This is Gonna be Fun (uncensored) | By : szaugg Category: InuYasha > General Views: 38424 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha, the
characters, or anything else involving that cool series. And wouldn’t it
be neat if I made any money on it, as opposed to the nada I actually do make at
the moment.
A/N Oh wow…thank you so much for the
reviews. I know I write what makes me laugh, but it’s nice to know
that others are actually getting a kick out of this too!
Figured I’d take this moment to let ya’ll
know that while I haven’t finished the story, so far I’ve already got 20
chapters written…so it’ll be going on for a bit (hopefully that’s a good
thing!). I doubt it’ll progress much beyond the 20, but, well…I didn’t
think this sucker was going to be more than 4 or 5 chapters when I started it,
either, so who knows.
Enjoy! Hope this one makes you snort
soda out your nose onto the keyboard…or was that supposed to be one of the
warnings now? (thanks kookookitty) Anyway…
CHAPTER 9: The Best Laid Plans of Foxes
and Men
By the end of the school day, Kagome had
realized 3 things.
1) Inuyasha was an insensitive idiot who
rarely thought before he spoke.
2) She’d known that forever and thinking
that he’d suddenly change made her an idiot.
3) If he’d really thought any of the
things she’d accused him of, he would have said something about it a long time
ago because, well, refer back to point #1.
So as she walked into the school yard
after classes ended, she was well past being angry anymore. Seeing him waiting
for her, back in his red robes with the white kimono underneath, baseball cap
firmly in place, she shook her head. He just looked so ridiculous stalking
towards her in that mismatched get up, glaring at every boy he passed on the
way, that she had to giggle. As she suddenly noticed her friends
converging on her position, however, the urge to laugh faded and she grimaced.
She’d managed to avoid being cornered by them all day so far, but now…time to
face the music.
Inuyasha, who’d stepped up the pace once
he saw her, arrived first. He stared at her with shadowed eyes, hovering on the
edge between worry and annoyance about the next few minutes. Poor Inuyasha,
sometimes she forgot just how…fragile…he could be, in spite of his tough
attitude. He’d had so little softness in his life, no wonder he was worried. He
probably thought what friendship they had might disappear if they got too angry
with each other. She stepped forward and took his hand with a smile.
“I’m sorry, Inuyasha.”
“Uh, you are?” his surprised look had her
smile a little wider.
“Yeah. I shouldn’t have pushed you into doing
something you were uncomfortable with. I know I’d hate it if you’d tried
something like that with me. Especially when it’s something you viewed as,
well, indecent and all…”
“EEEEK!” a squeal in triple stereo behind
her had her turning around quickly. Three sets of eyes stared at her in shock
and she was roughly yanked into a circle of ‘friends.’ Interrogation was
“Indecent? What have you been doing
with this guy, Kagome?!” Eri asked
“Yeah, what kind of relationship do you
two have, anyway?” Yuka glanced back and forth between Inuyasha and Kagome
“Does he have a brother?” asked Ayumi
Kagome pressed her hands to her hot cheeks
and struggled to find something to say. “It’s-it’s not like that!
We’re not even dating!“
They all looked at her as though that made
it even worse.
“Wait, if he’s not your boyfriend…is this
the guy who asked you to have his baby???” Eri looked over at Inuyasha in
gleeful horror.
“Oooooh, I bet he is! With that long
hair and those old fashioned clothes, trying to look all mysterious. I
bet he’s a total hentai!” Yuka concluded as she and Eri nodded to each other in
perfect accord.
“But he’s still kinda cute.” Ayumi mumbled
under her breath.
Inuyasha’s patience ran out at that point
and he shoved Yuka and Eri aside, grabbing Kagome’s hand. “Will you vultures
shut up already? Kagome has to get home and she doesn’t need all this
shit from you. Crap, you’d think you could just mind your own damn business or
something!” He pulled Kagome away from the annoying, yapping women and turned
to go. They stared after them with identical expressions of offended
surprise, but at least this time they didn’t follow them out.
“Shit, Kagome, is everyone in your time an
idiot or somethin’?” he said as he started dragging her off the school grounds.
“I mean, I knew I was going to have to look out for all these damn boys, but I
didn’t know the girls would be assholes too!“
“I- they’re not! They’re just, well,
looking out for me.”
…in their own annoying way, admittedly, but still…
“Looking out for you? Looking out
for something to accuse you of, is what it looks like.” Dammit, here they went
again. Kagome always thought people were better than they really
were. How the hell did she survive on her own this long?! Man, protecting
her at school was really going to be a chore if she never figured out just how
nasty people could really be.
“Inuyasha! That’s not fair; they’re
not like that!”
