At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6447 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
solitare1: Thank you for your review. Indeed Inuyasha doesn’t seem to get a break, but he will. Things are definitely going to get better for the three mates and their future. Sesshoumaru is also an awesome brother and mate so I am glad he has him as well as their Father for support.
************************************************************************************************************ Over the next few days Kouga had convinced himself he did not only love Inuyasha, but was in love with him. His son Kip was the same way about Pearl wanting only her as a mate and refusing all other offers. Kouga had to go back to his wolves to help fight the army of the South, but came back with gifts from himself and the tribe for Inuyasha. Part of them was to make up for attacking him and the rest was Kouga’s desire to woo Inuyasha to his side. Inuyasha didn’t know what the fuck to do with the massive piles of furs and trinkets from the North. He knew Kouga’s tribe wasn’t a wealthy sort so he tried to talk Kouga out of giving him so much shit. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate it, it was that there was just too much and then they would have to drag it all back to the Western Lands when they left. Kouga pursued Inuyasha like he had with Kagome and Inuyasha kept turning him down. Finally Inuyasha went to his Father and Father had a long talk with Kouga. Kouga insisted that he was in love with Inuyasha and would treat him better than Sesshoumaru. However Father explained to the wolf that Inuyasha only wanted to be his friend and if the wolf kept up his pursuit Inuyasha might stop being even friends with him. Kouga didn’t know what to do. He wanted Inuyasha to live with him no matter what. Father did come up with a viable option. If the wolf desisted in pursuing Inuyasha he would talk to Inuyasha about spending some time with the wolves after the war was over. Father would not risk Inuyasha becoming injured while with pup and Kouga needed to understand if this occurred he was not to force Inuyasha to stay. Inuyasha was to be his guest and that was all. It was hard on Kouga to take rejection, but he understood and he would be friends with Inuyasha plus try to be civil with Sesshoumaru. Kip was also to cease refusing viable mates since Pearl was not available either and she would never be so the boy needed to grow up to accept this. Inuyasha took some of the furs Kouga gave him and made himself a sitting pile for when he was reading books that Yoshi gave him. They were mainly children’s books, but Inuyasha could read them which was the whole point of the exercise. Yoshi was extremely patient and Inuyasha was a good student. Sesshoumaru wanted Inuyasha to sell some of the furs if not all of them. Sesshoumaru had felt very threatened by the wolf wooing his mate and envied their friendship. He did not want Inuyasha going to the wolves alone at any time in fear they would kidnap his mate. Lords were coming out of the woodwork to challenge Sesshoumaru for Inuyasha after finding out about his gift. Father told the Lords they would have to wait until Sesshoumaru was free and the war in the West was over before they could issue their challenges. He also warned them he would not be responsible for their deaths. If they died or were injured none of their families were allowed to retaliate against the West. The fat Lord of the East during the war was planning on kidnapping both Sesshoumaru’s mates to make them his concubines. What the Lord didn’t know was that Sesshoumaru was planning on decimating his army when he got free and going after him directly to take over the East so his brother could have lands of his own. Sesshoumaru wanted this to be a gift to Inuyasha for his gift of giving Sesshoumaru the first litter of pups and his heir. The East was wealthy and Sesshoumaru planned on making that wealth grow tenfold by creating roads for easier travel between the East, West, and the Neutral City for trade routes. He also knew the East had the best soil for fruit and vineyards to make the finest of wines. The cattle there were fatter then the cattle of the West and the hunting was good. There were several reasons to take over the East including the fact most of the Lords under the Eastern Lord’s rule were unhappy wanting fair taxes and for their lands to be used to care for their people who were near revolting at the high taxes they paid. Sesshoumaru had spoken with Father about his plan and Father thought it was a grand idea. So far the West was winning the war from the messengers that came to inform their Lord of what was going on while Uncle Ken was leading the troops. They had few casualties and they even were able to send some help to the North who were struggling in their battle with the South. Lady Lily was relentless in trying to take over the North, but the wolves were not as easy to defeat as she thought. The West was helping them and the Southern army had not ever had to fight a foe that had their home in the mountains. The wolves knew their territory well and the South were fighting from downhill. The North had the advantage even with their crude weapons. Also the wolf packs fought with larger numbers and everyone fought not just the men. The females were just as ruthless as the males since it wasn’t just their land they were fighting for, but their home. The Western army kept the South from cutting off the North’s trade and supply lines while also providing food for the