At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6447 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Kouga was still in a lot of pain and just began to be able to speak again. It hurt though to talk and so he remained silent for most of the time. He didn’t want to admit it, but what mutt face had done to him really hurt. He thought they had known each other better than this and he had trusted Inuyasha with so much.
Kouga had protected Inuyasha on his human nights and sat with him for the whole night talking about stupid shit. When Kagome died they both mourned her together and Kouga had been there when Inuyasha’s kids had been born. It was like they were a pack even without being of the same blood. He had trusted Inuyasha and Kouga felt betrayed in the worst way. It wasn’t like he didn’t understand what Inuyasha was trying to accomplish, but these were his pack mates. The people Inuyasha attacked were his brothers and family. One didn’t do that to someone else’s family. At least Kouga wouldn’t have gone into Inuyasha’s home and attacked his family without good cause. When Sesshoumaru had taken Inuyasha he even started a war to save Inuyasha and bring him to his pack. Kouga was even willing to give his body a home with his son. His own flesh and blood would have been related to Inuyasha. Kouga didn’t know if he could forgive Inuyasha for this. Even if he did bring all his brothers back he tried to take his head. Inuyasha was going to kill him. The mutt had always said he wanted to, but Kouga never thought he meant it. It was all supposed to be a big joke between them. Still, once Kouga had blamed Inuyasha for killing his brothers. It had been a false accusation, but he did try to kill Inuyasha. Inuyasha had spared his life and had taken damage, severe damage just to keep from killing him. Kouga also remembered when Inuyasha carried him to that cave saving his life and the lives of his pack mates. At the time Kouga was vying for Kagome’s hand, but he really didn’t want the mutt dead. He had said it, but he really didn’t mean it. Kouga had come to admire Inuyasha and actually care for him. Now it was like he didn’t even know Inuyasha anymore. It was like Inuyasha was turning into his brother the ice Prince and Kouga hated it. He wanted the ‘I don’t give a fuck who you are I am gonna kick your ass’ Inuyasha back. Inuyasha paused when he got to the room where Kouga was. He was afraid. Inuyasha was afraid of facing his friend, but he had to. He had to do this and for the first time he was truly terrified. What if Kouga told him to go away or worse didn’t talk to him at all. Gods he felt like shit. No he had to face this. He had to. Inuyasha couldn’t just walk away from this and he knew it. He just had no fucking clue of what to say. How do you say you’re sorry without sounding like a dushbag or a wimp? Inuyasha paced for a while and tried to figure out the words to say. This was Kouga; he couldn’t just walk away from this. Kouga stiffened. He could smell Inuyasha was close and every instinct said danger, it said run. Kouga didn’t have anywhere to run to though and damnit he never ran before from the mutt. Still he was terrified. What if Inuyasha came to finish the deed? Kouga had heard the healer and the healer had said yes he was compatible whatever the fuck that meant. He said the wolf was compatible. Whatever it meant it was not good. Finally straightening himself out, Inuyasha went into the room to confront Kouga. As he did Kouga did something completely unlike the wolf and curled up on the floor in the corner covering his head to protect it. If this was any other time Inuyasha would have bust up laughing. It was just too weird and then it hit him. Kouga was protecting his head; Kouga thought he was coming to kill him. Inuyasha cautiously approached the unarmed wolf demon and placed a gentle hand on top of Kouga’s arm. Kouga immediately whined in distress. He had nowhere to run and he was cornered. “Kouga…….I’m sorry.” Inuyasha said softly. Kouga didn’t understand he thought Inuyasha meant he was sorry that he was going to have to kill him now. “Kouga it’s ok. I’m not gonna hurt you.” Inuyasha said softly and he growled reassuringly to Kouga so that the wolf understood he meant him no harm. “Why should I believe you?! That healer said I was compatible or some shit! You tried to take my head!” Kouga yelled. “Kouga, I am sorry I did that. I am also sorry I attacked your home. I know I broke a lot of your trust and someday I hope to gain it back. I am really sorry Kouga.” Inuyasha said as gently as he could. “I trusted you! I was going to give you a home! I was going to make you my family!” Kouga roared ignoring the pain of his throat. “Gods Kouga! I am sorry! I was going to lose my Dad and that was all I could think about! You don’t know what it is like for me! I lost my Mom when I was just a pup and I always dreamed of having my Dad in my life! I just didn’t want that to be taken away!” Inuyasha said as tears poured down his face. “I lost my Dad when I was just a cub Inuyasha! My Mom died soon after that! You are not the only one alone! You are not the only one who had assholes for brothers! I was raised by my asshole brothers! You learn that the pack is more important than you are! You were my pack Inuyasha! You were my brother before