“Feh, like I believe that. They just
better not pull any of that sort of shit with you while I’m around or they’ll
regret it.” He muttered, and continued the walk back to the shrine, still
holding her hand.
Kagome rolled her eyes and let the subject
drop. It just wasn’t worth arguing over, and it wasn’t like he’d really
doing anything to her friends anyway. Probably.
As they walked, Kagome found herself
periodically glancing down at where their hands met. She couldn’t stop herself.
Why was it that she could cook for him, spend all day with him, sleep near
him…heck, even spend some of the day riding around on his back…and it was no
problem? But right now, the warmth of his hand holding hers made her completely
self-conscious? She couldn’t take her mind of the feel of his skin, the slight
roughness of his calloused hand as it rubbed against her own.
Jeez, girl, you are seriously nuts, she
thought to herself. How can you want to kill him in the morning and get all
gooey inside by the afternoon? It’s ridiculous! Get a grip, Kagome!
To her chagrin, Inuyasha was oblivious.
“Hey, Kagome, do you think you could have everything ready to leave by
tonight?” he asked.
“Uh, sure. Why?”
“We haven’t looked for a jewel shard in
ages. We’ll do better on an early start if we go back tonight.”
“Oh. Okay, sure. That sounds fine.” She
mumbled, sighing. Why did she keep hoping he felt something more for her?
How pathetic. “Just fine.”
The next morning, just as the sun made its
way over the horizon, Kagome and Sango watched Inuyasha pace impatiently on the
road out of the village, while Shippou and Kirara simply lounged on the ground,
half asleep again.
“Miroku!” Inuyasha yelled, “What the hell
is taking so long? Everyone else is waiting for you, you idiot Houshi, get your
ass moving and let’s go!”
He flinched and looked next to him into
Kagome’s brown eyed glare. “What?”
“You don’t have to be so rude, you know.”
She said, yawning.
“Well…he doesn’t have to be so damn slow!
What the hell is he doing in there anyway, laying eggs? He and Kaede-sama are
taking forever.”
“Actually, I’m not really sure…” Kagome
said slowly.
“Herbs!” Sango blurted out.
“Yeah, herbs…he needs lots of herbs.”
Shippou echoed.
Inuyasha and Kagome exchanged glances and
Kagome shrugged. “She does have a lot of herbal remedies, I guess.” Kagome
said. She jumped when Inuyasha yelled again.
“It’s about damn time, Miroku! Come on!
Hurry it up!”
Miroku, finally visible in front of
Kaede’s, ignored him as he bowed low at the shadowed entrance and then strolled
away from Kaede’s hut towards Inuyasha.
“Calm yourself, Inuyasha. A small pause
before we start the journey will not affect our search for the shards, now will
it?” Miroku asked reasonably as he neared them.
“It could.” Inuyasha muttered childishly
as he glared at him. Miroku ducked his head to stifle a chuckle, and then slid
his gaze to Shippou briefly.
“You must think we’re all stupid,
Inuyasha.” Shippou said as soon as he caught Miroku’s glance. “Admit it, you
just want a chance to carry Kagome around.” Inuyasha’s head swung around like a
dog going on point and his eyes narrowed as quickly as his cheeks turned red.
“What did you say, runt?”
Shippou poofed into a clone of Inuyasha
with the addition of a small foxtail. Inuyasha II clasped his hands against his
chest dramatically and started speaking in a high, falsetto voice. “Oh, Kagome,
if only I could carry you around on my back all day long.” He sighed longingly.
“All I want to do is feel your lovely body close to me and…”
“Why you little pervert! You are dead,
brat!” Inuyasha roared as he leapt after Shippou, who had wisely started to run
down the trail as soon as Inuyasha started yelling.
Kagome stared after them with her mouth
open, but oddly enough, Sango was ignoring them completely and had raised an
eyebrow at the nearby Miroku. ‘Lovely body?’ she mouthed at him silently, and
he grinned rather sheepishly and shrugged.
“It was effective, wasn’t it?” he
whispered quietly to her, and she rolled her eyes.
“Stop corrupting him, you Hentai.” She
admonished softly, and then raised her voice to call to Kagome. “I’ll go after
them, Kagome. “ Kagome nodded briefly, still rather confused.
Miroku watched Sango as she leapt onto
Kirara and they took off. He rubbed a finger over his lips speculatively
as he stared after her. Ever since he’d caressed Sango during Inuyasha and
Kagome’s spat, he couldn’t get the feel of her off his mind. Memories of
that brief span of time were putting rather graphic thoughts into his head at
the most unexpected moments. And now, ever since that pre-dawn discussion
with Inuyasha, he’d been…distracted. Thinking of Sango with other men had
been vividly unpleasant, to say the least.
