Choose Your Own Adventure: Sesshomaru's Tale | By : Indigoplatform Category: InuYasha > General Views: 5124 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or it's characters. All rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I make no money off of this fanfiction or the characters involved. |
Realizing that something was off about the mortal standing before him Sesshomaru narrowed his gaze. The possibility that this was simply another one of the lecherous monk's tricks to get himself off weighed heavily on Sesshomaru's mind forcing him to the conclusion that taking a chance with the monk was not worth the cost of his pride.
Averting his gaze from the monk Sesshomaru turned and began to walk away, "Save your games for mortal women monk. I'll not be your next mark."
Miroku turned to the retreating demon lord, "Lord Sesshomaru, uh...perhaps you should at least take shelter in the temple for the time being. The road could be dangerous."
The twinge of annoyance that had been lit by the monk earlier turned to outrage. Staring back momentarily as he continued on the daiyokai gave Miroku a glance that shot ice into the monk's blood, "As am I."
The monk sunk back clearly trying to conceal the fear that had welled up inside him. "I...uh...Safe Journey's then..."
Sesshomaru gave no response as he left listening to the monk's third regretful sigh. Avoiding the temple grounds the demon would neither give the monk the satisfaction of perceiving any form of weakness from him nor rest on his laurels while Naraku still lived.
Traveling down the road Sesshomaru kept to his original strategy of staying near the forest line knowing full well that avoiding confrontation was the best strategy to conserve his energy.
Day turned to night and then eventually back into day. Sesshomaru was tired but managed to trudge on regardless of the weight that seemed to be dragging his feet down. While he'd managed to stay away from Naraku's miasma he could still smell it in the air hanging just beyond the tree line and out of sight. Unfortunately just being in close proximity seemed to have kept the demon lord from any real recovery and as such the nagging in his loins continued to plague his thoughts.
Hours passed as Sesshomaru encountered neither hide nor hair of another soul on the road. Believing himself at least partially safe the demon lord finally broke down and told himself that he needed to rest or at least lighten his load.
Sinking into the forest just off the road Sesshomaru let his back fall against a tree as he tried to relax only to have his attention dragged downwards. The easily noticeable tent in his pants stood as a monument to his frustration. Sighing he realized that he would need to address the issue. So he turned and faced the tree placing his arm against the trunk and his head against his forearm. With his free hand the demon lord released his member from it's silken cage letting it hang down and twitch with anticipation.
Taking hold of himself Sesshomaru let out a breath of relief as he drew his hand up and down his smooth length. The demon lord quickly realized how truly potent the poison mist was as he felt an unnatural pleasure seep under his skin with every slow and measured stroke. The demon lord's mind went blank as he jacked himself off focusing only on the obscene self-inflicted pleasure.
But just as Sesshomaru felt the beginnings of an orgasm creep it's way through him a voice ripped him from his private moment, "I know you're there! Show yourself."
Sesshomaru cursed under his breath as he hesitated to release his cock from his iron grip but did so out of necessity. Stuffing his still twitching member back in his pants Sesshomaru straightened himself out before marching towards the clearing. There had only been one oddly familiar voice and the wind carried only a single scent aside from the ever hanging taint of the mists.
With his hand on his hilt Sesshomaru revealed himself to the teenage girl standing on the road. The girl was clearly a demon with her pointed ears being a dead giveaway. Her red eyes matched the color of her lips which had been painted. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail with two strips dangling down on both sides of her face while also sporting pointed bangs that stopped just short of her eyebrows.
She wore a blue dress that had no sleeves and ended, quite suggestively, around her thighs. And she held in her hand a katana that had a slight demonic power which felt strange to the demon lord though it's aura was nowhere near as powerful as his own blade.
Sesshomaru quickly recognized the voice from earlier. This had been the girl that spoke to Miroku before he arrived.
Mujina spoke with her katana up and in a defensive position. "So you've finally crawled out of the shadows. I thought I sensed a powerful aura."
The demon lord scoffed irritated that he'd been interrupted and in no mood to deal with a lesser demon, "Run along girl. I have no time for you."
Mujina stared him down defiantly, "I don't know who you are but where did you get that sword?"
Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow, "That is no concern of yours. Leave, you are trying my patience."
The girl smirked, "I don't think so."
