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Reviews for Time Soul Exodus (New chapter added: 2006-12-31)

By : Zelix
  • From ANON - FieryFaerie on June 02, 2005
    Good stuff. i really like this story...but it seems like there wasn't really a whole lot of action in these last two chapters. Hopefully things will pick up soon. How is Arc going to beat all these crazy bees? I think that Arc should be able to use Tessaiga, becuase he's protecting human lives and that's what Tessaiga is meant to do, and that he'll be even better at weilding Tessaiga than his father was, because he can also infuse his spiritual miko-type energy into the Wind Scar. Anyways, these chapters were good, keep it up.
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  • From on May 30, 2005
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  • From ANON - FieryFaerie on April 30, 2005
    Ahh! Update PLEASE! there are so many things going on in this story that just need to be resolved. this story really is great, you have so many little plot things twisting around each other to make a very complex, and yet understandable story! I really want to know what happens next! You can't leave me hanging here like this!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOOOOOON!
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  • From on April 24, 2005
    OH DUDE YOUR FUKN GREAT MAN I APPRECIATE UR WORK GOOD JOB!!! i also read ur loneliness of the free wind and ur time soul exodus dude it took me the whole day to read it all i didnt do anythng besides read ur work is lik a new marijuana to me i lov to smoke it now by reading lol. hmmmm idead ideas dats hard for great writers lik u man. Well for starters well my ideas may seem suck but i dont giv a fuk so take a look c yah? ok one make Arc go crazy in a blood rage lik his father did an lik had more demon stuff come out or maybe hav toukijin come out?(i mean come on how is he going to fight wit a bloody sheated swrord he gots to take it out now man) somehow kaguras voice gets to him to make him normal or maybe chizu perhaps to stop him. and u kno the "mysterious figure" well yeah u shuld probably put some insight on him too for the least his scenes are prrty short man. Mmmmm yes the moon priests dey sound prrty cool the way u described Jeis weapon is lik warhammer 40k chainsword weapon ya kno. The priests shuld hav at least some good holy power at least man? lik paladins lik be able to cast a lightning bolt or somethng. Dem guardian bugs seem a big pest too an the swarm now how is he gonna kill all of dat? And the person inside of chizu very mysteriuos an she is also considered to be a "crsystal" perhaps hmm? Oh oh hav arcs holy powers unleashed in lik a big tidal wave thng lik in movies. u kno the father lik son thng right? u culd do dat but heres another one u can make the tetsauiga awaken lik wen inuyasha tried to save mirkou he killed the demons with the wind scar oh yeah Arc also has to see it it be troubling man. Well dude im over and out i hope this review "somehow" helps you u can email me or mention me in ur next chap (if u can make it of course) to say watever to me. Good thng u didnt meet me two alter egos my hippy an commi (commnunist) side lol bye dude YOU ROCK MAN WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - SummerPain on April 08, 2005
    I hope you start writhing again soon. I've read all that you have posted and you got some good stuff. You say that this fic has a LONG way to go, that it's still in the beginning, but you don't seem to want to finish the story. I love the way it's going so far, even though I think it's going to slow and your going to in-depth about the characters feelings sometimes. Even with that, I'm planing to finish reading until the fic is done, that is, if your going to write some more.