that asshole that you called family accepted you! You betrayed me!” Kouga roared with his own tears pouring down his cheeks. “I know I did and I am sorry! Can’t you see that?!” Inuyasha sobbed. “I don’t know if I can forgive you! The only reason I am talking to you is you saved me! You saved my life! I don’t even know who you are anymore Inuyasha! You with your prissy clothes and your prissy brother! You’re willing to be some man’s bitch that couldn’t give you the time of day for years! The Inuyasha I know wouldn’t bend over for any man! He would kick someone’s ass for even saying that shit about him! The Inuyasha I know would never betray his FRIENDS!!!!!!!” Kouga fumed. Blood spurted from Kouga’s mouth from using his voice so much. It dribbled down his chin, but he ignored the pain and swallowed the blood. “My friend Inuyasha isn’t here anymore………” Kouga said and turned his back on Inuyasha. Kouga hated what was coming out of his mouth, but he was so angry. Inuyasha wanted to turn and run, but something kept him standing there. He would take this shit since he deserved some of it. “So that’s how it is huh………. I do something to better myself and I even get shit on by you. Keh….. You know what my old man said. He said you and I are brothers. He said to me that we were best friends. I don’t know about that shit, but what I do know is pack. Packs don’t abandon each other even if the other guy is an asshole. Packs stick around even when things get bad and shit has been a lot worse between us Kouga. This ain’t the first time we tried to kill each other. Even if you think a guy is a fairy or a bitch you don’t abandon your pack.’ “You know I might have betrayed you and ya I am an asshole for that. However it wasn’t too long ago that you gave up on me. You called me a man’s bitch and I never thought I would hear that shit come from your mouth. I thought you knew me better than that. You turned your back on me and when I needed somethin’ you turn around and say shit like that to me rather than being a friend and understanding. Maybe it ain’t your choice, but not everything happens because you want it to. People change and yet here I am still the same.’ “I still get assholes who think they are better than me. Maybe you think you are better than I am. I don’t know Kouga you tell me.’ “I go to classes all fucking day long that tell me how I should act and how I should be. It is still a battle and I am winning cause I am still me. Here I am and I haven’t changed. I still swear, cuss, and fight with the best of ‘em. I am still winning too. So you tell me ‘friend’, brother which one of us is the better man? The one who fucking admits he is a stupid ass sometimes or the one who is still holding the grudge?’ “My brother held grudges for years. You know where that got him? For years it got him one arm less and now he is in prison going through the daily hell he put me through. Does he got it better than me, sure he does. He is a fucking Lord, what the hell are they going to do to a Lord? Not shit, but you and me we I thought understood each other. Guess I was wrong considering that you are a Prince and a Lord, but that never meant shit to me. I always saw you as a person which is a hell of a lot more then you saw me when you called me his bitch. But it don’t bother me none, since I know who I am.” Inuyasha said. “Shut up.” Kouga growled. “What the fuck did you say to me?” Inuyasha growled. “I said shut the fuck up!” Kouga said as he turned around and punched Inuyasha in the face as hard as he could knocking the boy onto the floor. “That is for my pack mates! My family that you slaughtered to save your fucking Father!” Kouga rounded on Inuyasha punching him again hard enough to break Inuyasha’s jaw. “That is for not asking me for help!” Then Kouga kicked Inuyasha between the legs as hard as he could making Inuyasha double over in pain. “And that is for me.” Kouga said and then he leaned against the wall waiting for Inuyasha to recover. Inuyasha so wanted to kick Kouga’s ass for that last one. That was if he could breathe again. Touga came up to check on the boys and knew by the sounds of it that everything was ok again. Walking into the room Touga helped his son up off the floor. “Do you need me to get the healer Inuyasha?” Father asked. Inuyasha shook his head no. He would recover just fine after he killed Kouga. “So you’re the old man.” Kouga drawled looking at Touga with a frown. “I am Inuyasha’s Father, Lord Touga the Inu No Tashio. You I assume are Prince Kouga of the Northern Wolf tribe.” Touga stated. “So whose body did ya steal to live again?” Kouga said feeling a distaste in his mouth at using such underhanded techniques to live again. “Oh, this poor evil fellow was dead for some time before I came to steal his body. So far I am only compatible with two demon Lords in Japan.” Touga stated with a smile. “What the fuck does compatible mean?” Kouga asked and Touga politely explained. “So who were the two Lords?” Kouga asked now curious. “Well the body I am in you know probably quite well. He was the Lord of the South for some time before his unfortunate demise.” Touga stated and Kouga thought about it for a minute and then it hit him like a rock. “That is Lord Hakimura’s body?!” Kouga exclaimed. “Yes. It was his; however he seemed to have lost his head