At the same time, he couldn’t imagine such
a vibrant woman as Sango living out the rest of her life alone. However,
the only alternative to an unknown husband or life-long solitude was one that
he was a little leery of embracing. Contemplating that level of
commitment, with so much uncertainty in his life, was more than he was willing
to do just yet. But still… He rubbed his finger over his lips again,
thinking of her body once more.
I wonder what Sango tastes like?
“Uh, Miroku, shouldn’t we be following?”
Kagome interrupted his thoughts.
Flushing, he looked over at her and
smiled, trying to cover his surprise. “Oh, of course, of course. Before I
forget, though, I…have something that Kaede-sama asked me to give to you.”
“Really? She didn’t mention it earlier.”
He smiled brightly, still trying to regain
his equilibrium. To be caught fantasizing like that... “I believe she’d
forgotten. Here,” he reached into the neck of his robes and pulled out a small
bundle of red silk, no bigger than a yen piece, tied with a thin blue silk
cord. “This can help strengthen your abilities against certain types of
Kagome looked at the bundle curiously.
“Really? What is it?” She asked, starting to untie the cord.
“Careful, please.” said Miroku, “Do not
touch the contents, Kagome-sama.” She stopped unwinding the cord immediately.
“What’s wrong? Is it a spell?”
He waved his hands genially as he exhaled.
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s simply an herb from the mainland that has
special properties. But it’s also quite deadly. I would hate for you to get any
of it on your hands and accidentally ingest it later.“ he glanced up
nonchalantly, reassuring himself that Inuyasha was still out of sight. “You’re
welcome to open it if you like, just be careful, please.”
She nodded and slowly unwrapped the bundle
to find a small sprig of dried purple flowers. “How pretty.” She said, wrapping
them back up after a brief look. “What is it called?”
“Monkshood…I believe Kaede-sama thought
the name made me the appropriate bearer of the gift.” He said wryly, and she
“Well, I guess that’s a good name for
something that works against demons, too.”
“Quite definitely.” He gestured to the
bundle as she finished tying the blue cord around it. “I understand you may
have to wear it close to your body for a few days for the full effects to be
felt, so now might be the best moment to try it on. Hopefully, it can be at
full strength if we encounter any dangerous situations.”
She looked at him curiously while putting
a loop of the cord around her neck. “If you say so.” She said, tucking it under
the collar of her shirt.
Miroku glanced down the road again and
added, “I’d also appreciate it if you told any –interested parties- that this
was from Kaede-sama and let my name remain unmentioned for the moment.”
“Huh? Why?”
Miroku smiled. “Considering how things
turned out the last time Inuyasha saw a man giving you gifts, I think
it might be best not to test his limits, even if I am simply passing along
another’s offerings.”
“Aaaah, forgot about that for a moment.”
She glanced along the road as well before nodding. “From Kaede, definitely.”
“Thank you, Kagome-sama. You’re
graciousness is appreciated.” He said gallantly, and she smiled. Sometimes she
really wished Inuyasha would be a little more like Miroku, at least when it
came to manners. The roaming hands she could do without, but no one could
ever deny that Miroku could be as smooth as silk when he wanted to be.
“Shall we catch up to the others?” he
said, starting down the path.
“Sure, sure. Of course.” She said quickly,
and followed behind. Maybe I should ask him give Inuyasha some lessons,
she speculated.
Inuyasha’s temper had blown over quickly,
as usual, but Sango and Shippou stayed on Kirara for the entire day, just as a
precaution. Unfortunately, Shippou’s stupid stunt had made Inuyasha so
self-conscious that he’d studiously avoided Kagome for most of the trip. Since
she hadn’t brought her bicycle this time around, that meant she was stuck
walking or riding Kirara. And since Kirara was up in the air keeping Shippou
out of harms way, that left…walking. Kagome’s feet were killing her! To top it
all off, having to walk made their pace so slow that they hadn’t been able to
make it to the next village. They had to rough it in the woods for the night.
With aching feet and a cold, hard bed to
look forward to, Kagome’s temper was completely frayed. She slumped on the
ground against a fallen tree and looked at Shippou as he scampered around the
camp. If not for his ridiculous mimicry…maybe I should let Inuyasha smack
Shippou around more often, if he’s making comments like that about me, anyway,
she thought grumpily.
As always, when this was put to the test
not more than 15 minutes later, Kagome couldn’t let him get pounded. She
sighed, watching as Inuyasha started to chase the kitsune around the campsite.
If Shippou had been a little older, she might be tempted to let him have it,
but as it was….
