At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6447 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Morning came and Inuyasha checked his ass. Sure enough the gods hated him. Blood was still pooling from it and it seemed heavier today. Luckily only females came to his cell with food and bathing supplies. Inuyasha asked for more cloths from the kitchens and although the females found it to be an odd request it was not something they would refuse either. Inuyasha just told them he had a nasty cut on the bottom of his foot that kept reopening so that was why there was so much blood on the former cloths so they wouldn’t question him. No one looked at the bottoms of his feet so it wasn’t like they would ever know.
The jailor however seemed to linger a bit longer around his cell which freaked Inuyasha out a bit, but he tried to play it off as the guy was just overly cautious. When Father came to visit Inuyasha figured he got most of the scent off of him or so he hoped. Father simply said he liked the scent of whatever soap they had used on him and he would suggest having them use it again. Uncle Benjirou also commented on his scent telling him to keep up whatever he was doing since he smelled very nice today. The sweet smell that the Inu demons smelled was just the beginnings of Inuyasha’s heat. He didn’t know it, but for males with the gift the scent would be stronger in the next two days calling males out of the wilds to rut with him until he produced a pup. This was the time when Inuyasha, had anyone except his mates known about his condition, would have kept him under lock and key for his protection. Unfortunately Sesshoumaru knew very little about the heats of males and Pearl of course had never heard of this before in her life. When Inuyasha was released to see his mates Sesshoumaru immediately knew that sweet scent and was concerned for Inuyasha. Pearl did get the potion, but the effects only lasted for a few hours. Inuyasha hoped it would work for the crucible since that was when he most needed it. Inuyasha drank the potion down and it was nasty stuff. It sat on his tongue like bitter fruit, but he would suffer it if it made the scent go away. Pearl gave him a jug of the stuff to keep down in his cell. Father had shortened the amount of time the three mates were allowed to be together so they spent most of the day making love with Sesshoumaru hoping in some ways he would pup Inuyasha so he could tell his secret. Sesshoumaru was deeply concerned about his little brother. Inuyasha of course blew it off now that he had the potion since he figured that would at least keep his ass safe for a while. Day two came and things seemed to still be ok. The jailer did not spend extra time by Inuyasha’s cell and Inuyasha slept peacefully that night still praying that his ass would stop bleeding soon. He also hoped Sess was wrong about him since he didn’t want to have pups. Inuyasha just wanted to be a normal guy and make Pearl have his pups. When day three came Inuyasha’s scent spiked. His flow was much heavier and the jailer had lost all sense of reason clawing at Inuyasha’s door rather than using the keys to get in. Inuyasha woke up and drank down a good portion of the potion. The scratching at his door stopped and the jailer seemed confused. His demon surely smelled bitch in heat coming from the cell, but there was a male in there. It made no sense. It was the day of the crucible and Inuyasha was taken up to meet with the elders as well as Kouga who smelled something coming from Inuyasha. It smelled sweet and pleasant. It was a scent that was vaguely familiar and he wanted to roll in it. Inuyasha kept eyeing Kouga warily as the stupid wolf kept trying to get closer to him and Inuyasha swore if he did it again he was going to knock the wolf out. Father seemed to become more protective over Inuyasha as was Benjirou who hovered around the boy growling at any male that came to close. All the males in the room were on edge except for Inuyasha who seemed to be perfectly fine except when he finally went off on Kouga for getting too close again. So far the cloths were working as long as he had a thick kimono on, but when they brought a white cotton kimono in for him to wear Inuyasha became a bit concerned. It was very thin and there was nothing there to protect him. Sesshoumaru requested for females to help change Inuyasha stating his little brother was more comfortable with them, but he was very concerned. He could smell Inuyasha’s heat and it was getting stronger. Something within Sesshoumaru said not to let his brother go through this series of tests today, but Eiko refused to change the date. When Inuyasha came out Father could swear he could smell the scent of blood, a specific type of blood, but he assumed it was from Sesshoumaru’s whipping since the boy had just been whipped and was awaiting his beating. It was definitely Inu blood. Kouga could also smell blood and that sweet smell. The scents were all coming from Inuyasha and Kouga also suddenly felt not only protective, but possessive of Inuyasha. All the other males were standing too close to him and Kouga had to catch himself since he let out a growl every once in a while when a male would get too close to Inuyasha including Inuyasha’s Father who was now practically hovering over the boy. Sesshoumaru could feel the tension in the room and was trying hard not to growl himself every time a male got too close to his mate. Still he promised and he would keep