleasure vibrated the monk's cock from inside Sesshomaru's mouth encouraging Miroku to increase his speed. Sesshomaru bobbed his head fondling the monk's sack as his tongue wrapped around and caressed Miroku. The demon lord spared no effort in attempting to defeat his foe as a feeling of dread sunk into him. While his efforts did seem to be having some effect the daiyokai had a sneaking suspicion that the only thing he was doing was making himself look like a cock-hungry whore.
Time lost meaning as the monk's finger began to make the demon lord's body act on it's own accord. With Miroku's increasing speed Sesshomaru unknowingly began to raise his rear encouraging the mortal to finger him faster and deeper which he did with a cocky grin. The monk watched as one of Sesshomaru's legs lifted off the ground and began to cling to the bottom of the bench all while the daiyokai frantically sucked him off.
The writing was written on the wall even if Sesshomaru refused to read it. Unfortunately for him the pleasure Miroku was inflicting upon him would soon be too much to bear. Eventually though he realized how tightly he was gripping the bench and how heavily he was breathing. Thinking this odd the demon noticed that at some point he'd actually stopped sucking on Miroku's cock and was now simply staring at it with a glazed over expression and his mouth hanging open.
As the monk's speed peaked and Sesshomaru's cock began to twitch panic set in on the demon. The thought of him succumbing to a mere mortal in such a fashion shook him to his core. With pleasure and fear vying for attention what was left of Sesshomaru's calm and logical mind shut down. From the jumbled mess that emerged was the hope, the prayer, that if he simply submitted he could prevent himself from being known as the demon who was fingered into a cum soaked coma by a human.
Unable to withstand any more Sesshomaru let out a quiet declaration of defeat, "Stop..."
"What was that Lord Sesshomaru?"
Sesshomaru repeated himself as he felt his rear rise ever so slightly into the air giving Miroku more leverage to play with, "Stop...You win..."
Miroku was toying with him, "I'm sorry I couldn't hear you. Are you giving up already?"
" win...please stop!"
The monk did nothing of the sort as he stared down at the demon melting in the palm of his hand. "But you seem to be enjoying yourself so much."
Sesshomaru could feel it was too late but that didn't stop him from trying, "Please stop! I'm...going to-Ahhh!"
In a fit of pleasure Sesshomaru's leg slipped to the side forcing his other leg up onto the bench. The hand that was gripping Miroku's sack was now on the ground supporting Sesshomaru's weight as his cock slipped off of the bench and pointed straight down. Sesshomaru's eyes closed as he blushed in humiliation when the loud wet sound of his powerful orgasm shot out it's first lance of white. With Miroku's finger still imbedded within him Sesshomaru flinched as each line of cum loudly reminded him of his failure.
Soon the demon's orgasm died down and Miroku removed his hand speaking down to his opponent, "Looks like your tongue wasn't so sharp after all."
Gripping Sesshomaru from the back the demon lord had a moment of panic as he was set back on the bench by the monk. He felt Miroku's hand wrap itself around his still sensitive length pulling it back towards him. He let out a small gasp at the sensation making Miroku's grip linger a little longer than he'd planned. Within seconds Sesshomaru was back where he started with his cock pointed directly behind him giving the monk a perfect view of the daiyokai's massive cock, balls and rear.
Miroku squatted behind Sesshomaru as he also straddled the bench without sitting on Sesshomaru's protruding erection. With both hands the monk sensually gripped both of Sesshomaru's cheeks fondling him as he'd done before. "Now...what to do with all this."
Sesshomaru blushed a deeper shade of red as his humiliation set in, "Just...get it over with."
"No, I don't think so. I'm not the one who couldn't take one little finger. I wonder how long you'd have lasted if I'd used two. Or...touched this..." Miroku grabbed Sesshomaru's girthy manhood once more and gave it a tug forcing a gasp out of the demon. The monk stood there jerking his opponent off for a few seconds enjoying the slight squirm that Sesshomaru's body made and the staggered breaths that escaped his lips. "You gave in. So now, we're going to solve our mutual problem my way."
Mercifully removing his hand from Sesshomaru's cock the monk returned his attention to fondling the demon's rear.
"But first..."
Sesshomaru stifled a moan as he felt his cheeks part and Miroku's tongue roll across the demon's sack and begin to toy with his entrance just as the monk's finger had. The demon lord let his brow fall on the still warm wood of the bench staring down as he was rimmed by the human behind him. The monk's tongue produced strange fluttering sensations throughout his body which ended abruptly once the mortal felt his partner was sufficiently lubed.
Taking his still wet cock Miroku placed it at Sesshomaru's entrance nudging it in as he looked down at Sesshomaru's back. "Here's something I never thought I'd get to do."
Pushing himself in the monk slid inside Sesshomaru with little resistance letting out a small sigh of pleasure while Sesshomaru's body clenched around the intruder. Sesshomaru's eyes went wide as the memory of Miroku's finger was easily destroyed by the presence of the monk's cock.
