At Death's Door | By : Vyper Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female Views: 6447 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor make money on my writings. |
Sesshoumaru was commanding the troops of the West in the battle with the South as he was trying to help the North so that the South would give up and go home. The problem was the South was good and they had pushed forward a bit giving them the confidence they needed to keep up the fight.
The West was good too and they were keeping the South at bay, but the North was getting tired. They had been fighting for days for their home and they were not as well armed as the South or West. Some of their weapons were broken and many were to the point of throwing rocks just to keep the South from reaching them. Kouga caught up with Sesshoumaru who was ordering his troops to see if they could corral the South and get them to back down that way. Unfortunately it seemed the South was prepared for such tactics and maneuvered around to counter attack the Western army. Lady Lily’s generals were smart and seemed to be two steps ahead of Sesshoumaru which Sesshoumaru was finding frustrating. “They aren’t backing down and our weapon supply won’t last this fight.” Kouga said to Sesshoumaru. “We have the high ground, we just need more time. They will turn back it is just a battle of wills at this point.” Sesshoumaru said. “I don’t know if my people got more time. They are tired and we have a lot of wounded. Our numbers keep us strong, but none of us ever expected this battle to last this long.” Kouga said since he was very concerned that they were going to lose the North to the South. “Remind your people that this is their homes they are fighting for. Give them the confidence to continue. I swear to you Kouga as a leader of men these soldiers will return to the South. Their provisions are getting low and we have almost cut off their supply lines.” Sesshoumaru said. “I’m gonna try, but we are damn near to the point we will run out of fucking rocks to throw. We don’t have the weapons or your wealth. All we have is these lands and without them we are nothin’ but a bunch of strays.” Kouga said wishing he had half the power and wealth of the West. Kouga never really thought the South would betray them, but it seemed to be a losing battle either way. One of the generals of the South waved a white flag to speak with Lord Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru frowned, but came down to meet this bastard half way. “Stop where you are or I will kill you where you stand.” Sesshoumaru warned the general as he stood a couple of feet down from Sesshoumaru. “Lord Sesshoumaru, we don’t seek quarrel with you. Why are you defending these pathetic creatures?” The general said. “As you well know we have a treaty with the North. You attack them and you attack me personally. As I see it we do indeed have a quarrel since I am not allowing you to take the North while their lands are under my protection.” Sesshoumaru said simply. “Are you even listening to yourself my Lord? These cave dwellers are throwing rocks at us. They do not have the ability to defend themselves. I would be doing them a great service putting them out of their misery. These times are changing and they have yet to catch up to us. You would defend a weak ally when your army is better off defending a more worthy territory? I say you are a fool.” The general said. “If this territory is so weak then why do you fight so hard to gain it? It seems to me you are the fool here since you have spent days fighting an uphill battle for lands you do not need nor care for. I say you should take your men and leave while you still can. I do not take prisoners so assume your lives are forfeit if you remain.” Sesshoumaru said making the general snarl at having his words thrown back at him. “This is only half the army of the South! We will have reinforcements and we will win! You are just a mere boy and still wet behind the ears! This is the last time I warn you! Withdraw and take your men while you can before the South comes after you and yours!” The general roared. Sesshoumaru laughed. “This is half the army of the South? I just brought one quarter of my men and we are slaughtering you. Your provisions are low and you see that man there?” Sesshoumaru said pointing to one of his guards running up to meet with him. “He has come to tell me that your supply lines are cut off. He was not to come to me until that fact come to pass. I tell you……old man…….leave while you can and take your wounded. As I said before I will not take prisoners.” Sesshoumaru said feeling very confident at this point. The general frowned at Sesshoumaru as he started down the hill to his troops. “Oh and general……..” Sesshoumaru said in passing. The general turned around to look at Lord Sesshoumaru who was smirking. “Tell Lady Lily that I would never mate a woman who is this much of a disappointment since I am sure she promised satisfaction and delivered nothing more than inconvenience to one such as this Sesshoumaru. I assume she gave you the orders so let her know that if she does dare to attack the North again I will bring half my troops next time since I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was holding back anything especially for such valuable lands as these knowing only a fool would waste as much time as you and your men have to succeed in only running with your tails between your legs.” Sesshoumaru said as he watched a very angry general depart. The guard told Sesshoumaru the good news and of course the general continued the battle for a while longer before one of his own men reported back to him on the supply lines. The general sneered at Sesshoumaru, but refused to completely give up. The wolves were almost done he figured and he did not want to give