to my son. An unfortunate incident had occurred that was so evil and so maniacal that my dear Sesshoumaru had to decapitate Lord Hakimura and thus his loss is my gain.” Touga said with a smile. “So who was the other Lord?” Kouga asked. “Why it was you dear boy.” Touga stated with a wicked smile. Kouga then wished he wouldn’t have asked. Would mutt face have chopped off his head and gave his body to this man? “Oh don’t worry Prince Kouga I would not have allowed my boys to remove your head unless you are an evil bastard. Tell me are you an evil bastard?” Touga asked trying not to chuckle at Kouga who turned white. “Not that I know of!” Kouga stated in frustration. What game was this asshole playing? “Well you did kick my son in one of the most sensitive spots so I am assuming you could be an evil bastard. After all I just had my cock and balls removed from this body and had my personal effects placed back on this one. Do you have any idea the pain that comes from having such things chopped off then regrown again?” Touga asked in all seriousness although inside he was laughing his ass off. Kouga looked like he was going to hurl. Just the thought of that was so disturbing. “Well dear wolf cub you would not want your friend down below to belong to someone else now would you? You certainly can’t expect me to live without my own privates. They are indeed mine as is the blood that pours from my veins.” Inuyasha held his jaw and looked at his Father like the man lost his mind. He was fucking talking to Kouga about having his fucking nuts and cock cut off like this was a normal conversation. Like it was like talking about the weather. Was his Father drunk? “Dad, this ain’t funny.” Inuyasha tried to say only it came out garbled since his jaw was broken. “Son don’t talk with your mouth full. It is rude. Now tell me Prince Kouga do you have any idea what kind of pain one can possibly imagine when having ones balls and cock removed or can’t you imagine it?” Father asked. “I don’t know that!” Kouga stated completely confused and taken off guard by this jerk who was taking circles around his head. “Well then you should not be kicking someone in their balls and privates. It is quite painful I assure you. Now we never came to the conclusion if you were an evil bastard or you were not. You obviously never had yourself kicked in the privates and balls or you would never do that to someone else. I swear upon my honor I have not ever done such a thing to an opponent have you Inuyasha?” Father said looking at Inuyasha who tried to answer him to say hell yes he had only for it to come out garbled again. “Oh that’s right your mouth is still full so you can’t talk. I completely forgot Inuyasha I do apologize.” Father said and Inuyasha rolled his eyes wishing to god his jaw would heal already. Sesshoumaru came into the room to see his Father and noticed his brother holding his jaw and standing funny. Kouga looked completely horrified and Father looked as right as rain. “Father may I ask what is going on here?” Sesshoumaru asked looking at Inuyasha who obviously had a broken jaw, but he was standing at an odd angle meaning he either had to go to the bathroom or something was wrong with his privates. “Oh we are just talking about the cock and balls and why we don’t kick people there. We are also trying to find out if this young man is an evil bastard.” Father stated calmly as Sesshoumaru simply looked at his Father narrowing his eyes. “And pray tell me who kicked whom in the privates?” Sesshoumaru said. Inuyasha answered saying it was him. “Inuyasha what did I say about talking when your mouth is full? It is rude. Now go to the healer immediately.” Father said as he pushed Inuyasha out of the room since he had to get to know this charming wolf cub. The boy was just too cute for his own good. “Now as we were discussing the balls and cock are very tender areas so we must assume you are an evil bastard Prince Kouga.” Father said matter of factly. “I am not!” Kouga said defending himself. “Ah, but you personally have never been kicked in that area so how do you know how it feels?” Father said. “I didn’t say that!” Kouga said in frustration. “So you have been kicked there. Then tell me why would you do such an evil thing to someone else?” Father asked. “He tried to kill me!” Kouga yelled in his defense. “But yet you live. As you can see life is good. I am alive and I feel wonderful. Do you feel wonderful Sesshoumaru?” Father asked Sesshoumaru who simply deadpanned his Father. This was one of his Father’s stupid games and he wasn’t falling for it this time. “Ah yes, I forget you become mute on occasion. You must have swallowed your tongue again Sesshoumaru, I suggest you have that looked at someday.” Father stated in concern. “Father…….” Sesshoumaru started to say. “Ah he speaks! It must be a miracle!” Father said clasping his hands together in joy. Kouga was completely confused. Sesshoumaru growled. This wasn’t funny. “Father if he kicked you in the balls I will rip his off.” Sesshoumaru said angrily and Kouga quickly covered his privates. “I did not do that!” Kouga yelled. “Oh no, it was poor Inuyasha who suffered that and he is also suffering from an eating disorder. Cannot talk without his mouth full. It is a serious problem with today’s youth.” Father said shaking his