Inuyasha had just about grabbed Shippou
when he felt a small thump in the back of his head. “Wha-?” he stopped and
turned, rearing back as a stone whizzed through the air and missed his face by
“Oops, sorry Inuyasha.” Said Kagome
casually. “I didn’t think you’d turn around after that first one.”
“Did you just throw a rock at me?” he
asked, instantly transferring his irritation from Shippou to Kagome.
“What the hell for?”
Kagome rolled her eyes and didn’t even
bother to get up from her sitting position. “I want you to leave Shippou
“So what! That doesn’t mean you should
throw rocks at me!”
“Well, I can’t sit you anymore, can I? And
it’s not like you’d listen if I asked you to stop.”
“You could at least try it first before
pelting me with pebbles, you idiot! OW!” he cried out as another rock flew in
and smacked him in the nose.
“Oops.” Kagome said insincerely, glaring
at him. “Sorry, it slipped. Guess it’s a good thing you’re a hanyou and it
doesn’t hurt, huh?”
“Why you little…” Inuyasha growled, and
started towards her.
Miroku broke in, “Excuse me, Inuyasha, but
you may want to…”
“Stay out of this, Houshi!” Inuyasha said,
“This is between Kagome and me. That goes for you too!” he said, glaring
quickly at Sango, who blinked at him in surprise. ”Don’t even think about
pulling the same Kirara trick you pulled this morning.” He turned back to
Kagome, who was now standing and looking just the smallest bit nervous.
“What are you doing, Inuyasha?” she asked
warily, trying to sound in control.
“I’ve had about enough of this shit,
Kagome.” He said angrily, stalking closer.
“Enough of what?” she asked. What
was he going to do? He wasn’t going to start grabbing her again, was he?
“You! You insult me, you slap me, you kick
me, you give me orders as though I’m an idiot, you even tried to take off my
“Eh, what was that?’ interrupted Miroku,
his ears perking up until Sango smacked him.
Inuyasha ignored him, “…and now you don’t
even bother talking to me at all, you just start throwing shit at me! “
Kagome hmphed, anger coming to her rescue.
“What the heck am I supposed to do?! Violence is the only thing that ever
sticks in that stupid hard head of yours! Whenever I actually try to talk
Inuyasha was now inches away from her and
they glared at each other. “Well, maybe if you started talking to me now, I’d
start listening, you ever think of that!” he yelled in her face.
“No, I didn’t!” she yelled back, and they
both scowled, panting as though they’d run a race. As the tense silence
lengthened, they simply glared at each other, their breathing slowing. Inuyasha
stared down at her and found himself distracted by the glisten of sunset caught
in her hair. As she finally averted her eyes, he noticed the brush of her long
eyelashes against cheeks that were blooming with color even as he watched.
What were they arguing about again?
Kagome chewed at her lip for a moment, and
Inuyasha’s gaze was snared by the small movement. Following the path of
her little pink tongue, he watched, mesmerized, as she licked her lips
self-consciously. Last time, she had tasted so good... He leaned in and
realized that he was so close he could see the silky hair next to her cheek
move slightly as he exhaled. He gulped nervously. So close… His hand moved
forward and cupped her cheek. Her skin always felt so damn soft, he
thought, brushing his thumb across her slightly parted lips.
He brought up his other hand and ended
with both of them buried in her hair as she looked back up at him with rosy
cheeks and those dark, vulnerable eyes. How can she be this sweet, he wondered,
inhaling slightly, and leaned in. His lips pressed against hers softly,
eschewing any further pressure as he simply let himself feel her, breathing in
the interesting new scent on her skin and her hair and…
Inuyasha and Kagome jumped apart and
slightly dazed eyes looked over at Miroku, who smiled broadly and gave them a
little wave. Inuyasha’s face glowed brighter than Kagome’s.
“Eh…just, don’t do it again, dammit!”
Inuyasha said, flustered and obviously even more angry at being so. He looked
down at Kagome’s face for one more moment as though compelled before turning
rather clumsily away, heading to the other end of the camp. Kagome stared after
him, her hand covering her now bereft lips, while Shippou and Sango stood next
to Miroku and sighed.
“Why’d you do that, Miroku?” whispered
Shippou, “It was just getting good!” Miroku bopped him on the head.
“There are some things between a couple
that deserve privacy.” He said softly.
“But we spy on them all the time…” Shippou
started to say, and Miroku grabbed his ear and bent down, whispering fiercely.
“Let me rephrase, then. There are some
things between a couple that they need to believe are
private moments, hmmmm?” He let go and stood up as Shippou rubbed his ear.
Sango gave Miroku a sardonic look.
“Pervert.” She said quietly out of the
side of her mouth.
“If I was really such a hentai, I wouldn’t
have said anything. In fact, considering that I’m the one who
interrupted them, doesn’t that make you the pervert?” Miroku pointed out.