up his position now that he could see them tiring out. Kouga came down once more and Sesshoumaru gave him the good news. It was enough that the wolves regained their confidence and started to really put up a fight. Sesshoumaru gave the order to a few of his men to have the other half of his army prepare themselves just in case the South decided to stick it out. After a few hours the South pulled out and headed back home. They barely had enough provisions to get them back and some of their wounded were left for dead. Sesshoumaru gave the order to have those men make the decision to join the Western army giving their full loyalty to him or to die. Good soldiers like these he could use, but he would not take prisoners. It would be a shame on these hard fighting men to offer them less. Seeing that the West was powerful many of the men agreed to join the Western army while others screamed traitor to them as they were slaughtered quickly as Sesshoumaru agreed to give them a fairly merciful death. The Northern army cheered as they watched the South go and Kouga thanked Sesshoumaru profusely for his help. Sesshoumaru simply nodded. With the wealth of the East he would trade Kouga for his furs and whatever good he provided for decent weapons so they could better defend their lands. Sesshoumaru had great respect for the wolves and was pleased with how the battle ended. He knew Lady Lily would be furious with him, but he did not care. If she attacked again he would go after the South directly and destroy her himself. It was just unfortunate that such good troops were wasted under her guidance. Some of Sesshoumaru’s army remained behind to help the wolves with whatever they needed. Once properly armed the wolves would be fine to take on any enemy. They were good fighters and even with their crude ways the wolves’ loyalty was strong. Loyalty meant everything to a man like Sesshoumaru and it was something he could always count on. Sesshoumaru stayed for a time to make sure the South did in fact leave. He was tempted to go after the South, but that would mean more time away from his mates. Sesshoumaru knew Pearl was due in two months time and beating the South would take two months if not more. Besides, his troops deserved a break after all the fighting. The South would always be there and fact was even if he did not like Lady Lily he did respect her in some ways. She was a good tactician and even if he liked to piss her off Sesshoumaru had to admit she was smart. Lord Hakimura’s daughter took after her Father and could be quite the ruthless foe. He would prefer to remain neutral with her unless she tried to rise against him again. Heading home, Sesshoumaru wondered what his mates had been up to while he was gone. He didn’t like leaving Pearl especially after she fell. His little female was precious to him and although Inuyasha gave him his sons Pearl would have the majority of their pups. He seriously hoped after this set she would go into heat in six months time since he wanted to continue his line with her. Sesshoumaru also inquired about Rin and was given her as a gift from his Father who thought it amusing that Sesshoumaru was going to have a personal maid. It was a prestigious position for a simple kitchen wench especially such a low ranking one that served prisoners. It wasn’t a far journey to the Imperial Palace, but Sesshoumaru decided to stop at the market on his way back to his mates. He wanted some gifts for his mates and to let them know that the mating ceremony now could be performed. He was also moving them to the Eastern castle for a time. Living with Mother was not his cup of tea and Sesshoumaru, as much as he loved his Mother, wanted to go out on his own. Sesshoumaru knew Ramos would take good care of Mother and Father wasn’t too far from her either. Gathering his gifts Sesshoumaru went to the Imperial Palace where Father was the first person he ran into. “So how did the battle go my son?” Father asked. “The South retreated, however I left some of my troops just in case they come back. If they do return we shall be ready for them.” Sesshoumaru said. “I have a feeling the South will be busy for some time son. Lady Lily though is not one to give up so easily. I have a feeling she will go after the North again.” Father said. “Well next time the wolves will have better weapons. I spoke with Kouga and the Prince of the North may not have a fortune in gold, but he does have some fine furs and other goods. The fresh mountain water is clear and beautiful. If nothing else when Inuyasha goes to spend time with them I will accompany him to see what else the wolves have to offer.” Sesshoumaru said. “What the wolves need is gold. They have mines in the North that are rich. Perhaps you can persuade them to learn some mining so they can have more than trinkets and furs to trade with.” Father stated. “I will speak to Kouga about that. I do know he isn’t too keen on carving up the mountains, but a little mining might do them a world of good.” Sesshoumaru said with a smile thanking Father for his advice on the matter. Going to his mates Sesshoumaru found them in their room with Inuyasha laying his head on Pearl’s belly while she helped him read a more complicated book so he could start reading more than children’s books while explaining what the harder words meant. “I’m home.” Sesshoumaru said softly. “How is the battle going Sesshoumaru?” Inuyasha asked. “We won. The South retreated and for now we need not worry about them.” Sesshoumaru said as he walked over to the bed giving both Pearl and Inuyasha a kiss. “I have gifts for you both.” Sesshoumaru said. Pearl smiled and opened the box to find a gorgeous ruby necklace with bracelets and matching earrings. “Thank you. It is beautiful, but my ears are no longer pierced.” Pearl said. “Nothing that a little bite to