Taisho Promise | By : SesshouLover2010 Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female > Sessh?maru/Kagome > Sessh?maru/Kagome Views: 14760 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
They walked in silence for a few minutes before Miroku frowned and looked over at Kagome.
“I hear Naraku asked you to the prom and you accepted.” Miroku said.
Kagome shrugged, “Sure, why not? He’s the only one to ever ask me to go anywhere.”
“You shouldn’t accept the date because he asked.” Sango said softly. “How do you know he isn’t going to try something?”
Kagome stopped and turned toward her friend, throwing her arms wide. “Sango, look at me! Do I look like date material to you?”
“You are a beautiful young woman.” Miroku stated in all seriousness. “To be honest, if I were not with Sango and knew you as I do now I would have asked you to be my escort.”
“But you’re with Sango and you probably wouldn’t have known me.” Kagome informed him, dropping her arms to her sides. “I’m starting to have second thoughts about saying yes to Naraku but it would be nice to show up with someone.”
“So you’re not going to cash in on Inu Yasha’s promise?” Sango asked.
Kagome shook her head. “No.”
“That’s why you accepted wasn’t it?” Sango demanded putting the pieces together.
Kagome sighed, “That’s part of the reason. The other is it felt good to have someone ask me. I was beginning to think I would end up going stag and embarrass myself when I tried to get Inu Yasha to keep his promise.”
“He wouldn’t have broken it.” Miroku stated. “Regardless of how distant the two of you have become, his honor wouldn’t allow him to break it. Remember, Kouga and Ayame were there when Inu Yasha made it so he would have no choice if it came down to it. Plus he put his family name on the line; if he broke it Inu Taisho would probably skin him alive.”
Kagome started walking again, “I’m still glad I don’t have to put him in that position. I have a date so I’m releasing Inu Yasha from his promise…today.”
Sango and Miroku looked at each other with worried expressions. This was not going to be pretty.
The school courtyard was bustling with activity making Sesshoumaru snort quietly in distaste. He’d received word from Sango of Naraku’s invitation to Kagome. For some reason the knowledge didn’t settle with him. He knew of Naraku’s past through his intensive investigation of the hanyou. He’d pulled Naraku’s sister Kanna aside and determined what was true and what was false.
His stomach still churned because of the conversation. At their last school Naraku had taken a young girl and violated her in every way. The poor girl was so distraught she’d become mute and hadn’t said a word in over a year. She had locked herself away in her room and, after a few weeks of the parents trying to care for her, she’d been locked away in an asylum. Word had it the girl was on permanent lockdown, straight jacket and all after trying to kill herself.
Sesshoumaru scoured the halls, making a point to ignore his hanyou brother and his group of air heads. The only two out of the group that seemed to possess any intelligence were Kouga and Ayame but that was because of their upbringing. Sesshoumaru had met Ayame’s ji-chan more than once and respected the old ookami. Despite his advanced age, he was most knowledgeable among the youkai alive in these modern times. Even his father, Inu Taisho, had taken to requesting advice from the elder more than once.
Kouga was the prince of his clan and set to claim leadership of it. He had been brought up learning all the old customs and carried them out with honor. Also, despite the boisterous attitude of the ookami prince, Kouga had more manners in his little toe than Inu Yasha possessed in his whole body.
Sesshoumaru frowned when he came back to the front doors after not finding a sign of Naraku. Since finding out about the girl at their last school and the prom invitation Sesshoumaru had began to feel the stirrings of concern. He’d never felt this way before but he’d taken Kagome under his protection and thus felt the need to look after her. Glancing out the front door, he narrowed his golden eyes when he saw Kagome walk up with Sango and Miroku only to be approached by Naraku. Pushing the doors open with little regard on who was standing on the other side of them, he stalked toward the four with all intentions of pulling Kagome away. His stride faltered however when Naraku offered his arm to Kagome and she accepted it. His youkai hearing could hear Sango trying to talk Kagome out of it saying they needed to get to class. Kagome shook her head and said she’d be okay before walking off with Naraku.
Miroku looked in his direction and Sesshoumaru could see the genuine concern. As far as Sesshoumaru was concerned it was well place. Without another word he silently followed Kagome around the side of the school building.
Kagome walked beside Naraku, a slight blush tinting her cheeks. This was a first for her, walking with a guy who actually didn’t seem to grimace at the idea of her company.
“What did you want to talk about?” Kagome asked when they reached the high school stadium entrance.
Naraku shrugged and smiled down at her, “I figured you would want to talk about our evening in detail.”
Kagome finally looked up at him, her blue eyes sparkling. “So you weren’t joking when you asked?”