Though he'd taken larger men in his past the daiyokai was struck by the strange but pleasurable sensation of only being stretched a little instead of being parted like wood on a chopping block. Feeling Miroku's hands move up to his back Sesshomaru closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as his mortal partner began to thrust into him. "So, Lord Sesshomaru, finally graduating from a finger to a real live cock. Is this how you envisioned our little contest going?"
Sesshomaru stayed silent as his inflamed libido encouraged the demon to not only savor the feeling of the monk inside him but also withstand his taunts. Though the man behind him was not a demon submissive instincts took hold mixing with Sesshomaru's need to release more of his seed. In fact it was not until this very moment that the daiyokai realized just how much he'd needed the attention of another.
Rolling his hips with each thrust Miroku listened to each quiet moan and gasp that the always stoic demon lord made. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were enjoying this."
The thought of a mortal man bringing him to this point filled Sesshomaru with a private shame that he didn't even knew existed. And yet as his attitude began to shift away from being a dominant force of nature that indignity became intoxicating and erotic. Soon Miroku's thrusts became more satisfying than the feeling of conquering a powerful foe. Sesshomaru's body screamed for more as Naraku's poison chewed away at the demon lord's ability to hold back.
Miroku's pace increased quickly still feeling the effects of Sesshomaru's desperate attempts prior the monk was already prepared for full speed. But just as he was beginning to find his stride the demon lord under him clenched up once more and shot a new payload of his essence behind him and across the bench. The monk chuckled as his partner gave out a loud impassioned moan. "Well, good thing I won. We'd never get anywhere with you calling the shots."
Sesshomaru was beyond blushing. His second orgasm shattered whatever resistance he had to the mortal atop him. A couple minutes of rutting with the monk had been all it took for the daiyokai to give in.
The monk let his hands caress Sesshomaru's rear as he spent the demon's orgasm regaining his own stamina. "So, did that feel good Lord Sesshomaru?"
While Sesshomaru's will was broken the knowledge that he should be ashamed of his complete and total defeat still colored his tone, "...Yes..."
"Do you want some more?"
Miroku gave a single deep thrust and listened to Sesshomaru's reaction. "Is that what you want?"
The monk began his quickened tempo once more working up to where he had been prior to being interrupted. Sesshomaru's hands gripped the leg of the bench while his legs wrapped around it like a lover. He began to buck back against his partner moaning as Miroku took hold of Sesshomaru's hips. "That it...come on...cum for me again...cum before me one more time and I'll fuck you like you've never been fucked before."
Miroku's words made Sesshomaru's cock jump. The idea of cumming three times before this mortal had even finished once was an insult to his very person. In fact had Sesshomaru been in mating season such a suggestion would have caused quite a few issues with him and whoever he was bedding at the time. But this was different. Fueled by the poisonous air this insult made every thrust the human made the equivalent of twelve to Sesshomaru.
Moments after the monk's offer Sesshomaru's eyes rolled up as he let loose his third orgasm having lasted only marginally longer than before. As the demon lord's seed marked the bench once more he felt a slap on his rear. "That's right! Who owns this ass!"
Sesshomaru answered him in between his panting, "It's-gahh-yours-ahhh!"
Miroku gave a few playful thrusts as Sesshomaru's orgasm trucked on. "Who outlasted you?"
"Who just came three times in a row?"
With the waves of pleasure finally dying down a near exhausted Sesshomaru attempted to take a few seconds to catch his breath before his partner decided to finish things. "Now, do you want me to finish emptying your balls?"
" more time..."
Miroku smiled mischievously as he adjusted his position raising Sesshomaru's rear even more so that he would be fucking downward in a position that would have seemed awkward to Sesshomaru if he'd had his wits about him. Regardless once Miroku began thrusting again the demon lord let out a happy sigh.
The monk's efforts slowly became more driven and animalistic driving Sesshomaru down into the bench which forced him to constantly be raising his rear to meet Miroku. The monk gave a quick laugh as he spoke, "Are you ready?"
"Louder! Beg for it!"
"Yes! Please! Fuck me!"
With a tone that Sesshomaru couldn't quite process at the moment Miroku finally exclaimed, "You asked for it!"
And with that his mind nearly shattered. Everything below his waist felt completely wrong though it was a good kind of wrong. There was something heavy and warm on his cock and while Sesshomaru's immediate reaction was that Miroku had stepped on him it was hardly as painful as he'd thought it would be. This was not to mention that the now familiar feeling of Miroku's sack occasionally tapping his larger balls was now replaced by a similarly warm pressure.
But what completely forced Sesshomaru's mind blank was the sensation of Miroku's girth expanding so much the daiyokai could have sworn there was a small ogre inside him. While it made no sense Sesshomaru could not think to question the experience as a new thrust from Miroku's enlarged cock pushed all sense from the demon lord who exclaimed, "What-Ahhh!! I...I can't-Ahhh!"
The thrusts behind him became savage. With the pleasant feeling of Miroku's human sized manhood gone Sesshomaru's base thought was that he'd just been knotted like a dog. While laughable in his current situation Sesshomaru's demon-like instincts were the only thing holding him together. With the thought of an massive dog-like cock imbedded within him and locking him to the person behind him Sesshomaru forgot everything that was not in that moment including just who he'd been fucking for the nearly half an hour.