each of your little ears won’t fix my dearest. If you wear them for a time the holes will not heal and you can wear more.” Sesshoumaru said since the small hoops with the rubies dangling from them would look so pretty in her little ears. With a yelp both of Pearl’s ears were pierced and the earrings were placed in them. Inuyasha looked at the dagger that Sesshoumaru gave him. It had emeralds and sapphires in the handle. It also came with a sheath so that he could place it in a frog on his obi. “Thanks Sess.” Inuyasha said. “That dagger has magical properties Inuyasha. It will cut through the toughest armor and has a permanent potent poison that will kill almost any foe with the exception of our kind since we are immune to most poisons.” Sesshoumaru said. “So when are we going to do this whole mating ceremony crap?” Inuyasha asked not really caring for public events. “After the pups are born. We can also marry on that day if you desire it still.” Sesshoumaru said. “Yes I do.” Inuyasha said with a smile. Pearl smiled too although it wasn’t normal for humans to marry more than one person she was glad that these times did not dictate how many one married. The maids came in with Aito and Akinori for their daily feeding. Sesshoumaru held his pups noticing how Aito was indeed getting larger. The pup would soon be as big as his brother which was a good sign. It meant his blood was beginning to take effect. Sesshoumaru was happy to be with his mates and he spent as much time with them as he could. He did promise to help Father with the mountains of paperwork since some of it Father did not understand. Also before he left the East Sesshoumaru set up fair taxes with all the Lords present. He assured them that much of the wealth that he acquired would be going back into the lands and to the people. He also wanted to have all eligible sons to train with his army to grow back the army of the East with fine well trained soldiers. Sesshoumaru had found the Eastern Lord’s treasury and it was filled with gold, jewels, and fine silks. There was also a large amass of white dragon scale and Sesshoumaru realized he could indeed have a fine set of armor made for Pearl. The scrolls Sesshoumaru found were made of the best of parchment and the ink was smoother to write with then that of the West. The servants also had all of the Lord of the East’s kimonos adjusted for himself and his brother. There was a literal fortune of clothing for them all and the daughter and Lady of the East’s wardrobe would go to Pearl. All of Pearl’s former clothing would go to the maids and Rin. Mother was to also get some of the silks and some of the gold since Sesshoumaru felt he owed her for her generosity in allowing him to remain in her home for so many years. Father had refused his part of the gold since he had his own fortune and was content with it. The paintings of the Lord of the East and his family were burned. Sesshoumaru wanted not one image of that fat Lord or his hideous family to be seen in the castle. Instead he was going to have his mates and children painted as well as himself in his new armor. Sesshoumaru just wondered if Inuyasha could sit still long enough for them to commission such portraits. Sesshoumaru also took some of Father’s paintings of Mother and himself and had them packed to go to the East along with some of his own tapestries and furnishings since the castle would have the royal colors gracing it in red and white with the blue crescent moon rather than the green that now covered most of the Eastern castle. All the green would be sold or burned. Either way Sesshoumaru did not want to see it again. As Pearl got closer to her due date she felt like a fat weeble wobble. Her abdomen was huge and from what the healer said she was to have three pups. It was hard to even go to the bathroom and the pups were always putting pressure in the bladder or kidneys. Both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha carried Pearl around bridal style where ever they went since Pearl was miserable being stuck in bed all the time. Sesshoumaru picked flowers for Pearl and sang songs to her. Both males were terribly romantic with Inuyasha attempting to write her a poem. He also sang and did not have a bad voice. In fact Pearl thought Inuyasha could easily become a rock star in the future with his unique sound. Pearl went into labor soon and the two males were forced to wait outside the birthing room. Both men paced worried about their female. The healer said he would have to probably cut the pups out of her since her little body most likely couldn’t handle pushing out three pups. Pearl did not cuss or scream, but she did cry out every once in a while. She did not even feel the cut when the healer opened her up to pull out the pups. All three were nowhere as big as their brothers, but all had the little ears on their heads with the markings of Father with the royal blue stripes on their cheeks and the royal blue above their eyes. All the pups were also full blooded demons. When the healer was done stitching up Pearl she was carried carefully into the bedroom where Mother, Father, and Sesshoumaru fed her their blood to insure she healed properly. Inuyasha held two of his pups and he was absolutely glowing as a new Father again. Sesshoumaru held one of the pups stroking its little ears. Five pups was an odd number, but as far as Sesshoumaru was concerned it was perfect. His little family was growing and that was all that mattered to him. Inuyasha was able to sire one girl. To Mother and Father that was a miracle since their kind normally only sired males. Sesshoumaru already knew that their daughter was going to be spoiled and looked forward to the future with these pups.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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