Northern army. What the West could also provide in weapons had also been given to the wolves. Now that Inuyasha was pack he wanted to go fight with the wolves against the stupid South or kick some ass from the East, but since he was with pup he was lucky anyone even let him spar. In fact only Father and Sesshoumaru were allowed to spar with him. However no grappling was allowed since it could injure the pups. Inuyasha was given the best food and lots of it plus snacks. He was given all the time he wanted to spend with Pearl or Father. Anything Inuyasha asked for he was given without hesitation. When Inuyasha had a mood swing everyone was willing to drop everything to calm him down or help him with whatever he needed. Inuyasha was tempted to ask them for a pink and purple dragon for a pet to see if they would get him one just to see if they would do it. Problem was if they did find one he wouldn’t have the first clue on how to care for it. Louna insisted both Inuyasha and Pearl call her Mother. She was so happy about having grandbabies she spent most of her time humming all over the castle making little clothing out of silks for the puppies growing in her precious Inuyasha’s belly. Sesshoumaru was happy too. He was going to be a Father and not even the whippings or beatings soured his mood. He kept playing off different names for the pups in his head while writing letters to his mates. At night he would dream of holding his beloved mates and touching Inuyasha’s belly filled with his precious sons. He hoped Inuyasha would not mind a large family since he wanted several children with both his mates. Sesshoumaru also hoped Pearl would go into heat so they would have more children on the way. Also Sesshoumaru made a promise to Inuyasha that he would get the first chance to pup Pearl so that he could see that he was indeed a man even though he had the gift. Inuyasha was grateful for that since as Alpha Sesshoumaru did have first rights to Pearl. Two months went by quickly and Inuyasha was showing. Pearl was also in heat so she was practically locked in the bedroom with mountains of books to keep her busy. Inuyasha could barely keep his hands off of her and Sesshoumaru fought tooth and nail not to push Inuyasha aside to pup his female. Father worked with Sesshoumaru daily on his control and was the only male allowed to visit Pearl besides Inuyasha. Inuyasha of course had no control what so ever and practically pounced on Pearl any chance he got. Inuyasha had never been around an Inu female in heat and his cock practically lived inside of Pearl. He would knot at least three times a day and Pearl about beaned him for being so crazy. Everyone was thrilled when Inuyasha finally pupped Pearl including Pearl who was ready to kill Inuyasha for being such a horney bastard. Inuyasha was so happy to be a Father again he literally bounced when he walked. He wondered if his pups would have his ears even if they were full demon. Inuyasha had dreams of them and already had their names picked out. Pearl was allowed to name the next set of pups, but for now it was the Father’s choice since this was going to be Inuyasha’s heir. Both hanyous wondered if they would go into heat after having the pups, but for males their heat was usually two to three years apart. For female Inus it could be from six months to two years. Sesshoumaru of course wanted it to be six months so that Pearl would have his pups next, but Pearl hoped it would be two years. Kouga would come to visit and ask Inuyasha twenty or more questions about what it was like being pregnant. Kouga was still convinced Inuyasha would be happier living with him, but did not push it since he was grateful Inuyasha was his friend still. Inuyasha wanted so badly to scrap with Kouga, but Kouga refused to and did everything in his power to not upset Inuyasha. If they started to argue Kouga would simply leave until Inuyasha calmed down telling him he was not allowed to stress him out. Kouga wanted to touch Inuyasha’s belly to feel the pups in there, but he was also afraid of getting his head removed. Inuyasha was very protective of his belly and really didn’t like people touching him a lot unless it was Pearl or Sesshoumaru. The day finally came when Sesshoumaru was released from his cell for good. Pearl and Inuyasha were brought down to see the paintings Sesshoumaru did and Pearl wished she had a camera. They were so beautiful. Sesshoumaru did not want his mates to go to the West until the war was over. He did not want to leave them, but he needed to go finish this battle and prepare for another. Once he took over the East he had to contend with the South. Most of the Southern troops were in the North. Sesshoumaru knew he could bring back his mates to the West when the North was safe and the Southern troop withdrew. Sesshoumaru would leave the South be once they agreed to withdraw. His only current interest was the East. Father of course was going to stay at the Imperial Palace in the Neutral City for a while. He wanted to learn as much as he could about the new laws and policies of the demon world. He was also having the time of his life being a single demon man having a wild affair with Magdalena, Louna’s maid who was just one of his many bedroom conquests. Pearl wanted to call the man a male slut with how many women he would take to his bedroom, but figured Father deserved his fun and no one was complaining. In fact the women raved about Father’s bedroom skills since the man never left a Lady unsatisfied. Pearl wondered if Sesshoumaru might have had a few lessons