At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6449 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Pearl was annoyed. She had been forced to be on bed rest after she fell down the steps of the Imperial Castle from tripping on the mountainous robes they had given her to wear. Inuyasha had completely freaked out when she did fall since she was carrying his pups and would hardly leave her side for even a moment.
It wasn’t that Pearl did not appreciate the devotion of her mate; it was that Inuyasha was glued to her side constantly never giving her a moment’s peace. Not only did Inuyasha play with her breasts for hours on end, he had to lay his head on her growing belly to hear his pup’s heartbeats for most of the day. When Sesshoumaru returned to the Imperial Palace he found out about Pearl falling and demanded to know who had allowed his female to wear such cumbersome clothing that it would cause her to trip and fall. When he found out it was Gina, Mother’s maid he threatened to kill her. Mother of course told Sesshoumaru to calm down and that Gina was indeed punished for her bad choice, but Sesshoumaru was furious. It was like he could not leave for one moment without chaos suddenly occurring. If Inuyasha’s pups died not only would it be a tragedy, but Sesshoumaru would have to wait again to pup his female. That was going to happen over his dead body. Inuyasha’s pups would live if Sesshoumaru had to defy the gods to make it happen and by the gods Sesshoumaru would pup his female in six months time after this set of pups was born if he had any say so about it. Pearl thought Sesshoumaru was a melodramatic moron for assuming the gods would just bend over backwards for him. Pearl didn’t even believe in the gods, but apparently she was supposed to and know them by name now. Pearl figured if the gods wanted to be worshiped they could find a billion other people who cared about them, she didn’t and that drove Sesshoumaru insane. Inuyasha took Pearl’s side and thought gods were a bunch of moronic demons who thought they had power over them which they did not. Inuyasha wanted to kick their asses for letting Sesshoumaru believe in such nonsense, but he wasn’t allowed since Sesshoumaru said the gods were on his side right now so no one was allowed to fuck with his karma. No everyone was to worship these assholes and if they didn’t Sesshoumaru would throw a royal tantrum. Unfortunately for Pearl and Inuyasha both Mother and Father also believed in these so called gods. So every day everyone was forced to go to the temple to listen to crap about the gods and say prayers to them while lighting incense and candles. They were all also supposed to meditate for divine salvation or discovery of one’s destiny. Karma was also big with the demons and none of them wanted bad karma. So far the West was prosperous and Sesshoumaru especially believed that part of that was due to the fact he was favored by the gods as his Mother had seen at his birth. Sesshoumaru believed he was indeed as close to a god as one could become. He was perfect, beautiful, and powerful yet according to Sesshoumaru these things did not make him vain in the slightest. Pearl and Inuyasha had laughed their asses off when he said that he was not vain, but Sesshoumaru did believe he had every right to be confident to the point where it was like a religion. His hair could not be a mess or life was horrific, his clothes had to be just so or he would throw a fit. If his mokomoko was not pristine someone was going to get it unless he was in battle which of course was beyond his control and then it was simple logic that took over until he saw himself in a mirror. If that happened and he was less then perfection itself he would frown for the whole entire day until it was correct again. Inuyasha wondered how Sesshoumaru could have survived so long in the woods with Rin without sullying his silky white kimono, but somehow Sesshoumaru had managed it and the only reason he didn’t throw a fit when his kimono and mokomoko were in tatters was because he won the battle with Magatsuhi’s body and the battle with the other foes he fought during Naraku’s reign of evil. Normally though Sesshoumaru was very pissed when his armor was damaged, mokomoko was injured or any fur missing on it, or his kimono had any rips, stains, or tears in it. Usually with mokomoko Sesshoumaru would simply absorb it into his body to heal his fur, but usually he liked to keep mokomoko out to use as a head rest or just to look impressive. Eventually mokomoko would split into two mokomokos, but Sesshoumaru’s for some reason just kept growing longer rather than splitting like Father’s had done. Sometimes Sesshoumaru’s mokomoko would drag on the floor so the floors had to be clean or he would know it since not a speck of dirt was supposed to get on his pristine white fur. Inuyasha figured the servants in the castle of the East were going to have a hell of a time pleasing Sesshoumaru since they had no idea how anal his brother really was. Inuyasha assumed the servants at the other castle probably thought Sesshoumaru was a great guy for saving them from that bastard Lord of the East. They had no clue that Sesshoumaru was a bastard too and a damn mean one at times. The only reason Inuyasha figured Sesshoumaru was nice was when he got something from it. Right now Inuyasha assumed because Sesshoumaru could have sex with him plus he gave him kids that Sesshoumaru was being nice to him because he got something from Inuyasha. Inuyasha had yet to tap Sesshoumaru’s ass and figured it was just never gonna happen. It wasn’t that Inuyasha minded so much since he wasn’t sure about putting his dick in Sesshoumaru’s ass it was the whole what was fair thing. Plus Inuyasha assumed since he was only taking it up the ass and not fucking his brother that he was only half gay. Kouga and Inuyasha had a long discussion on the gay thing. Kouga said the only way he would go gay was if Inuyasha wanted or if a guy could have his cubs. However that did not mean he was gay, he was only half gay since the guy he would be fucking was