Sango snorted. “I was just about to step
in, Houshi.”
“Of course you were.”
He replied with a twist to his lips. “Although, if memory serves, you were
sitting right next to me behind the bushes the last few times, weren’t you?” He
asked. His voice positively sang. “Sango’s a hentai.” Grinning innocently,
he reached out to rub her backside. She paused for a moment before knocking him
“You are such an idiot, Houshi.” She
muttered. Rubbing his cheek, he couldn’t hold back a laugh.
“Only where you’re concerned, Sango.”
He said, smiling at Sango’s suddenly red face. “Only where you’re
The next morning they started out early,
with Inuyasha grumbling constantly since Kagome had only brought a week’s worth
of ramen. Or rather, a week’s worth of ramen until Inuyasha got a hold of it.
As it stood, they had just stopped by the side of a rutted dirt track for their
ramen-deficient lunch when Kagome looked up towards the mountains north of them
and yelled out.
“I sense jewel shards, Inuyasha. They’re
coming closer!” Everyone immediately stood up and readied their weapons,
staring northwards.
Inuyasha tried to catch a scent in the
air. “I don’t smell Naraku, at least. Although…”
“It’s 2 shards, coming in fast.” Kagome
said, concentrating. “I think it might be…”
“Kouga!” Inuyasha spat out, catching his
scent, and then grinned suddenly. “Oh Kouga, you are dead! I’m gonna kick your
ass so hard your children will be born dizzy! Man, this is gonna be a great
Kagome turned to him, “Don’t you dare,
Inuyasha! Kouga-kun is a friend!”
“He’s no friend of mine!” He growled back
at her. “And he wants to make you more than a friend, don’t forget! I’m sorry, but this
time he is one dead wolf.”
Kagome stomped her foot. “Inuyasha! You
will not – “ she stopped as his hand covered her mouth and he looked serious
for a moment.
“Kagome, there are a lot of things I would
do for you,” he said quietly. “but not this. I’m sorry, but that mangy wolf is
not going to just stroll in and flirt with you and try to take you away from me
without suffering the consequences. You can’t ask me to just ignore that sort
of crap.” He stared at her and felt himself wavering at the look in her eyes.
NO, he was not going to give in on this! Kouga was never going to leave Kagome
alone if he didn’t beat the ever-loving shit out of him. Didn’t she understand
how dangerous he was?
He stared at Kagome some more, feeling her
lips, soft and fluttering, against the palm of his hand. Wavering,
wavering….no! “I – if he doesn’t come near you, I’ll leave him alone, okay?
Okay? Feh.” He let go of her mouth and turned away, snarling. Wimp, he growled
at himself. Stupid idiot, can’t even say no to stupid Kagome and….
We need to take that wolf down, his
conscience said firmly.
Like I needed your permission.
Well actually…
Give it up, I ain’t ever needed your
permission before and I’m not about to start now.
Fine. Wise ass. I bet Kagome
gets permission from her conscience before she tries to do anything, his
conscience grumbled.
Yeah, well I bet her conscience is a
hell of a lot nicer than you!
And whose fault is that?
Oh just shut up, will ya? Inuyasha ordered, and waited impatiently for his
rival to arrive.
His thoughts refused to settle. Why
couldn’t Kagome understand? Inuyasha grumbled to himself. Kouga had already
taken her away once, didn’t she think he’d do it again? Did she think it was
some kind of joke? That Kouga wouldn’t have tried something a long time ago if
Inuyasha hadn’t stopped him? Why couldn’t she see him for what he was? Why was
she always seeing the best in people where it didn’t exist? Aaargh, she was
driving him crazy.
Kagome, meanwhile, was thinking about
Inuyasha’s words.
you away from me… Is that what he
said?” Kagome thought as she stared into the air. She knew he got jealous of
everyone and everything that took time away from him and the jewel shards, but
did he actually care if someone took her away from just him? He’d hated
Kouga for so long, she had a hard time thinking that it even had anything to do
with her any more. Except, what he’d just said made it sound like it
did. Darn it, why did he have to be so hard to figure out?
Miroku glanced briefly at the couple
before turning to Sango and Shippou. “You ready?” he asked quietly.
“I don’t know, Houshi-sama,” Sango said
reluctantly. “Inuyasha did have a point last night, don’t you think? Have we
become so used to his obstinacy that we don’t even bother to reason with him?
Aren’t we doing exactly what he and Kagome argued over?”
“Well of course we are.” Miroku said with
a grin. “Yes, reason is the first resort of a thinking being. However, when it
comes to Kouga, Inuyasha ceases to be a thinking being. He’s emotion and muscle
at that point.”