with his Father in bedroom etiquette as far as learning how to please a woman in bed, but she dared not ask lest it be something taboo or private between son and Father. Inuyasha and Pearl both missed Sesshoumaru when he would leave for battle, but he always returned with good news since the war was almost won. Soon they would all be able to go home and be free from the constant watch of the guards of the Imperial Palace since Inuyasha and Pearl longed to spend time in their tree away from the castle itself. Neither Pearl nor Inuyasha were allowed to go into the forests alone and they were followed everywhere around the castle by guards who would have their heads lopped off if they took their eyes off the two pregnant hanyous. The mating ceremony was put off until after the war. Sesshoumaru wanted to insure his mates were safe before performing any public ceremony. The mating celebration of course came and went with Pearl and Inuyasha not being able to go due to their conditions. By the third month Inuyasha was due with his pups. He was very round and quite cranky as well as tired. The healer determined Inuyasha was to have twins and felt the pups that were growing inside of the boy. The pups were also making Inuyasha lactate which was odd for a male since most males had to get a wet nurse. Pearl just assumed this whole thing with Inuyasha was because his body was female for a time and thus he carried some of the female traits. Pearl assumed she had a prostate and that was why anal sex felt so good. She still had a bit of the male genetics from Inuyasha, but not enough to make her body change more than it had. She was also showing and due in two months time. Hanyou and demon females tended to have their young one month later than males. Fuyuki finally forgave Benjirou, but was not happy about being mated to him while his bitch was in their lives. He did try to be civil to her, but that was as far as he would go. Even with the explanation Fuyuki did not like tricksters and fox demons were famous for pulling tricks on people. Benjirou stated Fuyuki could still mate Yoshi, but needed to understand he belonged to Benjirou. Benjirou was willing to stay at the Imperial Palace with his mates since Fuyuki did have a prominent position there, but not forever. His mates would eventually come back to his fortress in the West and live there for most of their lives Yoshi included which meant that a new message writer would need to be found. Inuyasha suggested that Shippo try out for becoming a message writer. The kit was smart and had decent handwriting. Shippo could also read and write as well as learn other languages fairly quickly. Father sent for the boy by message since he wanted to meet the kit anyway considering the boy was raised by his son and practically family as it was. The one thing Inuyasha still had not done and was afraid to do was visit his son Souta in the demon slayer village. They had to go there anyway to get to Father’s vault, but Inuyasha was afraid of facing his son. He loved Souta, but his son was a dying old man by now since he was only quarter demon. It would be hard to know if Souta even recognized him if he was even alive. Father said that Inuyasha needed to make peace with his children and grandchildren. They were his family even if the blood of the Inu No Tashio died out due to the breeding of humans with the quarter breeds, Inuyasha’s blood still was in their veins especially Izayoi’s blood and that was just as important as Father’s. Sesshoumaru had asked Father if he still wanted himself and Inuyasha to search for the vault since it did belong to Father before he died. Father said it was Sesshoumaru’s inheritance that was in it and thus it belonged to his son. He had another vault of his own with a mass of treasure that would last him quite some time plus as the Inu No Tashio and Lord of the Neutral City he had enough money coming in from all four corners of Japan that he would not need to worry about money for a very long time. The brothers were still trying to figure out the rest of the riddle to open the vault. The last part of the riddle was ‘Only the blood of the New Moon opens the key to the rune’ and ‘the rune of truth denies the presence of falsehood and lies’. They figured Inuyasha’s blood on the new moon would open the rune, but the second part was still confusing. Father gave them the hint that the rune would ask them a question once they found the vault which both of the brothers thought they had. Father didn’t tell them they were close or anything. He left it up to his boys to figure out the riddles and find the vault on their own. After all what fun was a treasure hunt if the clues gave the treasure away? Sesshoumaru figured after the pups were born they would search again for the vault and visit Inuyasha’s family since Sesshoumaru had never met Inuyasha’s son and was curious at what a quarter breed looked like. As Inuyasha’s due date got closer and closer Sesshoumaru spent less time at battle and more time with his beloved mates. He wanted to be there for the birth of his pups. The Eastern Army was so disorganized and chaotic there were few of them left. The Eastern Lord had sent all his troops to the West and he would have none of them left when Sesshoumaru finished this war. Sesshoumaru did think about bringing them back to life to fight on his side, but after seeing their poor leadership and failure to follow orders he did not wish to deal with that mess so he only brought back to life the few troops of his own that had perished except for the three