Deciding that a confrontation with the girl was inevitable Sesshomaru stepped down from the tree line and onto the road staring the girl down.
Mujina made no moves aside from tracking the demon lord. "I've been looking for powerful blades to help me kill the demon that slew my father and yours is practically glowing with demonic energy."
Sesshomaru narrowed his icy gaze at the girl. In truth he was less angry that he should have been what with being called out by some lesser demon. However his private efforts not moments ago still called to him. The demon lord simply counted his blessings in that his opponent hadn't noticed the outline in his pants. "This sword is my own. Leave or die."
Mujina dropped into a more aggressive stance inching towards him with her sword, "Not a chance."
Deciding to end the girl quickly so that he could return to his business Sesshomaru drew his blade and summoned his own well of power. However, he was immediately struck by how much his own energy had been depleted not only by the poison still coursing through his veins but also by the days he'd spent without any form of rest or reprieve. But Sesshomaru was a daiyokai and regardless of all this still had the power to destroy a legion of demons with a single swipe.
With a swing of his sword Sesshomaru let out a thundering blast that ripped across the ground scorching it beyond all recognition. But when the dust settled the sight before him filled Sesshomaru with dread. The teenage girl stood standing with her sword in hand. The blade swarmed with the energy from Sesshomaru's attack seeping into it until there was nothing left.
Taking stock of his situation Sesshomaru quickly attempted to follow up with another attack but found his sword strangely lacking it's innate demonic aura. Confused and even weaker now that when he began the demon lord looked up to find Mujina smirking at him.
Raising her sword Mujina swung letting out an impossibly similar but smaller blast of energy that, while less potent, enveloped Sesshomaru all the same.
Daiyokai as he may be in his weakened state Sesshomaru felt his armor dissolve in the blast as his clothes were torn and his body forced back to the tree line. He felt his spine connect with a tree as his durable form endured most of a blast that could have destroyed a small army. The only small comfort that he had in that moment was that his pelt-like tail had cushioned his impact allowing him to lay against it.
As the blast ended Sesshomaru struggled to stand and failed finding his injuries far more devastating that he'd anticipated. While his physical form was relatively unharmed he'd used every last drop of his demonic power to keep himself from being disintegrated rendering himself helpless.
Mujina stood still marveling at her sword, "All this power! So much better than last time..." Turning her attention to her opponent the teenage girl walked towards Sesshomaru standing over him and his tattered clothes. Sesshomaru's privates hung out loosely as the demon lord struggled to move against the tree. "By the way, I should have mentioned that I don't need your sword. I just need it's powers...So, not as arrogant now with your fancy clothes and your cocky attitude. How's it feel getting beat by a little girl?"
The demoness pressed her foot not too gently against Sesshomaru's sack and the base of Sesshomaru's cock in an assertive and dominant gesture. It was in this moment that Sesshomaru realized that in his drained state there was nothing stopping the poison still within him from asserting it's corrupting influence. As he felt the rough sensation of Mujina's bare foot against his crotch his manhood, in defiance of his will, slowly rose to the occasion much to the surprise and delight of his opponent.
The teenage demoness's laughter picked up as she watched Sesshomaru blush and his rod become erect, "No way! Don't tell me this is turning you on!" Mujina increased the pressure on him slightly which forced a small gasp from Sesshomaru, "Getting abused by little girls your thing? What a perverted little lord you are!"
Unable to move let alone fight back Sesshomaru watched as Mujina squatted down and took Sesshomaru's cock in her hand forcing his injured body to shiver.
"Is this what you want my Lord? For me to take you in hand and give you my innocent attention?" Mujina began slowly stroking him sending Sesshomaru's already inflamed libido into overdrive. With his efforts only minutes prior having already placed him on edge the teenage girl was quickly sending spiraling past his limit.
Sesshomaru attempted to bark out an order but could only manage a weak plea, "Stop..."
Mujina smiled, "Stop what? I'm just giving you what you so obviously want."
The demon lord tried again this time with more urgency, "Stop..."
The girl continued on tugging Seshomaru's cock to the side so she could get an clear look at him in his moment of weakness, "Can't take a little after battle foreplay?"
As if on que Sesshomaru's body convulsed sending waves of pleasure coursing through him and a long powerful line of his seed arcing through the air.
Mujina hesitated in surprise then laughed loudly, "You've got to be kidding me! I barely even touched you!"