Inuyasha’s secret. However, if Inuyasha came into danger he would never forgive himself if he did not intervene. Much to Sesshoumaru’s dismay he was taken back down to his cell while Inuyasha was taken to the place where the crucible would begin. Inuyasha was led to a rock formation that was several stories high and was told to climb it all the way to the top. Inuyasha was pretty excited about this test since he liked climbing and this was nothing to him. As he got closer to the top boulders started coming down at him from the wolf demons on top who were trying to knock him down. Inuyasha smashed his way through them and kept on climbing until he reached the summit. Ginta and Hakkaku who were part of the wolf party that were throwing the boulders hooted and hollered for Inuyasha calling him their brother. Some of the wolves cheered since they knew Inuyasha and he had saved them from the birds of paradise. This was part of his pack test and what Inuyasha did not know was once he had performed all the pack tests he was going to be initiated as an official wolf brother. It was all Kouga’s idea too so that Inuyasha truly understood what it meant to be part of his family. Then the mutt wouldn’t attack his own again. After being given water, Inuyasha was hoisted down on ropes along with the other wolves to the bottom. Inuyasha had other challenges to face, but he had completed the first trial. Inuyasha had no boots on since some of the challenges were to walk across hot coals and razor sharp rocks while being hit with leather straps with spikes on them. The wolf Lords got especially violent with Inuyasha during this trial until they smelled something sweet coming from the boy. It was getting stronger too. After passing these tests Inuyasha was almost home free. The last test came from the wolf pack actually beating him. He had to withstand a severe beating from some of the wolf Lords. Unfortunately for Inuyasha the potion wore off at this point and the scent of his full heat permeated the air. Something told Inuyasha to run, but he had never run from anything in his life. He could smell the arousal of males and just assumed it was from the excitement of finally being able to beat up on a hanyou. He had smelled that before. Inuyasha was surrounded by at least fifty male demons except for Eiko who was the only female present. All hell broke loose and all the males save Inuyasha’s Father and Benjirou lost control. They started attacking each other for the bitch in heat as twenty five others attacked Inuyasha tearing at his clothing. Kouga was in the middle of the fray trying to get to the bitch before anyone else. Father’s eyes went wide as he and Benjirou raced to save Inuyasha. Inuyasha was fighting with everyone trying to keep them off of him, but he was losing since there were just too many demons as they piled on top of him. Through his cell Sesshoumaru heard the distress call of his mate and with his powers he blew up the door racing from his cell tearing past the guards racing towards his mate who was pinned under a mass of male gyrating bodies as all the males were in a frenzy to take the bitch beneath them. Inuyasha’s clothes were shredded, his body was cut everywhere by clawed hands who were fighting to have the right to rut him. Inuyasha was terrified. Father and Benjirou kept their demons under control as they too were aroused by the bitch in heat, but had the control to keep from harming the boy as they threw bodies off the pile trying to reach Inuyasha. Eiko didn’t understand what was going on as she simply yelled at everyone trying to get them to stop. Suddenly a huge white dog appeared and barreled through the pile of bodies picking up his unconscious mate in his mouth and racing away with him. Some of the males gave chase while others were so caught up in their blood lust they were ripping each other apart. Kouga finally came to and howled stopping the chaos for the most part as the wolves recognized their leader’s call. Touga and Benjirou were knocking out the others including Akio who lost control for a time. The ones who gave chase heard the call and came back to the pack. Eiko was fuming and demanded to know what was going on. This was not part of the test and now the wolves needed to be punished for their actions. Touga told Eiko to shut up. He needed a minute to think. Eiko was furious, but remained silent. Kouga was confused. He didn’t know exactly what happened, but what he did know was what his sense of smell told him. Inuyasha was in heat. It seemed impossible, but that was the only reasonable explanation. That also meant Inuyasha was a rare male which meant he needed protection. Why the hell had his mate allowed Inuyasha to do this today knowing he was in heat? Had Inuyasha ever been in heat before? Kouga swore that the mutt had never smelled of a heat or he would have taken him for a mate rather than Ayame. The mutt was strong and would bring forth strong pups. It was tempting to challenge Sesshoumaru for Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru carried Inuyasha into the forest and filled the air with his powerful youkai so that any male who tried to claim what was his would know they would die. Dropping Inuyasha from his mouth he changed forms and surveyed the damage done to his mate. Inuyasha was torn up by those claws pretty good so he licked at the wounds then bit his wrist pouring his blood over them hoping that would heal them sufficiently. The scent pouring off of Inuyasha