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Reviews for You Can't Help Me

By : kittydemon
  • From ANON - KenYasha on June 19, 2005
    You updated! I am happy that you did not discontinue your story ... Thankies :)) and I look so much forward to read more of this ... !
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  • From ANON - emily on July 19, 2004
    well....i thought this story was really good...but you seemed to have forgotten about it and i was wondering if yave ave stopped writing it??
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  • From ANON - Missa on June 29, 2004
    Wow! I mean, holy shit, that was awesome. I've never seen an Inu angst quite like that. I'm very impressed! Ja ne!
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  • From ANON - IaT on May 05, 2004
    dooode. wow. so depressing... how could inu- do tht?!? WAI!!! i wanna cry!!! such a great story! so sad though!!! I NEED A TISSUE!!! anyway... keep writing and plz... UPDATE SOON!

    -issues and tissues
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  • From ANON - Creativity on March 12, 2004
    This story is awesome. Totally in character, moving, well-written...Just one question: Why haven't you updated?! HAVE.YOU.FALLEN.OFF.THE.FACE.OF.THe.EARTH? I'm a writer, and this story has SO much potential, way too much to just kinda "let it go". Please continue, for my sanity, at least. Please? See ya (hopefully) soon.
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  • From mistylesca on March 11, 2004
    Omg... I loved that chapter to death. Seriously. *blinku* And I love how you added the words "..change the world" n.n Very nice... Hope to see more from you! ^.~
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  • From ANON - Heather on March 02, 2004
    Great chapter.. I like the fluff; it was sweet. That wasnt the end of the story, was it? Update soon!!
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  • From ANON - 00shizukanayami00 on February 28, 2004
    :: squeeeeeeeeal :: Mew, pleeeease continue soon... I'm getting so depressed for Inuyasha... >.< Maow. ... ... I love it soooo much. :: jumps around :: Yes yes I do.
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  • From ANON - New Fan on February 20, 2004
    A very powerful chapter. It scares me that Kagome is willing to go
    along with Inuyasha. I guess due to his nature I could understand
    why she choice to do that for him. Update soon.
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  • From ANON - Kikstdistdie101 on February 20, 2004
    This is a kick ass story! good job! Usually the fluff doesn't get to me but 4 sum reason this time it did. write more fuff. Ca't wait to read more!
    Lots o Love!

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  • From ANON - Creativity on February 10, 2004
    Hey! I love your story. It's well-written, the titles are beautiful and match each chapter perfectly, and everyone has stayed totally in character, which isn't that easy in fanfiction. Now, I just have one question...Why haven't you updated? Seriously, I really want to read the next chapter, and it's been months since you've updated (or weeks, I don't really keep track). Please update soon? Call upon the power of your muse and write, and just keep writing til your done...that's it, go ahead. I'll keep checking in!
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  • From ANON - dadsnavygirl831 on December 21, 2003
    Nooooo Inuyashaaaaaaaa!!! No Kikyo and Inuyasha pairings they're so annoying puh-leeeeeeeeeeeze no Inu/Kikyo pairings!! Will our dear beloved Inuyasha be okay?! Will Kagome find him!? Will they get together in the end!? *hysterical* WILL OUR SWEET DEAR BELOVED FAVORITE HALF DOG DEMON DOG INUYASHA DIE?!?!?!?!
    So many coincidences today. When I went to read this, Evanescence's song tourniquet came on. Wierd, eh? PLEEEEEEASE NO INU/KIKYO PAIRINGS AND HAVE INUYASHA LIIIIIIIIIIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!! PUH-LEEZ I BEG OF YOU, YOUR HOLY GRAND AUTHORESS!!! *sobs*
    O_o Yeah, I'm mentally unstable tooooo! ^^_^^^^ Ohhhh, lookit the alien smiley face....
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  • From ANON - ugly on December 18, 2003
    plz oh plz update on this as soon as possible, I feel sorry for kagome, I like how you make it feel like the actual show! It's awesome, I feel that same helpless feeling I do here then when I watch the show, I hope you update soon so this weird feeling will go away! lol your an awesome writter and i really like your work.

    Oh! hmmm well I really don't like Kikyou because she's just using Inuyasha in the other series, but I hope you don't pair them up together, It hurts me to see Kagome in pian, She's my fav character!;///;

    ;///;Nyu, poor Kagome-chan.

    Welp I hope you update soon, and try e-mailing me if you do! PLZ PLZ PLZ?
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  • From ANON - emily on December 15, 2003
    OH GOD i am speachless....the y..iy..its so sad...and the sadest part is when it ends!!! i love your story!
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  • From ANON - *sniff* on December 15, 2003
    can you hand me some tissue
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