Clenching the ground as his eyes closed while gritting his teeth in humiliation Sesshomaru felt every lance of cum that raced out of him all while the teenage girl laughed in his face.
As his orgasm finally died down Mujina clearly decided that torturing her defeated opponent would prove far more entertaining than simply ending his life. Sesshomaru looked on as Mujina stood, reached down to the bottom of her dress, and lifted it up revealing her womanhood to him, "Is this what you want you dirty little lord? Is this what get's you off?" Taking Sesshomaru's rod back in her hand Mujina pressed the spout of Sesshomaru's excessive forskin and cock head to her privates. "You want to be inside my tight body don't you. You can tell I'm old enough to know what I'm doing and young enough to grip you like a vice."
Sesshomaru sat in silence as the idea of being ridden by the clearly experienced teenage girl hardened him once more.
Mujina smirked as she rubbed Sesshomaru's cock with her tight lips before letting herself slink down over Sesshomaru running her womanhood across his length while denying him entrance. "I'll give you this. You're pretty big for being such a little pervert. I don't know if I can take you just yet." Biting her lip the girl began to thrust against Sesshomaru's cock riding it up and down slowly teasing him. "Tell you what, I think I can fit it in if you get me nice and wet."
The demon lord squirmed under the girl as she rode atop him putting pressure on his manhood while she gripped the top of his cock and played with the foreskin around it making sure that the most sensitive part of him received just as much attention as his length.
Sesshomaru wasn't sure if he was in heaven or in hell as the poison made his blood boil and his body experience every sensation as if for the first time. It wasn't long before Mujina found her rhythm staring down at the demon lord who could barely keep his composure.
Unfortunately for him as his rod suffered under Mujina's assault the demon lord's body proved unable to keep up with his younger partner. Eventually, just as he was beginning to feel the girl's womanhood begin to lubricate her gradual slides across him, the daiyokai's cock relented once again pumping cum out of him and into the air. The sound of his seed falling to the ground caused Sesshomaru to flinch as he quivered under his partner.
Mujina chuckled lightly, "Aw, and I was just about to let you in. Oh, well. If that's the best you can do it's not like you could have satisfied me with this thing anyway."
Removing herself from him as Sesshomaru's balls pumped out his essence the girl stood at his side and forced the demon lord's head to face her. As he opened his eyes he caught a full close up view of Mujina's glistening pussy.
"Let's see if your tongue is more effective than that useless lump you call a cock."
Forced forward by a petite hand on the back of his head Sesshomaru's mouth was pressed against Mujina's womanhood and immediately began to work even as his orgasm wallowed on it's last legs.
Sesshomaru used his tongue to the best of his ability in his current state which seemed to meet with the approval of his partner, "Oh...much better. That doggy tongue of yours actually seems to know what it's doing."
With his orgasm ended and the taste of his partner on his lips Sesshomaru closed his eyes in frustration as he felt his drooping cock begin to rise once more. With the teenage girl riding his face Sesshomaru could feel her tight walls grip around his tongue as he explored her cavern.
"That's it...get your big long tongue inside me. Yeah, keep that up and I'm gonna give you something special."
Taking the girl's hint Sesshomaru redoubled his efforts hoping that if he could at least make her cum then she might have mercy and leave him to his shame.
Gripping his head Mujina pressed Sesshomaru to her ever more tightly, "That's the spot right there. Oh, yeah. Are you ready?!"
Prepared for his partner's gush or at least a vicious convulsion Sesshomaru's mind stopped working as the sensation of his mouth filling to it's brim nearly tore his jaw apart. Sesshomaru felt fur all around him as something long and impossibly thick grew into his mouth only to began thrusting into it. Unable to move or push away Sesshomaru felt his face being fucked until his vision blurred.
Mercifully the intrusion ended before he passed out leaving him gasping with his tongue still hanging out. As his sight returned Sesshomaru saw standing before him a tall and extremely portly badger demon. It's brown fur and round stomach poked out of the demon's clothes which were now a pair of shorts and a vest that bore the same style as Mujina's dress. Looking down on him the badger demon laughed, "Hur hur hur! I fooled you good you girly little lordling!"