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  • From ANON - YoukaiMusashi (not signed in) on February 19, 2005
    Hi Zel! ::hugs:: Missed ya and missed Arc too! ::cuddles Arc:: Poor poor baby...and gosh poor Kagura! I'm DYING to know why their bond is weakened...hmmm...there's something I don't quite like about Sumira...could be just me being paranoid lol...I particularly loved this line from Arc: "I’m a wolf dressed up as a sheep or something, minus all bad intentions" He sounds so young yet so wise in a way...he said it in a very - young way, but what he meant was exactly the way he is and I was surprised he blurted that out! He's so alone right now, or else he wouldn't have told Sumira about his soulmate...he misses his home and his Kagura and it's so sad...please please let it be a happy ending! ::begs on her knees:: Thanks so much btw for reviewing LP! ::blush:: Zel you flatter me TOO MUCH my head is swelling lol...I adore you, I adore this story, I just wish I had more time to read all of your fics, but worry not, I will...slowly though ::sigh:: Forgive me Zel, I've been awful! But I'm loving this :) Although I love the Sessh/Kagura pairing you made me love YOUR Kagura/Arc pairing too...and it's YOUR original character! I loved the comparison to these awful people to the inquisition, btw...exactly what I thought when I first 'met' them. Keep up the great work! I'll be running back for more when life stops sucking and my job stops taking my will to live lol...just and ramen! ::bows:: From Argentina :) You rule Zel! I love this fic! Wanna read more!!!!!!
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  • From YoukaiMusashi on February 13, 2005
    Hi Zel! So sorry so sorry ::bows:: Life sucks right now, I'm under a lot of pressure at work, and I had personal issues to deal with...::sigh:: But here I am again! Loving this, Zel! Hmm...the Moon Priests...damn I hate them! I particularly loved this line: "If being a heretic means helping people while serving your god means letting them suffer, then I would gladly become a demon instead" You go Arc! And to answer your question, I think the present time bit was great! I was missing Inu already ::cuddles sexy puppy:: And poor cute Chizu...although now I'm slightly suspicious...arghh want to read more! Going to my sis' now to see my nieces :) Hopefully I'll be able to read some more when I get back. This is getting better and better dude! Thanks for checking out BtS and for your support on LP as always :) ::hugs ya:: I adore you, Zel! I notcied you posted new fics! can't wait to read them! And you updated too! Man I have SO much to catch up on! So much to read from Zel, so little time ::pout:: Great job! Bravo from Argentina!
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  • From ANON - Inus_Kagome_Forever on February 01, 2005
    Dang, i could have sworn you didn't have that many stories on mediaminer... well just checked out your profile and stuff, and i wanted to konw the codes for your strories. I'm actually a newb on this site, and I don't know how to get the codes for the stories so yeah.... great story. I've actually only read two of your stories but this is my favorite one yet, so I'm glad you don't have writers block on this one. Well...

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  • From ANON - Eyes Of Jade on January 26, 2005
    This is in regards to the polls.
    I like Arcerdo. #1. He fights for the good of others. #2. He doesn't let the fear of defeat interfere with his ability to go after what he wants, needs, and loves. #3. Third and most important, he is himself. Unique and understanding. Both strong qualities of a great and sincere leader.
    I like the plot. It is a plot very few could think of. It takes a talented author to plant an uncomprehensible picture into the minds of others. The plot is slow but also eventful, which in my eyes is very hard to do. This makes a plot in which everyone can find something interesting in it..
    I find Heitaro the most interesting. He is unlike the other villians because he has not yet given us a reason to hate him. It also seems that his main means of defence and attack are the chains on his arms. Not your typical demonic weapontry. Something different always peaks my interest. And Heitaro is definatly different.
    Of course I find him/her interesting. The fact that he/she has the bracelet and the necklace makes you think it's someone close or in the family. But then again, I could be very wrong. So I want to know who it is. And why does he/she need to wait for 2 months before revealing themself? Just another point of interest. For some reason, I think it is Arcs and Kaguras child. But like I said before, I could be wrong.
    But to everyone, this is just one persons opinion. Not right or wrong, just an opinion.