Shippou laughed and Sango shook her head.
“I truly think this is our best chance to
deal with the situation, especially as Myouga should already be on his way
back. The timing couldn’t be better. I don’t think any of us
believe this difficulty will simply go away on its own, do we?” They both shook
their heads. “Still, if you both feel that we should stop, I’ll accede to
your wishes. We should do this together or not at all.” Miroku said, still
speaking in a low voice.
Shippou and Sango shared a look and sighed
in unison. “We’ll do it.” They both said. Sango hopped onto Kirara and took off
into the air. Shippou headed over closer towards Inuyasha, and Miroku went to
stand a short distance from Inuyasha as well. It shouldn’t be long now, Miroku
thought, just as wind funnel appeared through the trees headed in their direction.
The funnel spun up to them in moments, coming to a halt just in front of Kagome
to reveal Kouga, hands on his hips and grinning broadly.
“Oy, Kagome! How is my mate doing this
lovely afternoon?” He called out loudly. Inuyasha growled low in his throat and
Kouga sniffed the air. “Hey, is that dog shit I smell?” he asked, turning
around. “Oh, my mistake. It’s just you, mongrel. You been taking care of my
woman for me?”
“Get away from Kagome, you bastard.”
Inuyasha spat, and reached for his sword.
“Look out, Inuyasha!” Sango cried out as
she and Kirara dove at his position. He jumped back a few feet to avoid
being hit as they just skimmed the ground before making it back into the sky.
“What the hell’s wrong with you!” Inuyasha
yelled, shaking a fist up at her. Stupid Taijiya! Looking back at Kouga,
he reached for Tessaiga again.
“Kazaana!” Inuyasha heard just as he felt
a huge pull sideways.
“What the hell!” he yelled out as he was
pulled off his feet and into the air. The air shrieked past for a moment, and
then went silent and he fell heavily onto the ground. He stood up and shook his
head, trying to get his bearings. What just happened…?
“Aagh, Inuyasha, catch them, catch them!
They’re gonna fall!” Inuyasha looked up at Shippou’s scream to see a few small
bits hurtling towards him. He didn’t even pause before jumping up and grabbing
what he could catch, a few in each hand. He landed with a thump and held
out the contents of his hands in disgust towards Shippou.
“Shippou, I don’t have time for any more
of this crap, whatever it is, so shut up until I deal with Kouga!” he yelled,
and then cursed as he was suddenly dragged to the ground by the objects in his
hands. “Fucking hell!” On one hand were 2 large rocks, and on the other were 3,
each with a familiar sutra on top. “Shippou, I am going to kill you, you dirty
little sneak! Get these offa me!” he roared, pulling ineffectively at his now
trapped hands.
“So-sorry, Inuyasha, “Shippou stuttered,
nervously looking to Miroku for an encouraging nod. “But I won’t take them
off…and you might as well stop trying to do it yourself, “ he said as Inuyasha
pushed as hard as he could with his legs against the boulders, “you know they
won’t budge until the sutra comes off.”
“You rotten little kitsune bastard, GET THESE
OFF ME!” he yelled.
Inuyasha glared sideways as he heard Kouga
start laughing his ass off. “Shut up, you stupid wolf.”
“Shut up! Why don’t you come over here,
you bastard, and see how easy it is to laugh once I kick your teeth in!”
Kouga was on the ground at this point.
“….hahahahahah – wheeze – hahahahahaha….”
“Shut the hell up! SHIPPOU! I swear, if
you don’t let me up now, I am going to KILL you as soon as I get free. KILL.
YOU.“ Shippou’s eyes got wide and he took a step towards Inuyasha.
“Don’t do it, Shippou.” Miroku said
quickly, and Inuyasha whipped his head around, trying to see the Monk standing
behind him.
“This was your idea, wasn’t it? That’s
what that stupid crap was, your damn wind tunnel! You set me up, you rotten,
two-timing, scheming, low-life, pathetic excuse for a houshi! What the hell are
you all playing at! LET ME UP!”
During all of this, an amazed Kagome
watched with her mouth hanging open. She saw Inuyasha avoid Sango, saw Miroku
opened his wind tunnel to target Inuyasha, and was now looking at her poor
hanyou trapped face down on the ground. And she couldn’t figure out what the
heck what was going on. What did they think they were doing? She started to
walk over to Inuyasha to set him free when Sango landed in front of her on
Kirara and shook her head.
“I don’t think you should do that,
“What in the world are you all doing?
What’s going on!”
“Kagome, “Sango said, “if we don’t control
Inuyasha right now, you know he’s going to kill Kouga, right? If you can just
warn Kouga not to come around anymore and get him to leave, we can probably end
this without blood being spilt. But only as long as Inuyasha stays
trapped. Can you do it? Can you warn Kouga so we won’t run into this
problem again?”