that he had brought back to life once before. Those three troops he lost would be buried with honors. Sesshoumaru assumed the East could pick up their own dead and he would create a mass grave for those that were not gathered by the East marking it so that the spirits of the undead would not come to haunt the West since such superstition was still very strong in these times. After the pups were born, Sesshoumaru was going to go take care of the Lord of the East for good and his family. He never wanted to see that bucktoothed eyesore of a daughter again and thus no one of the royal family was to survive his wrath other then the concubines if they were attractive enough. Sesshoumaru would give the concubines to his Father to do with as he pleased. When the day arrived that Inuyasha went into labor none of the castle had ever heard such creative cursing before in their lives. Sesshoumaru held his mate’s hand with Inuyasha practically crushing it telling Sesshoumaru what an asshole he was for doing this shit to him. The healer expertly made the incisions and the demons present which included Mother and Father were prepared to give their blood to Inuyasha who was simply furious at Sesshoumaru. Pearl tried to keep from laughing as Inuyasha came up with some pretty interesting ways of telling Sesshoumaru off while gritting his teeth ready to kill someone for causing him this much pain. Mainly Inuyasha wanted to kill Sesshoumaru who looked stressed and concerned about his mate. Sesshoumaru had been told by the healer not to take anything that Inuyasha said personally, but it was hard not to when the boy was threatening castration. Father chuckled every once in a while when Inuyasha would come up with something new and especially creative to call Sesshoumaru. He had to admit not even he was that vocally creative with cursing when he was young and he had been considered rather foul mouthed. Inuyasha took cursing to a whole new level and made it almost fun. Kouga showed up and wanted to see what was going on with Inuyasha, but he was told to remain back lest he wish to lose his head not only to Inuyasha, but to Sesshoumaru. Kouga heard Inuyasha yelling at Sesshoumaru, but wisely remained outside the birthing chambers. Kouga was surprised any male was allowed in there, but apparently this was to be a family event. “You fucking bastard! You did this to me! I hate you Sesshoumaru you fluffy excuse for a dog demon! You squirrel licking ass kissing fucked up bitch!” Inuyasha roared as the healer told him to push one last time. “Calm down my love, it is almost over with.” Sesshoumaru said gently hoping his hand would recover from being crushed. With a mighty roar Inuyasha pushed one last time and the two pups came free. They were covered in Inuyasha’s blood and flushed pink from it. They were full dog demon pups with Sesshoumaru’s markings on their little faces. The pups cried for their Mother and for warmth as they were washed off by the midwives. The healer sewed up Inuyasha’s belly as Inuyasha shaking and tired drank the blood of his mate as well as the blood from his parents to heal properly. One of the pups had Inuyasha’s ears on top of its little head and the other was just like his Father with the elfin ears of a pure bred dog demon. The bigger one with the elfin ears would be Sesshoumaru’s heir. After wrapping the pups in warm blankets the new parents were handed the pups. Inuyasha held the one who most looked like him and Sesshoumaru held his heir. The pups wiggled around a bit to find their food source whimpering as they searched for it and put their little clawed fists in their mouths. “I guess they are hungry.” Inuyasha said as he adjusted to feed his pup from one of his leaking nipples. The pup latched on and suckled while Sesshoumaru bit his finger feeding his heir his powerful blood until the other pup finished his meal. “So what are you going to name them son?” Father asked looking at his two precious grandchildren. “Aito for the one Inuyasha is holding and Akinori for my heir.” Sesshoumaru said with a smile as he looked down at Akinori feeling so much love for his son. This was his legacy and he loved Inuyasha so much for giving birth to both of his beautiful sons. Soon Inuyasha traded Sesshoumaru Aito for Akinori so he could feed his son. Aito took the blood from his Father drinking it greedily. Aito being the smaller of the two would need his Father’s strength even more so than Akinori whose blood was much stronger than Aito’s. Akinori soon fell asleep as did Aito as the maids took the infants to their nursery. Inuyasha was carried to their sleeping chambers by Sesshoumaru who nuzzled his mate gently and carefully set Inuyasha on the bed. Sesshoumaru laid Inuyasha in between both he and Pearl so they both could watch over him making sure he did not open his stitches or bleed out during the night. As Inuyasha slept Pearl and Sesshoumaru held him gently. Pearl was the first to fall asleep although she desperately tried to remain awake for the night. Sesshoumaru was fine with letting her rest. He told her to sleep several times, but she was stubborn. Sesshoumaru dreaded leaving his mates in the morning, but he had to finish what he started in the East. By morning Inuyasha was completely healed of his wounds although the area was still fairly tender. Sesshoumaru kissed both of his mates goodbye as he headed out towards the Eastern kingdom to assassinate the Eastern Lord and his family.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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