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Reviews for Minoue

By : doggieearlover
  • From Archfiend on June 14, 2008
    Wonderful chapter, though it was high time that Inuyasha and Kagome confessed to each other what the feelYou mentione that Sango wants to take Kirara with her to the dojo, and I`m quite looking forward in seeing Sango`s face when see notices that her cat is a youlai. Otherwisether didn`t happen much other Miroku trying to find something out about Sango`s past, which is a bit sneaky,though I`m alreadyy looking forward, when he finds something and thenlet`s something fall and get whacked on the head for. That is maybe the only thing missing in your story. Your story carries a wide range of emotions for the characters and also for the readers, which is one of the reasons why it is so outstanding, but there seem to be no comed relief moments in your story, or very few, where a reader can laugh heearily about a funny situation or some antics or another. In my opinion that`d reall make the story go round, and I hope ther will be some of these points coming up, because I mean your story is otherwise very quiet and sometimes even sombre. Nonetheless keep postin or updateing and I´ll keep on reviewing.
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  • From Darknessdawns on June 14, 2008
    Yay, that was so sweet. I definately loved the part about her wishing for him on her birthdays. This chapter was very well written as usual. Also Imay just slow down my reading and continue on this site rather than mm.Even though I am on chapter 15 there. Anyway love the story and as always keep up the good work.
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  • From Archfiend on June 13, 2008
    sorry for not reviewing the the chapter before this, so this will be for both chapters. The way you let Inuyasha act in the last chapter sjhowed really clearly what acaring person he is and I also think it still showed how unsure he is about being around people. I also get the feeling that there may be more to his history with Kikyou that you`ll reveal later, though this pure speculation (I also get the impression that Kikyou is not one of your favourite characters. In this chapter I really liked the way you emphasized the difference in relations that Miroku is trying to get into, due to the clothing of his students and the acting towards him. I also liked the idea of Miroke talking about religion and a spiritual world, which counteracts nicely to the behaviour he normally exhibits. What is really nice about this story is how it flows along nice and slow yet constantly growing and bringing in new information, never too much, just enough so one can easily process it. Ah it´s such a shame we have to wait a whole day for a new chapter (I`m kidding, don`t get angry at me again;) the wa you`re postin is fine)
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  • From Darknessdawns on June 13, 2008
    Yay, I'm really enjoying this story. I absolutely loved how you portrade Kagome's Mom and how Miroku tried to 'help' Inuyasha on his human night. I really hope things go well with them on her birthday and through out the rest of the story. I'm just impatient and may try to fing it on one of your other posting sites. I do read rather fast and tend to finish stories rather quickly. I just cant wait to see what happens. But even if I do read it on another site I will be sure to re-read it here and post my review. Love your work.
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  • From Darknessdawns on June 11, 2008
    so far I have been captivated by this story but I am taking my time reading it. I am reading so many right now.Anyway I just finished the official ch.1 and I love how you portrade Miroku and Inuyasha. You are building the characters beautiful and their relationships with each other. Your story is flowing and blooming as it should without being forced or strained. I look forward to reading more of this and to see in what direction you take it. As always keep up the good work.
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  • From Archfiend on June 11, 2008
    Well I must thank you for so much. First of all for reading my review, then that awesome huge response you gave me, it shows you so care for reviews. Then of course for your patience in explaining everything to me.I must also apologise for thinking that you did niot value the community as much as others, it was wrong interpreting things into your actions without proper information. Then I would want to say that there are some authors who take into account suggestions that are made by reviewers and some that do not, although you do not that is no resasons for me think that you do not value reviews, for that I apologise. As for this so called power I hold over you, I do not hold any power over anybody save over my own meagre self, anything else is a misunderstanding. As for the bum-licking I mentioned it is only a very strong way of saying that somebody is smarming up zo another person to get in his good books, and if I offended you I am sorry. Nonetheless on to the chapter. This chapter had everything that I have come to expect from you, meaning it is well written, nicely reaable and grammaticallly immaculate. To the contents. The entrance of Kirara is a nice touch and the way that she ends up with Sango really reflects on her strong character and sharp intelligence, portraying her perfectly. The point that she also moves in with the needy, persons who are lonely is a very nice touch. Miroku was shown in a somewhat more comical light with him being a bit on the klutzy side, though that makes him more sympathetic. As for Kagome, well the devious streak you showed in her character makes her character have a few more points that aren`t as nice and soft as in the manga, though that does not mean she is OOC, far be it, in my opinion, and mine only, you have made her more interesting that way and I am looking forward on how you will continue developing her character.
    so until the next chapter
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  • From Darknessdawns on June 11, 2008
    OMG!!!! This story is fantastic. I just finished the prologue. I love the idea so far and I can't wait to see where you are going to take this story. So far it seems kind of dark but I see the light side of it to. Something like that could and would devistate most people, but Sango is strong. I hope the rest of the story is as captivating as this first part was. As usual I look forward to reading more of your work.