Kagome looked over to Inuyasha, who was
still cursing at Miroku and Shippou, and then over to the wolf youkai who was
trying desperately to catch his breath now that the laughing had finally
subsided. She sighed, nodding…Inuyasha was going to be sooooo pissed. But,
maybe this was the best way. She started nodding and turned back
to Kouga.
“Um, Kouga?” she asked hesitantly, unsure
if he would even be able to hear her over Inuyasha’s yelling.
He shook himself from his spot on the ground
and grinned at her, bounding up to lean forward intently. “Yes, Kagome?”
“Eh, you might be wondering what all this
is about…?”
“Oh, this? “he asked, pointing in
Inuyasha’s direction. “I don’t honestly care. It’s about the funniest damn
thing I’ve seen in ages. Anytime you want to beat up that dumbshit, please,
feel free!” Kagome frowned at him.
“We’re not beating him up, we’re trying to
save you!” she said irritably. Why’d they always have to be so nasty about each
other? “I can’t sit him anymore.”
“What?” he said, turning his attention
back to her from Inuyasha.
“Whenever you’ve fought in the past, I’ve
always been able to control him and keep you two from killing each other. I
can’t do that anymore. So…I think maybe it would be better if you were more…cautious
about coming near me anymore. It’s not safe for you otherwise. Anyway, I’ve
already told you, I’m not your mate, so it won’t really change anything,
His eyes turned hard for a moment before
he smiled brightly. “So you want this to be my last visit for a while, is that
Kagome nodded. “I’m sorry it has to be
that way, but I really think it would be for the best.”
Kouga nodded to himself. “Well, I’d better
say good bye to idiot boy then, hadn’t I?” he said cheerily, and trotted over
to Inuyasha. Sango tensed from her position near Kagome, and Miroku walked
closer to her, his hand on his mala beads as he watched the two males.
Kouga leaned down and started speaking so
quietly that the three humans couldn’t hear a word.
“Hey, mutt.”
“What the fuck do you want?” Inuyasha
growled, glaring up at him.
“I hear Kagome can’t plant your ass in the
ground anymore…although it looks like a little kid youkai can take you out with
no problem. Pretty pathetic.”
“Shut the hell up.”
“Seems everyone cooked this up to try and
give me a last few minutes with Kagome before I take my leave.” Kouga added.
Inuyasha glared at him. “Yeah right. I’ve
figured it out already…they just wanna save your sorry ass from Tessaiga for
some fucking reason. So why don’t you tuck that tail between your legs and take
off, unless you wanna be a man about it and take these fucking sutras off so we
can have a real fight for once.”
“Do you think I’m stupid? I could whip
your sorry ass into the next province if it was just you, you puny hanyou, but
the sword changes things.” He leaned in closer, “Which is why I think this will be the last time you see me.” He paused, “It’ll be the last time you
see Kagome, too, because today’s the day she’s coming back with me to
officially become my mate.”
“You stay the hell away from her!”
Inuyasha yelled.
“Heh, try and make me, Inuyasha.” Kouga
taunted. “Oh, I forgot, your friends trapped you like a rat, didn’t they?” Shaking his
head, he went on, “I admit, it’s really tempting to kill you right here and
now, you stupid dog, but I think I’m going to enjoy leaving you alive a hell of
a lot more. I can take my woman back home with me and you can’t do a damn
thing to stop me.”
Gloating blue orbs glared into furious
golden eyes. “Think about that while you’re stuck here, you half-breed
bastard. Even if you ever get out from under these, even if by some
miracle you find our new den, Kagome will already be mine. She’ll never
be with you again.”
“Leave Kagome alone, you bastard! And who
do you think you’re fooling, anyway? Kagome won’t go with you; she’s told
you that a dozen times, you fucking idiot!”
Kouga smirked and shook his head. “A real
man doesn’t take no for an answer. You’d know that if you actually had a pair,
you effeminate mutt. Don’t worry, though, Kagome will realize we were
meant for each other after she’s spent a few nights in my den…and in my
bed. Trust me, I can be very persuasive.” He chuckled. “How
sad, you’ve had all this time with her, and you still haven’t managed to make
her your woman. Your loss, dumbshit.” Kouga stood up and headed back towards
Inuyasha lost it. “Stay the fuck away from
Kagome, you hear me! AAAARRRGH! Shippou, take these off of me, you idiot, he’s
going to take Kagome! Miroku, Shippou, stop him!” Shippou looked at Inuyasha
with scared eyes and ran over to Miroku, but Kouga was almost to Kagome by that
point. “Kagome, run! Get away from him!”