    I myself am thorougly enjoying this fic. It is simple but at the same time a very complicated fic. It leaves room for imagination to run rampade. It is very detailed but leaves you wondering, "What's going to happen next and to whom". It doesn't get right to the point but it does let you know whats happening. The different points of veiw are not hard to follow which I have found to be a problem in alot of fics. Waiting patiently for an update. Anywho, late amd I hope that what I wrote made some sense.
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  • From ANON - Paul on January 25, 2005
    1 I like Arc, because he is brave, compassionate and has hidden powers, which he needs to master.
    2 I haven't read IY fic about struggle with inquisitors before, so plot is uncommon and intersting.
    3 Definitevly Jei (maybe he could return with greater force later, if his henchmens are defeated by Arc - it would be a loss to kill him too soon)
    4 He is interesting, is he Arc himself (are quarter demons immortal ?) or maybe he is Arc's descendant ?
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  • From ANON - Youkai Musashi (too lazy 2 sign in) on January 19, 2005
    All I can say is Wow, Zel! I read up to chap 10, and I must say I'm hooked on this...wish I had more free time...wait I have time to do this ::cuddles Arc and Chizu:: Awwww she's SO CUTE! If I could draw worth a damn I would SO draw lil Chizu!!! You rock at battling scenes...I can only beg you to help me when the time comes with my own battling scene (man I suck at those) ::batts eyelashes:: Onegai? Btw, I particuarly love the notes in the end :) This is just an awesome rock Zel! I saw you posted an untitled fic? I'll go check it out once I finish this one!!! And oh please tell me we get a happy ending! Arc and Kagura deserve one! ::hugs Kagura:: I love Kagura!!! No fair, she's been through so much...please make her happy? Ok enough babbling: I absolutely love this story! Hope to hear from you soon :) Much love and ramen! YM
    Btw...when I asked to borrow Arc I didn't mean for a story! (I think that's what you thought) ::blush:: Ya know, Inu and Fluffy chained to my bed in my I-have-no-life existance? I'd like to add him to That waiting list... ::insert hentai little smirk here:: I can't wait to see what happens next! Man Arc is awesome ::smooches Arc:: You rock! Hugs from Argentina!
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  • From YoukaiMusashi on January 08, 2005
    This just keeps getting better Zelix :) I love Arc! Poor thing, barely 18 and had to go through so much...and in such little time! Particularly loved the training (always love the father-son relationship :) ) and although I only read up to chap 4 I love Chizu already KAWAII!!! Cloaked people...hmmm...I think I'm the only baka reviewer here who has no clue where this is going...sensing angst here...battling scene wonderful, Zel! Sleepy...long HOT day in Argentina...not happy to clean up the stupid apartment with 38 fucking degrees...will take a shower and sleep...great job! Did I mention I love Arc? ::cuddles Arc:: Wonder if Kagura would nevermind...::cowers:: Hugs! YM
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  • From ANON - YoukaiMusashi (not signed in) on January 08, 2005
    ARGHH! I just read chap 2 I can't believe you're leaving me like this!!! ::sobs:: Want more...but I have to run and do some errands (had a bad day at work yesterday, was suspended, I am in a lousy mood to say the least...) I had to read this some more! Reading one chap at a time is killing me! I love this, Zelix! I loved Inu's reaction at Arc's departure, so IC (specially the comment about And who was that???? ::wail:: Although I must come Arc has scales? Just a thought...I can't wait to read more! Hugs!
    btw I updated the last chap, if you want to go check it out please do! :) Thanks SO much for that review :) I'm glad you gave me your idea and that you don't regret it...glad I'm the 'right person' :) Myouga will show up in next chap, I'm desperately trying to write it quickly...hope I don't dissapoint!
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  • From YoukaiMusashi on January 06, 2005
    Hey! I have to run again but I didn't want to leave without leaving my mark here :) I only read the first part and a I'm impressed. I want to know what happens!!!! I particularly love the concept of the Union of the beautiful. And Inuyasha as a dad, he and Arc interact so well and it's funny and IC. Poor Kagura...I want her and Arc to have a happy ending! I can't wait to get back and read some more! Great job!
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  • From ANON - Paul on December 21, 2004
    In my opinion this is your best fic, please do not give up !
    Plot is very uncommon and Arcerdo's dialogue with inquisitors was deep and evocatice.
    I like your explanation what happened with all those medieval demons, it's much more reasonable than that "Lucky Ones" style "disguise" stuff.
    I think this is a time for a battle with those bees, maybe Arc could master at least Toukijin and denounce himself as a wielder of a demonic sword...

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