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Reviews for Unforeseen Obstacles

By : Xakana
  • From ANON - Kira on July 17, 2005
    lol! i was singing an Aquafina ad!! and dont worry, i dont much like water either...but I'll drink it. My mother dispises regular water, and she has to drink flavored water or put lemon juice in the regular water...its weird. But i myself love milk!! anywho! *turns into bright spot* love the chapter! and you ish still on teh lisht!!! lol ((if you can understand that, then I will 'love'
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  • From ANON - shanna on July 17, 2005
    So its hopeless, right? Oh well *dances around unfazed* I didn't really want to fix it anyway (I mean, I like getting my fix, I just don't want to be NOT addicted...) am I making any sense at all? *shrugs again* okay, lady, you soooo totally rock again!! you are the bestest, sweetest, kindest person in the world for updating so much... *glares at the other fics that haven't been updated in what seems like YEARS* you are sooo spoiling me =P anyway, keep up the good work and I'll be waiting anxiously (eagerly?? addictedly??? dementedly? *hee hee*) for the next chapter
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  • From ANON - Kira on July 17, 2005
    you have now made the 'no bothering with update threats' list. . .but you can be easly be taken off! hehehehehehe. . .so, my newest best-est friend, open your bottle, lift up your glass, tip back your head and drink drink drink!Make your body happy, drink more water! lol!
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  • From YoukaiObsessed on July 17, 2005
    *Desperately clings to fence, to keep from going over cliff... again* Ohhs I loved the banter between Sesshoumaru and Sango!!! Haha on how Sesshoumaru gave Miroku a child. That was priceless!! *snicker* Hahaha ..I wonder if the ' Unforeseen Obstacles ' is this fence? Good chapter!!
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  • From ANON - kai on July 17, 2005
    whoa, when sesshy said that he could give miroku a child i did not think that, i was thinking mpreg, guess not!! XDDD but that was sweet thou! i liked it! update soon!
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  • From ANON - lilly on July 17, 2005
    How interesting that it is reflex by now to hit the review link... I do enjoy our little 'chats'. Wonderful chapter, and so full of surprisingly cute moments. For instance, Sesshomaru with Rin. I am definitely weak to those little *almost* father-daughter moments with those two. And Sesshomaru *gave* Miroku a child!! That was extremely humorous to me. I agree with you, Sesshomaru would probably have the most fun twisting Miroku into a physical pretzel, not an emotional one. Also, a comment I forgot from way back in Ch. 13= why did you pick that particular song to stick into my brain?? I am still singing it: Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor... *aarg* But it does seem to fit Sesshomaru sometimes, does it not? I think so. I know you don't particularly like fluff, but I am fond of it, so thank you for all the cute fluffy moments in the story so far. And please keep writing to your heart's content. (Wow, did I write so much? Sorry if this got too long.) Keep up the fantastic work, I'll definitely keep reading.
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  • From ANON - shanna on July 17, 2005
    Cool!! More chappies, more chappies... can this story be considered a drug?? cuz I'm addicted for sure! And now everyone is back together and there shall be flowers and sunshine and happiness... XD XD yeah can't you see Sesshomaru glaring at me for saying that? *covers head* sorry sorry sorry... anyway thanks for responding to me *happy* and I'm happy to attack you whenever *glomp attack for miscellaneous reasons* toodles and keep writing we all love you for it!!
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  • From YoukaiObsessed on July 17, 2005
    More yummy angst!! *Finally able to let go of the fence... still leery of cliff* I love how you are showing Miroku’s sadness, his missing his friends, yet wanting to be with Sesshoumaru. Then how Sesshoumaru wants to keep Miroku happy, and goes to see the other group!! Nicely done!!
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  • From ANON - bob on July 17, 2005
    yay!!!! please please continue!! i wanna see what happens!! i heart this story!!...and i think i said that like 50 times but still...
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  • From ANON - Snowfall on July 16, 2005
    I'm anxious to see how you will work this one out. Is Sesshoumaru simply going to make him go back with his friends? Or will they travel together? I'm so confused. It is sad to see things turning out this way, although it is very, very believable. Poor Sesshoumaru. He loves Miroku and will see Miroku happy no matter what. *sigh* So sad.

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  • From ANON - Snowfall on July 16, 2005
    Sesshoumaru exposing his feelings like that was a real treat and you make us understand why he hates his emotions. Very nice. They are together, but how horrid for Sango to find out that way. I thought that Sesshoumaru would have certainly been heartbroken when Miroku took off. Glad he didn't, but I would have liked to see what went on in his mind. Okay, off to chapter 15!

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  • From ANON - Kira on July 16, 2005
    ^w^ YAY! update like this, and I will make you my best-est friend!! and mot bug you to update since i know you will(that has never happened with any other story). I love this story so much. KEEP WRITING!. . .ok im done. . . no more reading this. . . continue to write more for your followers (aka me and other reveiwers)
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  • From ANON - lilly on July 16, 2005
    Lo and behold... I just came here to check on the insane chance that some *other* story was updated and I find... a whole new chapter!! Wow, you write very quickly, I am still impressed. Hmm, but now, how will the story continue? Will Sango be nice and forgiving? (I doubt it... but maybe I'm wrong, I have been wrong before.) Will Miroku be happy? (Again, I doubt it... but I was surprised that Miroku even allowed himself to go into the blue funk... He seems like he has more strength than that.) As always, my dear, your writing style is superb and you are a goddess of plot development. I bow to you in awe. Thank you yet again for responding to me (and all other reviewers) as it makes the chapters that much more enjoyable. Until next time, keep up the good work and find more ways to twist Miroku into a pretzel of anxiety. (No, I didn't mean that... did I?)
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  • From ANON - shanna on July 16, 2005
    Whoa, new chappies already!!! Yay, you so totally rock!! Wow wow wow, you wrote something just for lil' ole me?? *sniff* I feel all special now. *purrrrr* Not to mention it was soooo lovely and cuddley (is cuddley a word?). Awwww, poooor Sango. I feel sorry for her. Finding Miroku in an awkward situation like that. And Miroku was a little torn too. But, you can love two different people, can't you? yeah, it's possible. But Miroku picked Sesshomaru!! *starry eyed* Yay. LOL, Kagome's reaction. Wonder what she and Inuyasha talked about that night? And I'm sure the two groups will collide again. right? right! so anyway, yay for new chappies and keep up the good work. I love love LOVE this story. *glomps authoress* *glomp glomp glomp*
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  • From ANON - lilly on July 16, 2005
    Wow. Again you leave me *nearly* speechless (all evidence to the contrary). How did I miss four new chapters? So, Miroku dies, then Sesshomaru brings him back. I wouldn't have expected that, but it definitely fits. I am *still* in awe of your writing style, and you continue to remain true to all the characters. Bravo. But poor Sango. She's having a rough time of it. (Oh, that reminds me, thank you for listing the definitions of the terms you used. I'm not fluent in Japanese.) And actually, that little snippet you wrote at the end of the chapter for Shanna was very nice. I don't know about her, but I really enjoyed it. Thank you again for sharing your work. I've recommended several people to this site. And I think the large fan base is in part due to the fact that you definitely READ all of your reviews. It is very refreshing to know that you are reading and responding to our comments. Please keep up the good work.
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