The haze in Sesshomaru's mind parted as he realized that Mujina had been a transformed badger demon all along. The idea of being tricked by such a lowly creature should have filled the demon lord with unbridled rage but instead he found the lingering taste of Mujina's juces mixing with that of the demon's cock irritatingly arousing. With that Sesshomaru looked down at the massive animal like cock that was pressing against the demon's overflowing stomach. Poking out of it's fleshy sheath was a long cock that nearly matched his own in length but far surpassed him in girth. Below the semi-erect mass were a pair of hairy balls that were at least twice the size of Sesshomaru's. The demon lord's cock jumped in anticipation hoping against the wishes of it's master for a closer inspection of the badger demon.
"I've been playing that con for years but I've never caught a fancy little demon like you before. What's the matter? Ain't got nothing to say?" Mujina looked down and smiled as he saw Sesshomaru's still erect rod pointing towards the sky. Gripping the tip of Sesshomaru with one hand and letting a portly furry finger enter Sesshomaru's spout like foreskin the badger chuckled when he saw Sesshomaru flinch. "Oh, I get it. You're still stiff as a statue because you like what you see."
Moving back up to Sesshomaru's face the badger demon placed his cock just out of reach of Sesshomaru's tounge watching the demon lord's eyes follow it's mass intently.
"Guess we found something you like even more than little girls playing with your bits. Well, if you liked the taste I gave you then you're gonna love the main course!" With that Mujina pressed his badger-like cock into Sesshomaru's mouth parting it, though significantly less painfully this time.
Sesshomaru felt his cock begin to jump in place as the thick mass of flesh made it's way through his mouth and begin to travel down his open throat. The demon lord shivered as the badger demon's portly stomach was pressed against his face and eventually found residence in a furry fold of flesh blocking his vision. Mujina's heavy balls soon rested against Sesshomaru's chin, throat, and the top of his chest as the demon's cock began to pound into him causing slapping the furry orbs against him.
"Hur hur! How do you like the taste of my thick cock! Yeah, you like that don't you! You think I can't see that puny dick of yours jumping around like a puppy? I'm gonna face fuck the cum right out of those little balls!"
Sitting against his tree unable to think or move Sesshomaru was slowly dominated by the overweight demon until, by either lack of air or by the daiyokai's corrupted libido, the lowly demon did exactly as he had promised. Sesshomaru's cock twitched as it blew it's third load into the air falling squarely on his chest and stomach with a repetitive loud and wet thud.
Mujina laughed as he deepthroated the demon lord allowing Sesshomaru to squirm and suck on the badger's cock while his own betrayed him. "Yeah, suck on it you wimp. Get a taste for it while you paint yourself!"
Finally removing himself from Sesshomaru's face the demon lord's visage was one that he had never worn. Barely conscious with his eyes rolled up and his tongue out the demon lord drooled as he panted trying to catch his breath.
"Normally I'd just leave ya there but seeing as how making ya blow yer load is so fun let's see just how much cum you've got left in ya." Bending down to pick up the demon lord Sesshomaru was bent over with his cheek pressed to his pelt. Though he was on his knees he was too weak to remain upright making it so that the only thing holding him up was the badger demon behind him who had a firm grip on his waist. Weakly clawing at the tree in front of him Sesshomaru tried to say something but couldn't find the words. Mujina however seemed quite talkative, "Get ready little lordling cus I'm gonna fuck you till there ain't nothing left."
Feeling the badger's girth press up against him Sesshomaru did is pest to prepare but soon found his wits failing him as the thick wet mass split him apart. Gasping in both pain and pleasure Sesshomaru endured his slow penetration until he was almost certain he heard the entirety of Mujina's cock pop into him. Sesshomaru's sack tickled as Mujina's larger balls pressed against them while the badger's gut flowed over the small of the demon lord's back and rear.
As Mujina's thrusts began the demon lord felt everything that was Lord Sesshomaru being fucked out of him. All his vaunted pride, strength, and dignity were crushed by a thick animal-like cock. Naraku's poison jumped at it's opening and began to eat away at Sesshomaru's mind turning him from the daiyokai of the western lands to little more than a fuck doll designed only to feel pleasure.
Nearing a new orgasm the last of Sesshomaru attempted to speak out giving one final plea for respite, "Please...stop..."