Kagome just looked at him. She’d heard him
yelling at Kouga while they were talking, not totally unexpected, given their
history. But now…Inuyasha was almost foaming at the mouth… “Inuyasha? What?”
Shippou finally reached Miroku, “Miroku! I
heard everything…Kouga’s going to kidnap Kagome again, he said so! We gotta
stop him!” Miroku just patted the Kistune’s head, although his features
“It’s all right, Shippou. We planned for
this, if you recall. Just calm down and remember to do your part when the time
comes, all right?”
“Hey, what are you doing!” Kagome yelled
out as Kouga finally reached her and scooped her up in his arms.
“I’m taking my mate home with me, what
else?” he said calmly, already turning away from the group.
Kagome’s eyes were wide. Not again! She
thought he was done with this. “I already told you: I’M NOT YOU’RE MATE! Let me
down, Kouga, this isn’t funny!”
He looked down at her and she shrank back.
His eyes were so…blank. “And I told you, Kagome, that you are.
I’ve given you enough time to get over that stupid puppy, but I’ll be damned if
I let my own mate tell me to stay away from her so that some damn mongrel can
sniff around her all day. I’m not willing to cater to you childish little whims
anymore. It’s time you grew up and accepted your future, Kagome. You’re
coming with me. Now. We’ll finish mating tonight and then you can forget all
about the half-breed.”
Every warning Inuyasha had ever given her
about Kouga rushed into her head and she cursed herself for ignoring him.
But…she’d never thought Kouga would actually…. “Leave me alone, Kouga, I don’t
want to go with you!” She tried to slap him but he completely ignored her. She
turned her head to see Sango and Shippou watching her anxiously, while Miroku
simply watched. “Please, guys, help me!” Sango actually wrung her hands and
Shippou glared at Miroku, who just smiled.
“Just a moment, Kagome-sama, and we’ll be
right there.” He called out smoothly.
Kouga chuckled again, “I don’t think the
houshi wants to go up against me, Kagome.” He said, and then leaned his head
towards her to inhale deeply. “You smell so good. You’re going to smell even
better after we…” he stopped. Shaking his head sharply, he snorted. “What the…
A-A-A-CHOOOOO!” His head smacked down on top of hers.
Kouga sneezed so hard that he fell onto his tail and Kagome rolled out of his arms.
Miroku helped her up almost before she could figure out she was free.
“There we are.” Said Miroku. “Shippou,
could you give Kouga a hand? And Kagome, you are unharmed, yes?”
She nodded shakily, “But I don’t
understand…what’s going on? He was acting like he was going to kidnap me again
and then… What’s happening?”
Miroku smiled. “Wolf’s Bane. Uh, it’s the
other name for the flower bundle around your neck. It has a rather dramatic
effect on wolf demons, as you might have noticed. Kaede and I have been researching
the subject for some time now.”
“You and Kaede made this for me?”
at his nod, she looked even more confused, “But how did you know we’d see
Kouga? We haven’t seen him in weeks!”
Miroku shrugged. “I didn’t, but since our
travels were taking us right past his territory, I thought the odds were in
favor of it. He is fairly consistent where you’re concerned, after
all.” Kagome shuddered and glared over at the still incapacitated wolf.
were watering, his nose stung like fire, and his forehead was looking bruised
as he smacked it into the ground with every thundering sneeze.
Shippou walked over to him. “Here, Kouga,
this’ll help.” Shippou put a small object into both of his hands for him, since
the incapacitated wolf youkai still couldn’t see a thing. Almost immediately,
Kouga’s hands were both dragged downwards and trapped on the ground. He howled
and pulled at them, but they didn’t budge.
“What the fuck did you do to me, you damned
brat?” He yelled at Shippou, trying to see him with his still watery eyes.
“HA!” yelled Inuyasha, who was craning his
neck to try and see around the rocks over his own hands. “Take that, you mate
stealing bastard! HA! Way to go, Shippou! Now C’mon, let me outta here so I can
go over and kill his mangy ass!” Inuyasha’s fierce smile faded as Shippou
remained over by Miroku. “Hey, what’re you waiting for? Take these stupid
sutras off and let me up!”
“I’m sorry, Inuyasha, but he can’t do that
just yet.” Said Miroku, shrugging slightly. “We really need to wait until
Myouga gets back first.”
“What! Miroku, just wait until I get outta
here, I’m going to kick your ass all the way to the mainland! I’m going to…”
“Get this damn thing off me!” yelled
Kouga. “I swear, you are one dead human if you don’t take this stupid rock off
my hands right now, you sneaky bastard! I’m going to…”
“My, my, my” sighed Miroku, “What a fun
afternoon this is going to be.”
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