Naraku frowned, “I believed we had already put that ridiculous fear of yours to rest. Perhaps I was wrong?”
“I’m sorry; I’m just not used to being asked out on a date or anything. I mean, here it is my senior year and I’ve never been out with a guy.” Kagome admitted.
Naraku placed an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to his side. “Then perhaps we should rectify that.”
Kagome frowned, “You mean go out before prom?”
“Of course, that is what couples do.” Naraku said, his smooth voice working overtime on Kagome’s tattered feelings.
Said young woman couldn’t help but respond to it. “What do you suggest; something after school maybe?”
Naraku had been walking with Kagome against his side and she hadn’t been paying attention to where they were going. When she did look around, she stopped and stared around wide eyed.
“When did we leave the school?” Kagome whispered, looking a bit scared.
“We’re skipping school.” Naraku stated as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
“What?” Kagome shrieked, stepping away from him. “I can’t skip school, I need to graduate and everything covered this week is going to be on finals.”
Naraku sighed and looked away. “Perhaps I was wrong and you really do not wish to accompany me.”
“No, no,” Kagome said quickly. “I do want to go but I need to pass so I can graduate.”
“Isn’t Sesshoumaru Taisho tutoring you at the moment?” Naraku inquired, quirking an eyebrow.
Kagome sighed, “Yes and I’m grateful to him for it. That’s another reason I need to go to class. If he thinks I’m skipping knowing that I’m on the verge of failing he won’t want to continue.”
Naraku shook his head and started walking away, “If that is what you wish. I will return you to the school.”
Kagome followed after him, almost running to catch up. “You’re not mad at me are you?”
Naraku inwardly smirked, she was his. “No I am not mad Kagome, just disappointed.”
Kagome sighed and looked down at her feet. “I’m sorry. I just can’t afford to miss any classes. Maybe we can do something after my session with Sesshoumaru.”
Naraku cocked his head to the side in thought. “Very well.” He took a piece of paper out of his shoulder bag and quickly wrote something down before handing it to her. “I will be awaiting your call tonight.”
Kagome looked down at the paper, her heart swelling a bit when she saw it was his phone number. Ripping the paper in half, she took out her pen and wrote her number down before handing it over to him. “Here’s my number too. If something comes up that you can’t make it just call me.”
Naraku carefully folded the paper and smiled at her stealing her breath away. “I will my Lady.”
They reached the back gate to the school and walked through. Kagome gave him a quick goodbye and was about to rush off when Naraku grabbed her by the wrist. She let out an ‘eep’ when he pulled her against him. Her face went up in flames when he lowered his head to hers.
“Perhaps a kiss to seal your promise to call?” he asked softly.
Kagome’s eyes went wide and she swallowed. Her body started shaking and her stomach flip flopped. It suddenly became harder to breathe when Naraku softly pressed his lips to hers. Tears of happiness burned her eyes; he liked her, he had to because he was kissing her.
A loud growl shattered the silence and she was pulled away from Naraku’s embrace. In her shock, it didn’t register right away that it was Sesshoumaru standing next to her. The only thing on her mind was her first kiss had been interrupted.
“You will keep your distance from her hanyou.” Sesshoumaru growled, unknowingly squeezing Kagome’s arm tighter.
“It is not your place to speak for the girl.” Naraku said in a bored voice. “She seemed to be enjoying herself.”
Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes, “I will speak for her as she is not fully aware of your capabilities. Ones past does have a tendency to catch up with them.”
Naraku returned Sesshoumaru’s glare with one of his own. How had this youkai snob learned of his past?
“Let me go Sesshoumaru!” Kagome yelled making both males wince. “You’re hurting me.”
Sesshoumaru immediately released her while never taking his eyes from Naraku.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” she demanded. “He’s my prom date and if I want to kiss him then I will. I’ve agreed to your rules concerning having someone walk or drive me to school and keep me company in the halls but I draw the line when it comes to my personal life. You’re not my boyfriend and you’re barely a friend. I might like you but that gives you no right to dictate my every move.”
Naraku chose this moment to slip away while Kagome was yelling at Sesshoumaru. The inu youkai did notice and took the opportunity to lay all cards on the table.
“I do not have to explain my actions ningen.” Sesshoumaru said in a voice that had sent more than one running for cover. “However, perhaps because of your ningen emotions you are going to be difficult and refuse to hear what information I possess.”
Kagome’s temper rose in retaliation. “You’re right Sesshoumaru; I don’t want to know how you think Naraku isn’t worth my time. What I want to hear is an apology for interrupting my very first kiss.”
Sesshoumaru snorted and looked away, “I will not apologize for anything so ludicrous. It will not be your last.”