Mujina, surprisingly, did for a moment before booming back to the defeated daiyokai and thrusting with renewed vigor, "Stop? You think you're gonna give me orders you little twink? I'm the one calling the shots around here and you're the one with my dick up his ass. Here's an order, I order you to let that dangling little meat stick under you show me how much you love my big fat cock!"
Within moments Sesshomaru obeyed the badger's command letting loose another orgasm as Mujina's thrusts encouraged line after line of cum out of the demon lord. It was at this point that Sesshomaru began to lose track of time. Soon all he could understand was the pleasure that Mujina's cock brought him.
Sesshomaru lost count of his orgasms as he clutched the fur under him. The demon lord's face was warped into a dumb smile as he lost control of his inhibitions. His body could do nothing but endure, moan, and answer the simple questions that his partner asked much to Mujina's amusement. "You love my fat cock don't you?"
"That high class little cock of yours loves it when you take it up the ass doesn't it?"
"You've been waiting your whole life for someone like me to fuck you out of your mind haven't you?"
"Are you gonna be a good little twink and think of my big strong cock and balls every night before you go to bed?"
"Who does that fancy sword belong to?"
"That's right. Who's my pretty little lordling who can't hold his load?"
"I am..."
"Is your little twink cock gonna show me how much you love getting bent over?"
"Good. Then. Take. It. All!" Mujina's words were each punctuated by deep powerful thrusts that shook Sesshomaru's body and forced the last of his seed from him. Sesshomaru moaned happily into his tail as he savored the last few thrusts from his partner.
Sesshomaru weakly gasped as the badger demon withdrew his meat stick leaving Sesshomaru's rear in the air puckering as it tried to fill the void Mujina had left all while the demon lord's cock dribbled out under him.
With a forceful motion Mujina flipped Sesshomaru onto his back once more letting the demon lord sink into his pelt while his drooping cock fell between his legs.
The badger took a step back and withdrew a small wooden container tipping it back as he drank some of it's contents only to pour the rest over him to cool himself down and wash away some of his sweat. The last of the water was poured over his cock cleansing it before the container was discarded. "Now that hit's the spot. Hoped you enjoyed yourself you little twink cus I've had better ass from villagers. At least they could hold off for a bit. But I sure did like fucking that stupid grin onto your face. I guess it's a good thing I kept having to stop so you could bust a nut. Otherwise I wouldn't have lasted so long."
Striding towards him once more with his hand on his cock Mujina stopped in front of Sesshomaru's face.
"Now, let's pound these last few nails into the coffin you'll be keeping your pride in! Hur hur hur!"
Mujina laughed as his giant cock began to slap Sesshomaru's face. The demon lord grinned with his tongue out and his eyes rolled up as the mass of flesh pelted him again and again causing loud wet thuds to echo in his ears.
"Time to finish this off. Let me show you how a real man shoots his load!"
The badger demon's blows halted just before he shoved himself once more into Sesshomaru's mouth violently face fucking the daiyokai as the demon lord's cock tried and failed to revive itself among his partner's continuing efforts.
With a throat full of cock and a face full of fat fur Sesshomaru heard the badger demon moan while hot seed blasted inside him filling his stomach to the brim until the force of Mujina's stream popped his own cock out of Sesshomaru and began spraying thick globs of cum over him. The badger's massive balls pumped line after line into his face coating him and flooding down his body like a waterfall. By the time Mujina was done Sesshomaru was completely painted white with badger cum still grinning and unable to move.
Chuckling as he packed his cock back into his pants Mujina picked up Sesshomaru sword and began to walk away, "I may not need this useless lump of steel but I bet it'll pay for a meal or two. Hur hur. Have fun finding someone who can fuck you like I did you pathetic little twink!"
Completely and totally beaten and broken Sesshomaru sat still for hours watching as Naraku's mist eventually began to drift out from the forest and across the road. Breathing in the poisonous air once more it wasn't long before the only part of the demon lord that could move began to rise once more.
After hours of what could hardly be called rest Sesshomaru's cock stood tall until the poison mist finally did it's job.
Sesshomaru's cock twitched and shot an unprovoked load into the air before weakly drooping back down only to repeat the process over and over.
The demon lord's body was found days later in the same spot on that lonely road. Still covered in dried badger seed and with his limp cock draped over his thigh Sesshomaru grinned from ear to ear frozen at the time of his demise. The Great Lord Sesshomaru had cum himself to death alone and defeated.
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