head like a billion children were surrounding him talking with their mouths full. “Why did he kick my brother in the privates?!” Sesshoumaru demanded. “Oh because he is an evil bastard.” Father stated plainly. “I am not! He tried to kill me!” Kouga said in frustration. “Wolf I suggest you keep your mouth shut! I am asking my Father!” Sesshoumaru said in anger. “I told you son, because young Prince Kouga is an evil bastard. He was seeking revenge for his comrades thus he broke Inuyasha’s jaw and kicked him right square in the testicles. Is that not right my dear wolf?” Father said. “He betrayed me!” Kouga yelled. “Did I or did I not tell you to be silent wolf?!” Sesshoumaru growled. “Is my brother severely damaged?” Sesshoumaru asked. “Well the severity all depends on your point of view my son. What one person thinks is severe may be completely reasonable to the next person.” Father stated. He was on a roll and his son had just fallen into the trap. Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes. “Father is he damaged beyond repair?” Sesshoumaru asked. “No, he did not have his cock and balls cut off so I assume he shall be just fine. A little ice and some relaxation and I am sure he will still be able to give me grandchildren. By the way, why haven’t you given me any?” Father asked. “Any what Father?” Sesshoumaru said in frustration. “Any grandchildren, my boy. How are you ever going to rule a kingdom if you can’t communicate properly? You have been with Lady Pearl enough times by now that she should be full of pups. What is wrong with you? Are you lacking in performance?” Father asked knowing Sesshoumaru was ready to pop any second and right in front of the wolf Prince. Ah this day was getting better and better. “I am not lacking in anything Father.” Sesshoumaru said angrily. “Well you most certainly are. If you were not lacking in anything our communication would go much more smoothly and you would answer my questions without hesitation. Now what is wrong with you? Do you need some pointers in the bedroom? I am sure there is a way I can help with this dilemma.” Father said calmly. “There is no dilemma. I am perfectly capable in the bedroom.” Sesshoumaru said through gritted teeth. “Ah yes there is a huge dilemma here. You are not producing and Prince Kouga here is an evil bastard. You young people certainly have a lot of problems so it is just a good thing I am alive now to solve them.” Father said. “I am not!” Kouga protested. “Shut up wolf! Father I am doing just fine in the bedroom. You will have grandchildren I assure you……….” Sesshoumaru started to say. “You can assure me grandchildren? Well where are they then? I suggest you show them to me this instant!” Father said in all seriousness. Sesshoumaru had enough of this nonsense and strode away angrily going to find Pearl. If his fucking Father wanted grandchildren he would give him grandchildren god damnit. He was not lacking in the slightest! “Ah now it is just you and me young Prince Kouga. So tell me boy, do you still plan revenge for your comrades as well as yourself?” Touga asked seriously. “No. I mean I gotta do something. I can’t just let my people suffer and not do nothin’ about it.” Kouga said in frustration. “Let me tell you something about leadership young Kouga. The first rule is people make mistakes including yourself. You have to decide if you wish to point out these things or if you wish to solve your problems peacefully.’ “Do you still consider Inuyasha pack?” Touga asked. “I did consider mutt face my pack.” Kouga said sadly. “Either you do or you do not. There is a difference.” Touga warned. “I guess I still do.” Kouga said as his brow furrowed. “Then you need to forgive him and find a suitable punishment for him. Something that will appease your people and yourself.” Touga said. “I am fine. I did what I usually do to mutt face when he pisses me off.” Kouga said. “Then you need to find a punishment your people will accept. What are the types of punishment you give to pack members who betray their own?” Touga asked. “Usually banishment and removal from the pack for a certain length of time, but mutt face is my pack not the wolf pack’s pack member. It all depends on the crime I guess.” Kouga said. “Well I can tell you that most of the members whom we returned to life and gave back their bodies seemed to be fine with the compensation we gave them. However there are still one or two who want blood revenge. What is blood revenge in your pack?” Touga asked. “It is like an eye for an eye kind of thing. They want to cut off mutt faces’ head?” Kouga asked. “Well it would be only fair since he cut their heads off, but unfortunately hanyous do not have the regenerative properties of a demon. He would indeed die. So the question is do you want his death on your hands?” Touga asked. “No! Hell no! I’ll find something else.” Kouga said in frustration. “Good, then indeed I do not have to kill you or your pack. I would do so to save my son’s life.” Touga said seriously. “Let me know what you decide young Prince Kouga. I was only teasing you before. I never did believe you were an evil bastard brother of my son.” Touga stated with a smile before leaving the wolf to his thoughts.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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