Tears formed in Kagome’s eyes and she blinked to keep them from falling. “But you don’t understand!” She whispered, the tears refusing to cooperate and falling despite her best efforts. “No one’s ever kissed me before. For once I felt pretty; someone wanted me enough to do something like that. If that’s ludicrous then just label me foolish and chalk it up to my ningen emotions that you youkai are so fond of reminding us of.”
Sesshoumaru was surprised at her words but it didn’t show in his face, which remained cold in its expression.
“People like you and Naraku can have anyone you want.” Kagome continued while sniffling. “All you have to do is smile or even look at someone and they melt into a puddle. I’ll never get that reaction out of someone. Unlike you I’m not beautiful and I can’t have anyone I want; I can’t be picky.”
Sesshoumaru glared at her, “So the first one that kisses you is automatically in love with you? It is no wonder you are close to failing your classes and not graduating possessing stupidity like that.”
Kagome stared at him in shock before sobbing and running out the very gate Naraku had taken her through earlier. Sesshoumaru watched her go, for once in his life feeling regret for his harsh words. The class bell rang and he sighed in resignation. It was too late to attend now so he chose his only course of action; he followed Kagome.
Inu Yasha came out of his hiding place behind the landscaper’s shed close to the gate and frowned. He’d been a very reluctant witness to the events. Kikyou had decided to skip school and he’d gotten her call on his cell phone after getting to school hence his hiding place till the class bell rang. His breakfast had come close to reappearing when he saw Naraku kiss Kagome.
Why the hell did he care anyway? He and Kagome had been friends once but that was a long time ago. He didn’t really give a rat’s ass about her but at the same time he didn’t want her to end up with someone like Naraku. Shrugging his shoulders, he readjusted the growing bulge in his pants he’d had since Kikyou’s call. Skipping school to go to her house always meant hot sex and he was game for a good fuck. She’d even described the negligee she was wearing making things worse for him.
Putting the picture of Naraku and Kagome to the back of his mind, he raced down the street toward Kikyou’s house.
Naraku trapped Kagura in the girl’s bathroom as she was about to leave for her first class.
“Naraku, what the hell are you doing in here?” Kagura demanded. “Get out!”
Naraku strode up and struck her across the face, knocking her to the floor. “How did Sesshoumaru find out?”
“Find out what?” Kagura asked fearfully, inching across the floor away from him.
“He knows of my past.” Naraku hissed. “Did you squeal like the pig you are?”
Naraku hit her again making Kagura cry out.
“Naraku, I swear, I didn’t say anything.” Kagura whimpered.
“Then how did he gain such knowledge?” Naraku inquired, his voice growing colder and harder. “If you did not tell him then perhaps you told someone else.”
“I swear Naraku, I didn’t tell anyone.” Kagura exclaimed tearfully.
“Then I will give you incentive to keep your silence.” Naraku stated, raising his fist once more.
Kagura tried to hold in her pained cries while Naraku continued to punch her in the face repeatedly. By the time he was done Kagura’s face it was black, blue and bloody. He walked over to the sink, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the scent of the soap but it was better than the scent of Kagura’s blood. Drying his hands with one of the cheap paper towels, he tossed it in the trash and walked out leaving Kagura on the floor whimpering in pain.
Kagura lay on the floor for most of the first class before finally finding the courage to move. Standing up, she looked at her face and almost started crying again. There was no way she would be able to continue the rest of the day. Slipping out of the bathroom, the wind youkai silently made her way to the entrance of the school. Once outside, she took off running at top speed. She racked her brain trying to figure out where to go. She couldn’t go home as her sister would wonder what happened and she couldn’t let Kanna face Naraku alone.
Suddenly she stopped and looked around trying to get her bearings. Taking a deep breath, she decided to go to the one place besides Kagome’s she’d always been welcome. Her feet started moving with a mind of their own, finding the familiar way using the back streets to a small herbal shop on the outskirts of her neighborhood. Slipping in the back door, she walked through the familiar storeroom and peeked through the curtain leading into the main body of the shop.
An older, rather heavy set woman sat on a stool behind the counter preparing some herbs to dry out. Kagura knocked softly on the panel beside the curtain and stood back a bit so the woman wouldn’t see her right away. She heard a soft grunt and the shuffling of feet. The old woman stepped behind the curtain, her one good eye widening at the damage to the wind youkai’s face.
“I see Naraku has once more attacked ye.”
Kagura shivered, “I’m sorry Kaede, I didn’t know where else to go.”
“It’s all right child. Let me get some healing herbs and ye can tell me what prompted him to attack you.”
Kagura smiled as well as she could and sighed in relief. Though it was short lived Kagura knew for now she was safe.
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