There was nothing Sesshomaru's body could do besides shout in blissful and primal moans urging on his partner without using words he was no longer capable of producing. Sesshomaru could swear he felt small soft hooks on his hips aiding the thrusts down into him...and there was also the strange impression that there was something warm and furry spilling over his rear but never traveling down his back.
Sesshomaru would never know how long he went on being fucked into the bench as he spent both an eternity there and only but a moment at the same time. Eventually his body gave out one more time forcing the remaining contents of Sesshomaru's balls to exit him in a rather expedient fashion as his partner refused to let up.
Not even aware if his orgasm had ended or not Sesshomaru was jarred from his cock filled paradise when the massive rod inside of him was quickly removed. Before the demon lord could even formulate a response there was a loud wet noise that brought back a memory of what he thought his first orgasm on the bench sounded like. The only difference was that this sound was louder.
Something was forcing Sesshomaru's rear back down pressing him back against the bench that he considered home. There was a focused pressure on his skin that moved around spreading warmth all over his body. He could feel it moving from his ass to his cock then up to his back and then to his head. The warmth dripped down and over him encasing him in it and leaving as strange taste in his mouth.
Sesshomaru couldn't move but he could hear. And what he heard sounded like it was being directed towards him. Entering his line of sight was a moderately sized Tanuki in a purple vest with no pants. In his tiny paw like hand was a large thick cock which hung above two massive balls that were so large that if the demon knelt they probably would have almost touched the ground. The demon was grinning ear to ear as it stared at Sesshomaru.
Only after a few moments of quiet thoughtless peace did the wheels in the daiyokai's head start to turn.
"I can't believe it! I actually fucked a daiyokai! Wait...who am I kidding I just destroyed a daiyokai with my cock! How's it feel getting marked by a lowly Tanuki you purebred slut! Ha! I've never heard anyone moan like that before!"
The Tanuki went on for minutes laughing and regaling Sesshomaru with the details of how he'd defeated the mighty Lord Sesshomaru all while stroking his almost absurdly wide animal like cock in excitement.
Sesshomaru caught most of the demon's rant as he slowly became coherent feeling but unable to express the soul crushing shame that was welling up inside him. As the Tanuki's improvised speech came to a close he drew closer to the daiyokai's face which was still stuck in the exhausted state of pure satisfaction that the Tanuki had be entirely responsible for. "-and after having to pretend to be Lord Miroku for so long just to get a few girls I'll have demonesses on both arms when they hear about this! And it's all thanks to you...Get a good look Sesshomaru at the cock that owns you now! I, Hachiemon the Great, just marked you like the common bitch you are! In fact...since you've been such a good boy here's one for the road!"
Jerking himself off in directly front of the demon lord Hachi blew a second load into Sesshomaru's open mouth and across his face. Cum poured out of his gaping mouth and down his chin like a waterfall cascading into a pile at the edge of the bench. What proved problematic for Sesshomaru was that the demon's orgasm lasted so long that the daiyokai eventually lost consciousness as hot cum clogged his throat and his nose preventing him from breathing.
When Sesshomaru finally awoke it was in the same position with Hachi's load still warm and caking his entire body. Recovering his wits once more Sesshomaru attempted to lift himself off the bench but found only the strength to move his head to a more comfortable position. Lying limply across the bench the demon lord's superhuman hearing picked up the familiar voices of the two priestesses he'd seen earlier.
Their tone was a joking one with laughter peppered throughout their conversation though Sesshomaru couldn't tell which one was speaking, "I can't believe I just saw that. I've never seen a demon take someone like that before. He must have a thing for Tanuki."
"I thought Tanuki were supposed to be lesser demons but that one just manhandled the bigger one like he was nothing."
"And then he just sat there and let it shoot all of...that into his face. Isn't that supposed to mark him as property or something?"
"He must just be a really weak demon."
"He was kind of cute right up until that Tanuki stood over him and coated him like that. I've never seen that much cum."
With condescending laughter Sesshomaru heard the two women head back up the steps to the temple. "Too bad he's such a wimp. Besides did you hear the way he moaned when he was taking it from behind? He's probably not into girls anyway."
Ridiculed and utterly destroyed Sesshomaru spent hours trying to find the strength to pull himself off of the cum soaked bench. By the time he finally stood the white seed he'd been soaked in was caked to him making his movements stiff and uncomfortable.
It was only by sheer luck that Sesshomaru found a small stream near the road where, with his clothes and equipment in tow, Sesshomaru laid down in the cold water and let both Hachi's seed and the horrible experience wash away from him.
Staring at the trees around him the daiyokai knew he would never be the same again. His only consolation was that as a known trickster demon Hatchi would never be believed when he inevitably told someone the story of how he fucked the Great Lord Sesshomaru into a moaning whore.
Taking a short rest before he started back on his journey Sesshomaru hoped that his dreams would not be haunted by his complete and total failure.
Continue to Part 3
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