Void | By : Avarwen Category: InuYasha > Yaoi - Male/Male > InuYasha/Sessh?maru > InuYasha/Sessh?maru Views: 6802 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
A/N: I think I’d gone more than a little insane when I wrote this chapter, but hopefully it still turned out okay... Hope you all enjoy! ^_^
Fever Dreams
Inuyasha panted heavily as he ran through the shadowed forest, unsure exactly who his pursuer was, only that he needed to keep on running... couldn’t let them catch him. Not yet at least.
Not because he was afraid of them.
Well, not really anyway.
It was just an instinct-- he needed to keep leading this creature on, let it hunt him down, prove to himself that it was worthy of something.
A loud howl reached his ears from somewhere fairly close by, and he shivered at the sheer power behind that call, his fevered skin breaking out in gooseflesh, contradicting the cocoon of sweat that coated his entire body, plastering his hair against his head, and making it slightly uncomfortable to move.
He was so hot... he wanted so much to go to that call... to sate this strange desire within him-- somehow knowing that the maker of that call would be able to ease this horrible inferno in him. But he couldn’t go. He wouldn’t. He could not give him-- his hunter would have to catch him.
The hanyou stumbled forward a little ways, and was slightly surprised when his foot connected with the cool caress of water, and he glanced down to try and figure out where it had come from.
Apparently, in his delirium-like state, he had wandered into a spring of some sort.
And, despite the fact that he could see steam rising from the surface, the water was strangely cool and refreshing against his flushed skin... and it called to him, beckoning him into the depths.
And, after all the running he had done, and how uncomfortable the heat was making his body, anything that promised it could take it a way was more than a little tempting indeed.
Without thinking, Inuyasha quickly rid himself of his clothing, dropping them without a care onto the grassy banks around the pool as he waded out into the water, which seemed to melt around him to envelope his body, soothing away some of the pain from the heat.
In an instant he was up to his waist in the water, steam rising to surround him in a thick fog as he approached one of the large rocks that protruded from the water.
He pressed against it, enjoying the way it’s cool, slick surface further helping to soothe his personal inferno, and he sighed softly and closed his eyes, nuzzling his cheek against the less-than-inviting surface of the boulder.
There was no warning given-- no scent in the air, nor sound in the water to alert him, before he suddenly felt someone pressing against his back-- pressing him into the rocks, causing small scratches to appear on his skin as it lost the battle against the jagged edges of stone.
Breath hissed over his damp hair, while a low growl rumbled in his ear, the sound reverberating through his assailants chest, which was pressed quite firmly against his back, making his skin shiver in both fear and anticipation.
‘Did you really think you could escape me?’ A deep, husky voice murmured in his ear, it’s tone laced with desire and the darker, more primal undertones of lust and arousal.
A small whimper slipped from his throat, and he gave a soft shake of his head, loving the way two strong arms came to wrap around his mid-section in response, cooling the uncomfortable fire flickering within him as his skin was squeezed gently.
Though why he was enjoying playing the part of the bitch was beyond him.
Because it was quite obvious to him that, whoever his assailant was, they weren’t female.
If the voice hadn’t been enough of an indicator of the gender of said assailant, the hard, flat chest firmly lined up with his back would definitely have been.
Not to mention the very masculine aspect of his predator that was currently pressing quite insistently into his ass.
At the feel of that particular part of anatomy pressing against him, Inuyasha couldn’t help but whine in need, and push back a little into the touch.
Another low growl was heard, making his ears flick slightly, and then he was slammed forward again, his head smacking against the rock as he failed to catch it in time against the sudden assault, disorienting him slightly.
And, as Inuyasha took some time to get his bearings, his attacked took full advantage-- wasting absolutely no time to pull back, and then slam harshly within him.
Inuyasha gasped loudly and arched his back from the intrusion but, strangely enough, it wasn’t in pain.
Be it an effect of the water, or maybe his fever, but he felt nothing but pure bliss as he was penetrated, pleasure shooting itself off in hot waves throughout his entire body, making him moan and jerk his hips.
A loud snarl tore itself free from his throat as his claws dug deep gashes into the rock before him, and he shoved back, forcing more of his new-found lover inside of him.
An answering growl met his ears, and then the length within him withdrew slightly, only to slam forward again an instant later, hitting a spot inside of him that made him gasp and moan.
Hands grasped his hips roughly as a warm mouth latched onto the back of his neck, suckling the flesh, sending more heat spiralling through his body, down his chest to pool in his groin as he endured this torture, his body arching, stretching the skin beneath clawed hands as he tried to encourage his attacker to do more.
Fangs barely grazed the flesh of his neck, but it was enough to make him jolt slightly in surprise at the unexpected surge of warmth he felt from it, even as said fangs drew back, a tongue slipping out for a moment to lap at the very little blood that had been spilt from their grazing before the grip around his waist tightened and the male within him withdrew slightly.