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  • From zianeu on June 10, 2008
    Well, I haven't read the chapter yet (but I will) I just read through your A/N's and I have you say you get full respect for artistic integrity.

    I usually assume if something has 30 chapters up from the get-go that it's either been up for awhile (I'm a skimmer of the updates, I admit it, and might miss that the uploaded and updated day are the same, or miss the story entirely), or that I've looked at it before and thought is was insipid/repetitive/what have you, and I don't read. A few times I've been pleasantly surprised recently and proven wrong, so I'm trying to be better about that.

    The smut comment from my other review was NOT an insult-- I'm an honest girl... sometimes I /want/ some sex and/or violence (usually not in the same act, LOL, but you know what I mean). Sometimes... not. I meant nothing but compliment to your smutty scenes, they were, overall, hot without being too Fabioriffic (which is bad, share the adjective with your friends-- it involves being too perfect and/or obvious female fantasies that could star anyone from anywhere).

    I'll probably drop by your site sometime-- honestly, most likely on a day when other serials I'm reading aren't updated. Don't know if you already have one or not, but if your site has an RSS feed, I'm way more likely to make return trips because I'll stick it in my feed reader. Of course, there's always DAPP.

    AFF is improving-- I had stopped cruising the site when it was an increasing stream of poorly written one-offs that made not so much sense. Like I said above, sometimes I'm about some hot and heavy sprinkled in, but enough is enough. I'm glad you didn't go that route with this-- and with Thoroughly Modern Miroku, you so could have, and I was afraid you would... but no, so yay.

    And now to read the chapter which I bet I will like, but if there's something particular to comment on I'll be back to do so.
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  • From Archfiend on June 10, 2008
    Your story is rally wonderful and you are an exceptional writer, and it finally is taking up sprrd There are also relatively few sex scenes so far, not that I`m complaining, Your strilogy about Iny Yasha and Kagome as mates, had more than enough sex to last for twice the length , and it`nice to read a story which draws is atmosphere completely out of it`s storyline and not out of the sex scenes, though the other story has an extremely well written storyline as well, no doubt. But there is one request I have. I followed a link of yours and found your site on which you post your progress and I was shocked to find that this story is actually already at chapter 30. While I understand your intentions of giving us your story piecemeal so that we ,your loving and loyaal readers. stay hooked to this story, I for one yould stay hookes to it no matter what. The problem is that even though we can give criticism off in our reviems, hopefully of the constructive sort, we have no way of influenceimng the story or it`s outcome with our reviews, making only into an instrument of either applying praise or dislike of the chapter since criticism is meaning less as we are powerless to influence anything. And while that may sound selfish to you, that we the readers would want to influence you the author, who has has so much hard work , I also think that such actions are, please forgive me for saying such a thing, extremely selfish and disrespectful of us your readers, for it robs us of a chance to communicate with you on a level where we are eye-to-eye and reduces us and the people who take it upon them to leave a constuctive reviem behind to mer fops who are only good for licking one`s bum, and I clearly think we have not done anything to deserve such a fate.
    I do hope you have read this review and I hope you did not find it too offensive, it is just the way I feel about the situation, and not intended to hurt anyone`s feelings, just to be some constructive criticism
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  • From ANON - Ruka on June 09, 2008
    Heyy ! :)
    i love the new story. it's so great .
    can't wait for the new chapters.
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  • From Archfiend on June 08, 2008
    Well, this is certainly starting to heat up. I wonder what Kikyou did to him. And the wolf pack, hmm, I wonder when Inu Yasha will go full out against Kouga? And when will you introduce Sesshoumaru?mOh my god there`s so much to look forward that I can`t wait for you to update the story with new chapters.
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  • From ANON - zianeu on June 07, 2008
    Ohh, another chapter, and the plot thickens. Too much to hope she died in a horrid accident, eh?

    Miroku's rather less redeemable in this fic, isn't he? I'm really enjoying the story all the same. Checked out some of your other stuff, too. Quality, quality story and quality smut, LOL. Keep up the good work, please!
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  • From zianeu on June 07, 2008
    This is a really interesting AU. I'm liking how you envisioned the characters. They are quite true to their origins in the manga, but different.

    I look forward to more.
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  • From Archfiend on June 06, 2008
    welll, the setting of the story into modern age japan is certainly an interesting idea, and the story in itself is starting to heat up. As of now it seems unclear whether you want to imlement a plot into the story or not, so I cannot say anything about that, your writing style is nice and easy to read andyou portray Miroku so far quite well. . This story certainly deserves further chapters ASAP
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