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Reviews for Unforeseen Obstacles

By : Xakana
  • From ANON - kai on July 23, 2005
    i tend not to read the notes to often, sorry about that! XDDD anyways, great chapter, so miroku gonna tell sesshy what was really going thou his mind, huh? interestings development. update soon!
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  • From ANON - bob on July 23, 2005
    I like how you nade sure Miroku wasn't a weakling in this chpater and yeah... please continue!!
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  • From ANON - glaze on July 22, 2005
    Love it you must finish this story........ please
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  • From ANON - lilly on July 22, 2005
    I'm glad you like my name... and I am very happy with the latest chapter. I am also glad that you do not mind criticism. I felt odd writing it, but I also wanted to express my honest opinion of the chapter. This one is wonderful. I like the mental deliberations from both Inuyasha and Miroku. Everyone has had dark thoughts and feelings before, and we all have to choose whether to reveal them or not. I think Sesshomaru will understand. (But I would like to read that conversation, in the next chapter. Or maybe just refer to it... if it wouldn't tangle your story line too much.) I am also glad that Miroku can still stand up for himself and protect Rin, even when injured and severely beaten. Thank you very much for getting the sleep you need, dear authoress!! It would not do you (or all your screaming fans) any good if you neglect yourself like that. And it definitely helped, because this chapter hit your standard perfectly. I am very sad that only two chapters remain... yet I am eagerly awaiting them. Until next time, adieu.
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  • From ANON - crystaladept on July 22, 2005
    Ch 23-

    *takes a deep breath and realizes she had been holding it. Pry her hand from where it's glued to her chest above her heart.* Wow... what a close call... but did you have to cut off Miroku's ponytail? Unless... it's a copy with some of Miroku's blood on it, so it'd seem like Miroku's, but made just to trick Sess... um... um... um... ano... Please write more. *runs off to log in and add this story to her recommended fics*
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  • From ANON - lilly on July 22, 2005
    One new update before I left for work, another new update when I arrive home... you are definitely spoiling me rotten. (Not that I have any complaints.) Interesting chapter. It demonstrates yet again a fact that only fools forget... DO. NOT. ANGER. THE. GREAT. LORD. SESSHOMARU. I have had my foolish moments in life, however, I would never do anything to anger Sesshomaru. *shudders at the thought* Yes, he was able to act on his killing rage, however, Miroku (and possibly Rin?) was/were forced to watch the slaughter... which begs the question: How did Sesshomaru miss their scent? Was he blinded by his rage? Too worried about his beloved ningen to smell them? I am eagerly waiting to find out. I am glad Miroku is not dead again. Three times in one story? That might be a bit much... It is sad that a demon that Miroku spared would have the audacity to turn around and try to use him against Sesshomaru, though. Now, on to the best part: You love lillies + my name is lilly = You Love Me!! I am so flattered. I think you should try to get some sleep before posting again, dear authoress, as much as I hate to say it. Constructive criticism: A few minor, minor mistakes in this chapter... and it seemed slightly flat. Slightly rushed. I am not sure I can explain, but I have become accustomed to a certain level of richness in your writing. This chapter was slightly below your normal standard. I am not trying to hurt or insult you, please understand. As always, I am looking forward to the next chapter. Only three more to go... I will be sad when it ends. A parting thought... I wonder if Naraku will even appear in this story? Probably not... it would seem like a last minute throw-in at the end. Wonder who ordered the (now dead) wolf to kidnap Miroku and Rin? Questions, questions. At least I do not kill people to get answers to my questions, ne?
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  • From ANON - shanna on July 21, 2005
    Cool!! Two new chappies!! I love this story, I really really do. I can sooo imagine Sesshomaru killing allll those youkai (um, did I spell that right?). But poor Miroku and poor Rin! Kidnapped by evil demons! And it was a demon that Miroku spared!!! Dude, that is like, soooo wrong. Why are people like that anyway? But I like this part. Now I hafta wait wait wait a couple of hours *grin* to find out if Miroku is mad or scared or... something else *hee hee*. Now that song that lilly was singing is true LOL (let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, yeah!) Anyway, I love love love your story, and I'm bouncing around excitedly waiting for the end. Yay yay yay for constant updates! You totally rock (I've said it before, I'll say it again XD). And I still have hopes for a lil baby lemon smuggled in somewhere (or is that snuggled in somewhere?) =P *glomp attack* *bounce away*
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  • From ANON - bob on July 21, 2005
    woo! i'm so happy miroku didn't die!!! please continue!
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  • From ANON - kai on July 21, 2005
    holy shit! that was intense!! what happened? they were just kiddnapped, explain!! XDDD udpate soon!!
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  • From ANON - Kira on July 21, 2005
    I love this story! i want to huggle you!!! but... *stays far awya* im sick... T-T its not fair...Miroku is so cute when he is happy! I swear when i go to the anime convention, im going to huggle the first guy i see dressed as Miroku, and say "YES!!! I WILL BEAR YOUR CHILD!!" really loud....heheheheheheeee...well, i lurv all of your stories, so when this ends, as long as you have something else for me to read, I'll be happy!! ^^
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  • From ANON - anon on July 21, 2005
    *hands you a bouquet of your favorite flowers* thank you for writing so much. i really love it. nice touch, having Miroku understand how old Sesshomaru is. please continue with the good story.
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  • From ANON - lilly on July 21, 2005
    Wonderful. There are advantages to not being able to sleep and thinking, "Wonder if there's a new chapter yet?" Obviously, the answer is yes. Interesting little plot twist. Hopefully Rin and Miroku would not be forced to see the slaughtered infants, but Rin has seen horrific sights before in her young life. (That still does not mean that she would not be horrified by the sight, though.) I will not beg you to save them, dear lady, as I have complete faith in Sesshomaru's abilities. (But, I seem to recall that you are extremely gifted at writing angst... hurry, Sesshomaru-sama, hurry!) At least Miroku is with Rin, that way she is somewhat protected. I like the mental image of Rin wearing Miroku's rain hat... so cute!! *hugs authoress* And poor Sesshomaru... caring enough for humans that he stays to protect the camp... it's nice that you have developed the plot enough to make it believable. And sequelitis is a GOOD thing. Trust me. I'm also sorry the story is ending, but we do have *checks chapter number* four more chapters. And thank you for such a long response. My closet is completely comfortable, and I like it in here. Thank you for thinking about the brothers' relationship as well. Sesshomaru seems to be softening up just a little, and that is good too. But in this chapter, he is in a killing rage at the end. *scary sight* Well, thank you for another great chapter, and I will *as always* be eagerly awaiting the next installment.
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  • From ANON - crystaladept on July 21, 2005
    Ch 1-22:

    Okay... I've been reading this fic over the past few days as you've been updating. I feel really ashamed that I haven't reveiwed it yet, but you'll get one from me from now on, 'cause I absolutely love your story. I love the way you update about everyday.

    Okay... my reveiw for the story... PERFECT!! I love the pairing. Miroku is my favorite character, so I love reading stories with him in it.

    Just so you know, I have this weird like for seeing my favorite characters get: hurt, kidnapped, killed, bound... etc. Hey look! All of those in one story! I'm in heaven now.

    Miro/Sess... such a strange, yet wonderful pairing. You should be sure to get more reveiws from this girl. heh heh heh.

    *runs off to find more Miroku goodness.*
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  • From ANON - shanna on July 21, 2005
    Wheeeee!!! Another chappie! *love love love you to bits* I really really love this chapter. Its sooo cool. (LOL, not cold, COOL!!) *giggle* Yeah, let's here it for VAULT the newest and bestest energy drink on the market. *addicted to caffeine* Anyway, your not old at all!! *whew* I'm sooo glad you didn't get all insulted... and you watched Star Trek since you were 10??? um... I never really got into the trek thing... just couldnt do it. I get distracted easily... it just didnt catch my interest. but I dont think you're a nerd!! Tell me who said that, I'll sic Sesshy on 'em!!! Yeah, go Sesshy!! Kill, kill, kill!!! XD XD It makes up for not killing the mean ol' wolf... I mean, mean ol' fox demon. I really love the story so far, but no more lemons? only six more chappies??? *swoon* what EVER shall I do?? =P guess I'll just bounce around and reread this story all the time... I really really do reread this story a lot. XD Okay, time for chatting with other people who had too much caffeine just like me... please keep writing stories... and maybe sneek in a mini-lemon? like a lil baby lemon? while your 'fleshing' your chappies? *googly eyes* LOL "fleshing your chappies" OH MAN that sounds soooo kinky and I did it by accident. Yaoi has corrupted me!! bye *bounces off for more caffeine*
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  • From ANON - lilly on July 21, 2005
    Wow, a whole chapter dedicated to me? I'm truly touched. And it has so many warm, happy moments with Rin in it! You really know seem to know my weakness. Thank you for such a wonderful chapter! And I didn't know I was the 100th reviewer. How interesting! I'm sad about not having any more lemons, but the richness of the plot makes up for it. 'Purity of Destruction' Wow. That fits Sesshomaru so well... I'm flabergasted. (How's that for a descriptive term? But it isn't very appealing, is it... how about: I'm amazed.) I have a lot of anime and manga, but no wall art as of yet. I will buy some in the future, no fear. And Kudos to your husband for reading everything you write. I truly admire you for telling your family (or at least, your husband) about reading/writing/enjoying yaoi at all. I am still sadly in the closet, and will remain there for quite some time. (I just know the reactions I'd get, my family is deeply religious... I really do not even want to consider it.) Okay, now on to the review: This was an amazing chapter. I like all the small, simple interactions that you include: Rin and Miroku, Rin and Kagome, Sango and Kohaku. Just the everyday routine that a lot of people don't include in their fiction. And having Miroku comfort Rin was a nice touch. But the vampire fox was an interesting twist! I am slightly surprised that Sesshomaru would concede the fight to his brother instead of continuing on. I know he wanted to revive Miroku, but I would have expected a little bit more... anger? fury? I am not entirely sure... and Sesshomaru seemed to be having a little bit of trouble fighting the fox in the first place. But all in all, a very nice chapter. I'm glad that you know where the story is going and how it will end... even though I will be a little sad to see it finished. I've grown spoiled due to all these updates. And to end on a positive note: if Sesshomaru were mine, he would get flowers and poetry every day. (Bad poetry, but still, it's the thought that counts, right?) Please, continue to write such lovely chapters, I very much appreciate them. And you, of course, dear authoress.
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