was heavenly and his demon longed to come out, but Sesshoumaru was fighting that battle. He was slowly losing it, but for now his mate was safe. Sesshoumaru had sworn to keep Inuyasha’s secret, but now he was regretting that choice. If he at least had told Inuyasha would not be in this position. It didn’t matter anyway since now everyone would know. Caressing that sweet face Sesshoumaru kissed his beloved and held him tenderly in his arms. Inuyasha’s clothes were mere rags hanging on him. His fundoshi was soaked in his blood and the scent of not only his heat, but fertile bitch came from the boy in his arms. Sesshoumaru had a feeling if he took Inuyasha now that the pup would be with pup immediately. Of course Sesshoumaru had no idea how to get the pups out of Inuyasha, but there had to be a way. Sesshoumaru’s demon wanted him to rut the pup now, but Sesshoumaru would keep it at bay as long as he could. Inuyasha moaned in pain and slowly opened his eyes. He trembled in fear until Sesshoumaru hushed him running his fingers through his hair telling him not to be afraid, he was safe now. “Inuyasha your scent calls to me like a siren. I am afraid my demon will take over soon and rut you. I need to know if you feel safe enough with me to allow that. I do not think I will be able to control myself much longer.” Sesshoumaru said as he pulled Inuyasha against his chest as the boy shivered still trying to deal with the fact he was almost raped by several wolf demons. “You know I trust you Sess. Just give me a minute before you lose it ok?” Inuyasha said gruffly. Now Kouga knew, everyone knew what he was. He was a bitch, to be used by males to give them pups. It was like he wasn’t even a man anymore and it broke something inside of him. Trying to stop himself from falling apart Inuyasha looked away from Sesshoumaru as a high pitched whine escaped his throat and the tears started to fall. Sesshoumaru was deeply concerned he grasped his brother and rocked him gently. He felt so helpless to help his precious mate since he deep inside knew why Inuyasha was so upset. “Inuyasha you are still a man. I swear to you by all I know you are still a man. You are not my bitch and I would never say that to you.” Sesshoumaru said wishing he knew better words for his brother. “I’m just so fucked up Sess. I just want to be like you. Why can’t I be normal?” Inuyasha sobbed. “Inuyasha you have no idea how precious you are to me. Please do not put yourself down. What you have is a gift. It is not a curse. Many men would give anything to be able to carry their pups. You are a treasure and it does not make you less of a man because you have this gift. Please my beloved do not cry. I will be here for you. Pearl and I love you. I promise I will protect you and know I am so proud of you.” Sesshoumaru said. “But I don’t want to be protected Sess. I want to be the one protecting people.” Inuyasha sobbed. “Inuyasha you still will, but for a time let me be the one to protect you. Just for a little while you don’t have to be the strong one. Let me cater to your needs. I need to be able to do that for you my dearest. Even when we battle together I wish to be the one to protect you and Pearl. You accepted me as your Alpha my love, let me be your Alpha. It does not make you any less of a man to let me protect you once in a while.” Sesshoumaru said hoping Inuyasha would understand. “I just hate being weak.” Inuyasha said rubbing his eyes as the tears continued to fall. “My love you are not weak. It takes great strength to bear this gift you have. It is not natural for a male to give birth, but only the strongest male can do this. You have to be exceptionally strong to be a bearer. I envy you for your strength little one.” Sesshoumaru said caressing Inuyasha’s face and kissing away those tears. “Is that true?” Inuyasha asked. “Yes, you can even ask Father. He knows more than I do about males with the gift. There are so very few true bearers in the world. As far as Inu’s go you are one of a kind. That makes you extra special and I may have to fight off several males just to have the privilege of being your mate. I will do so gladly and know I will allow no other to have you. You are mine as I am yours my dearest little brother.” Sesshoumaru said nuzzling his beloved. “Inuyasha I am going to lose control here very soon. Please forgive me, but I will do my best to be gentle with you.” Sesshoumaru said laying Inuyasha gently on the grass below. “I trust you Sess.” Inuyasha said with pure love in his eyes. Sesshoumaru worshiped Inuyasha’s body before removing the soiled fundoshi. When his demon came forth they were already in the throes of their love making and Inuyasha actually wept in happiness as his lover took him to heaven and back several times on the forest floor. The two were sleeping in each other’s arms when Father found them both with soft smiles on their faces. From the scent of it Father realized he was indeed going to be a grandfather although he did not expect it to be from Inuyasha that his grandchildren were going to be born. Father awoke Sesshoumaru with gentle care making sure his scent was strong enough for his son to know he was safe as was his mate. A blanket was brought out and a sleeping Inuyasha was wrapped in it while Father walked in silence with Sesshoumaru to the castle while Sesshoumaru carried his sleeping Angel to their room.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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