practically female with the fact he would have his kids. The only reason he would let the guy who had his kids fuck him was because it was only fair, still though that only made him half gay. A full gay guy was one who only wanted to be with a guy and it didn’t matter if the guy could have pups or not. That was like taboo and something neither Inuyasha nor Kouga agreed to. Pearl told Inuyasha and Kouga they were both morons. She said they were bisexual, but Inuyasha said that wasn’t true because he was only attracted to Sesshoumaru and not any other guys. In order to be bisexual both Kouga and Inuyasha figured they would still have to like more than one guy that way and neither of them did so they figured they were safe with being half gay. Pearl said there was no such thing as half gay, but Inuyasha told her that was because no one ever thought up this shit before. Pearl told them both they were being stupid since bisexual did not mean they had to be attracted to more than one guy. Both men tried to explain their theory to Pearl, but Pearl just rolled her eyes at them and walked away before she got caught up in their male stupidity. As far as she was concerned they were both bisexuals and she would someday show them a dictionary with the word in it so they would shut up about this half gay crap. All she needed was Sesshoumaru to listen to these two and join their stupid conversations believing himself to be half gay too. Only a guy would come up with an idiotic theory like being half gay. You were either gay or bisexual that was it. Inuyasha also used the term mostly straight. He was either half gay or mostly straight. Kouga was starting to quote Inuyasha and this shit was going to spread to other males who would think it was ok to be these things. It was bad enough that some men, including Inuyasha could have babies. It went against the whole natural order, but Pearl figured there was nothing natural about Inuyasha. He was the most complicated crazy man that she ever met and for him to lactate was just plain weird. It was good, but no male before him could do it so Inuyasha would brag about how his man boobs leaked. Sesshoumaru of course was too busy worrying about being perfect that he would at times only half listen to people. Pearl asked Sesshoumaru to talk with Inuyasha about wearing pads on his man boobs so that he wouldn’t leak all over the place, but Sesshoumaru had been so upset about his son spitting up on his kimono that he ignored her in order to go get his kimono changed. It was like living with two women some days. Pearl finally got Mother to help her with Inuyasha’s leaking problem and Inuyasha hated wearing the pads, but it was a hell of a lot better than having boob juice all down the front of his kimono. Inuyasha was proud of his man boob milk and wanted to show everyone how cool he was cause he could feed his pups when no other guy could. To Pearl it wasn’t something she would brag about, but to some guys it was apparently pretty awesome that Inuyasha could do this. Father sure seemed to think so. The worst part of everything for Pearl was Sesshoumaru liked breast milk, a lot. She would catch him suckling on Inuyasha’s man boobs and told him not to kiss her when he did shit like that. He was a grown man for hell’s sake. It was totally gross, but Inuyasha loved it. Inuyasha actually encouraged Sesshoumaru to do it and Pearl tried hard not to bean them both. Pearl swore she was going to kick their stupid asses if they tried that shit with her. Breast milk was for babies not men who wanted to act like big babies. Now Pearl was stuck in bed for two months with Inuyasha the leaky half gay mostly straight boy and Sesshoumaru who was not vain, but supposedly as close to being a god as you could get man who acted like a fucking big baby some days. The only thing going right was the kids and Pearl wondered how in the hell they were going to grow up normal when their Mother was a Daddy who fed them from his man boobs. It all seemed like a horrible nightmare for a little kid from her days in the modern world. Gay couples having or adopting kids was still a big thing with people. It wasn’t that Pearl was prejudice against gay men or women having kids, it was the whole I gave you birth and I’m a man thing that had to be rough on a kid. Men usually sired children they didn’t give birth to them and Pearl guessed it was cool that Inuyasha had that ability, but as a woman having babies was kind of something special that only women could do. Inuyasha’s ability almost made her position obsolete. Truly if Sesshoumaru could have all his kids with Inuyasha than what was the purpose of keeping her around? Pearl fell into a kind of depression from all of this. She was used to being needed and wanted as a woman. It wasn’t just the whole having kids thing, it was the fact she was female. She was surrounded most of the time by males and she was also from the modern world. It was hard to live in a backwards time where she had no real rights and no real say in much of anything. When Sesshoumaru ignored her it hurt and she did understand his desire to be perfect. However, she did not agree to just be some lump with no real place. Pearl didn’t want to embroider, it wasn’t her thing. She liked being outdoors and doing her archery. Pearl liked being active and for two months she had to be practically locked in a room with books for company or Inuyasha who was great, but she longed for someone like her who understood her. Pearl went from a world of vehicles that could travel anywhere, indoor plumbing, and the internet to almost daily camping. The one nice thing Inuyasha did for her was always make sure she had a toothbrush with new paste. No one else liked the minty flavor, but to Pearl it was a taste of home. She longed for jeans rather than hakumas and t shirts out of cotton. What Pearl wouldn’t give for a comfy set of sweats to lounge in and tennis shoes. Gods she loved tennis shoes. Women with her figure could wear shorts and short skirts. When it was especially hot Pearl really missed shorts. Instead she was covered from head to toe in silk robes that were beautiful, but far from comfortable. She practically begged the maids to let her simply wear the silk pajamas during the day, but that was not for a Lady. No even in bed she had to have her hair up in beads and a fancy silk kimono on until it was bed time. Pearl always looked forward to bed time except when both her males were in the mood which was almost every night for most of the night. Sleep was a mere luxury and Pearl knew once the pups were born that luxury would be also taken away. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were used to being without much sleep. Pearl however needed her eight hours and was ready to kill someone if she did not get eight hours of sleep soon. Normal healthy people got eight hours sleep and she tried to tell her mates this, but they just didn’t get the concept of time in general. Being dog demons sometimes they had a dog’s point of view where it was like if you went away for a moment you had to have been gone their whole lives. Pearl was actually waiting for her mates to bark happily and wag their tails when they saw her. When Sesshoumaru left it was like Inuyasha’s whole world went with him. Inuyasha had the worst separation anxiety she had ever seen and he couldn’t sit still for an instant unless he was sleeping. He had to fidget. Pearl fidgeted a bit, but nothing like Inuyasha. He would have one foot flopping around and his fingers drumming like mad when he was bored. Inuyasha also dragged the furs Kouga gave him all over the place making new sitting piles in every room. There had to be at least thirty furs and they were strategically placed where Inuyasha wanted them and if anyone fucked with his sitting pile they would get it. The only reason Sesshoumaru had not thrown the furs into a bonfire was because they made Inuyasha happy. The trinkets were beads, animal teeth, and claws that Inuyasha threaded together to make himself a bracelet for each wrist. Pearl asked Inuyasha if he still wanted the subjugation beads removed, but Inuyasha said no since the beads on his wrists matched the beads around his neck. Besides he figured they were not doing him any harm and with the spells he knew no one could use the collar against him again. Pearl thought he was crazy to keep that cursed thing, but Inuyasha suddenly decided he liked them now so there was no point in removing them. Inuyasha brought the pups in for Pearl and she held Aito while Akinori was being fed. Then they traded pups and after a while of spending time with the little ones the pups were taken to the nursery again. “So what are we going to read today Pearl?” Inuyasha asked as he hopped on the bed making it bounce and Pearl’s beads clink against each other in her hair. “I don’t feel like reading Inuyasha.” Pearl said honestly. “Well, we can paint or write.” Inuyasha said. “I don’t want to do those things either.” Pearl said feeling sad. “Well I can bring in your embroidery. There is a lot of that that needs to be done. While you do that I can practice my writing and you can tell me if it is good or if it don’t make sense.” Inuyasha said. “Inuyasha I don’t want to do embroidery or edit your work. What I want to do we can’t do.” Pearl said as she looked out the window from the bed. “Well tell me what you want to do then.” Inuyasha said with a smile. “I want to go outside. I want to walk in the garden. I want to wear blue jeans and tennis shoes. I want to drive my car. I want to take you places in a city, go to a restaurant, watch a movie, and listen to music on the radio. There are a billion things I want to do, but none I can do. It isn’t your fault, it is just me I guess.” Pearl said trying not to cry. “Pearl I know it is hard for you. Hell it was hard for Kagome and she had days like you do. Still she made this life work for her and it will get better I promise. Two months of being in bed I know is hell for you, the only time we go outside is for ya to go potty, but you fell hard. You scared the hell out of me since I thought you were really hurt. The pups are important, but you are more important to me.’ “You’re like my other half. You are the only other Inu hanyou alive and I need you. I don’t just love you, I practically worship you. I’ll get ya anything ya want that is within my power to get.’ “I’ll tell you what. We’ll pretend we are takin’ ya to go potty and we’ll go to our tree. We can’t be there all day, but I will take you for a while. The guards can’t follow you to go potty and I know you take extra time to do so that you can be outside. We’ll just pretend it is one of those times at least for a little while before we gotta come back here. It will just be our time, what do ya say?” Inuyasha said and Pearl did cry tears of happiness. “You mean it?” Pearl asked with a smile. “Yep and we won’t tell Sesshoumaru either cause you know he’ll have a fit if you are up in a tree while pregnant. Still, I promised I wouldn’t ever let ya fall and I swear I won’t.” Inuyasha said as he took her hand and the guards followed them outside. The guards followed the two hanyous as far as they were allowed. Inuyasha had Pearl climb onto his back as he literally flew through the forest to their spot. He jumped reaching the branch as if it were nothing and helped Pearl to sit with him. Sesshoumaru would ground him literally if he knew they were up in their tree, but for now only he and Pearl knew of it. It would be their secret. Pearl breathed the fresh air and relaxed against Inuyasha as he held her gently in his arms. They sat there for a while and then it was time to go. Pearl hated leaving, but she knew if they did not that the guards would come looking for them. When Inuyasha jumped down with Pearl on his back she always felt that rush one feels when they are falling, but not the fear. Pearl knew she was safe with Inuyasha. The two of them walked back hand in hand as though nothing unusual had occurred. It was just what Pearl had needed and Inuyasha realized he had needed that break too.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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