Inuyasha tensed up a little, and then hissed out, his head falling back as he was thrust into again, his fangs elongating and bearing slightly as he tossed his head, silver hair sending small cascades of water droplets to fly through the air.
A rapid pace was suddenly set, his lover thrusting roughly into him, sending pleasure and pain racing through him in a confusing battle that made his blood boil and his skin shiver in delight as the other continued to move within him-- relieving him of the original heat, but only to replace it with an inferno of a different kind.
All his nerve-endings stood at full attention, seeming to sing at even the slightest caress that was offered to him, before suddenly exploding into tiny pin-pricks of white light, that sent off a spiral of mind-blowing colours before his eyes as he felt his mate come inside of him, forcing him to follow him over the edge...
Inuyasha’s sleep-stilled breath flew from his mouth in a sudden and rapid escape attempt as he woke up with a loud, and slightly startled sounding gasp, though that was really the only sign he gave that he was awake.
His eyes didn’t open, and he didn’t move save to shiver violently from the after-effects of his dream...
He lay there for several moments, breathing heavily, trying to stop his body’s uncontrollable shaking... but it wasn’t working.
And he realised a moment later that the extreme heat he had been experiencing in the dream had not faded away... indeed, it seemed to have increased itself a hundredfold, covering his body in a veil of irritated red, and slick sweat as his veins clashed with the mind-consuming fire.
And, as he came to this realisation, the inferno only seemed to increase all the more, making him pant out heavily and gasp for air that didn’t seem to want to stay in his lungs.
He couldn’t... breathe properly... he couldn’t concentrate... get his mind to focus on anything but the fire burning within him.
And he didn’t know what to do.
He had had fevers before (it was only to be expected considering the number of infections and things he had gotten while battling for his father) but they were never so extreme-- never anything he couldn’t handle and didn’t go away in a day or so. But this was different.
It wasn’t a sick kind of fever.
His body wanted something.
No... it needed something. Only, he didn’t know what that something was.
A wave of pain suddenly washed over him, and he gasped loudly again, unable to keep it down from the unexpected extremity of the pain as it caused his eyes to fly open to blindly stare around the room as he all but howled at the strange sensations consuming him...
He stared around him, his eyes narrowing sharply, unable to discern anything through the strange haze of red that had started to veil his eyes.
Oh sure, he could see things now, but he couldn’t recognise them... nothing seemed familiar to his mind anymore, and it refused to acknowledge anything in the room as being something it had had experience with before in it’s life.
He blinked, trying to get rid of this strange new way of looking at the world, and his vision disappeared completely, making his body go entirely stiff and tensed, even as he lost his pupils and irises into the whites of his eyes.
He snarled loudly, his head thrashing slightly in confusion as he brought one hand up to rub at his eye, not liking this new-found vulnerability he had developed... and slowly he could feel his vision return, small flickers of light and just the world around him in general appearing in a steady stream, before returning entirely, and he paused, lowering his hand and looking around the room.
Only his eyes were no longer golden.
They had turned to a bleak demon-crimson, his pupils a strange aqua colour and narrowed down into cat-like slits that barely needed to adjust at all to the night around them.
And on either side of his face, a deep, purple youkai stripe had taken up residence on his cheekbones, stretching down and under his eyes as he peered in confusion around him.
His nose sniffed at the cool night air, rapidly inhaling and exhaling air as he scented his own arousal-- the scents of the other demons who had captured him, and... him.
Inuyasha could feel his fangs and claws lengthen slightly in his mouth at the scent that made his mouth go dry, before beginning to water uncontrollably as he perked his ears up, turning his head in the direction the scent was strongest as something within him urged him to go to the owner of that scent.
And, since his rational mind was now all but gone, Inuyasha wasted no time to listen to that command... Or he tried to, anyway.
But his newly transformed body had not taken so much as one step, before more pain washed through him, as well as a fresh wave of unbelievable heat, and a loud cry tore itself from his throat before he collapsed to the ground, his entire body shaking with the exertion of it all as he spasmed on the floor, his claws digging tightly into the ground as he snarled angrily at first, before letting out a loud, pain-filled sound caught between a whine and a scream.
And his mind, unable to tolerate the confusion of the mingling pains within it’s captor body, slowly began to shut itself down, drawing back and allowing darkness and unconsciousness to creep over him as he slipped into the blissful void of dark nothingness that offered him a haven from the heat and pain.
In another room not so far away, the Inuyoukai prince of the west shot up from his bed in a most undignified manner, his eyes thrown wide and a loud snarl escaping his lips as his crimson gaze stared blindly around him, rage and concern pouring through him as his body and youki knew only one thing.
His mate was in trouble.
Hanyou - Half-Demon
Youkai - Demon
Inuyoukai - Dog-Demon
Youki - A Demon’s Demonic energy
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