Playing Their Game | By : IceQueenRex Category: InuYasha > General Views: 2057 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
ALAS! Here is chapter number 2!!!!!! ENJOY EVERYONE!
Their Game
2: Arguments Are Supposedly Healthy
eyes burned with fire as the girl sat, unmoving, glaring at the group
who had placed their disgustingly painted faces in front of her. She
huffed, folded her arms and continued glaring at them, blowing her
hair out of her face.
just didn’t know how to leave her alone, did they? Honestly,
she was getting extremely annoyed with this. First they had to go and
beat her up, then this? Some girls really didn’t know how to
just stop.
week had passed since the incident and her guardian had been
extremely furious with the girls. Kagome herself had been spitefully
glad when the girls had been missing for a week and she grinned
wickedly to herself during that time. But it was inevitable that
they'd return; they were only suspended after all.
around the canteen, people were happily eating, minding their own
business, not noticing the interrogation of a lonesome girl in an
old, black and white tartan cotton shirt and a pair of dark blue
jeans. Rolling her eyes and groaning in annoyance, Kagome snapped at
them, “Well? Hurry up and get it done with, I am trying
to eat here.”
just waltzed up and scowled. “You think that just because you
got us suspended for a few days, you'd be off the hook for insulting
me and slapping me?”
this, Kagome banged her fists on the table and stood up. “I
have three words for you; Get Over It.” She said it slowly, as
if explaining it to a child.
that, she picked up her bento and shoved the girls out of the way as
she walked, strong and extremely ticked off, out of the hall and down
a hallway, towards the fire escape. Opening the door, she slumped
down on the stairs and began muttering to herself as she shoved a
cherry tomato into her mouth, savoring the sweetness and the tang.
painted dolls...afraid of a little girl like me who decides to stand
up for herself for once. Eugh! Annoying little pieces of trash...Well
you know what? You four can just suck it up and live with the fact
that I exist! Everyone else has, too! And while you're at it, go join
the circus! I'm sure they'd like more female clowns with faces like
of a sudden, an amused voice snapped her out of her rant and she all
but jumped, almost losing her apple.
Brown Eyes, when you're done with your rant, could you please lend us
a lighter if you have one?”
up and looking down the flight of stairs, she noticed the Ravens
sitting there, having their lunch. They all looked pretty amused and
the girl just bit her lip and blushed furiously.
dear.” She winced, very embarrassed indeed. “You heard
all of that?”
You bet! You were practically screaming your pretty little head off!”
Bankotsu said, standing up and leaning against the wall, chucking an
apple core over the side.
him an annoyed look, she retorted, “Alright, I wasn't that
yeah, whatever. Well? Do you have a lighter or not?” he
drawled, throwing his braid over his shoulder.
sit down Banks! I highly doubt she smokes,” came the bored
voice of Suikotsu, who was examining his shoes lazily.
braided boy turned to him and snorted. “Probably not, good
girls like her don't know how to have fu- ouch!”
tired of his voice and insults, Kagome pulled out a lighter form her
back pocket and threw it at him, aiming for his head. His little cry
of pain earned him laughs from all over the group, some of them even
flashing Kagome a thumbs-up.
sweetheart, he'll probably stop complaining now,” said Sango,
giving her a smile.
Bankotsu wasn't as amused. “What the hell was that for?”
he yelled, rubbing his head.
your complaining and use it already! I need it too you know!”
she snapped, giving him a glare.
smoke?” Ayame asked, a little surprised.
just smiled and shook her head. “It's my brother's, he's
leaving it with me while he's away. I just like keeping it.”
have a brother? What's his name?” the Taijiya asked.
name's Souta. He's older than me, working in Hong Kong at the moment
on a business trip,” Kagome supplied.
your family must be missing him,” Kikyo said, with a small
smile gracing her lips.
this, Kagome froze and quickly thought up a lie, though it made her
feel slightly uncomfortable to say it. “Yeah, they're not at
home with me at the moment. My father's on another business trip in
Vietnam I believe, while my mother's visiting some relatives in the
country. My grandmother is ill, so she's tending to her. Neither of
them will be back for another few months or so. father only
visits a few times a year...he works abroad, you see.”
flash of sympathy crossed their faces, but went unnoticed by Kagome.
must miss them huh? Who're you staying with?” the wolf girl
asked again.
stay with my godmother and my dog. And of course my father's bikes.”
She laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.
which she probably can't even ride,” Bankotsu muttered under
his breath.
snapped her head towards him and rounded on the blue-eyed boy, fixing
him with a dangerous smile, “Excuse me?”
away and hiding a grin, Inuyasha muttered to his friend, “Dude,
I think you might have just dug your grave.”
was inevitable, the idiot never keeps his mouth shut,” said
Sango's brother, Kohaku, boredly though his lips harboured a little,
knowing smile.
So you're all turning on me now?” he shouted angrily,
narrowing his eyes.
turning on you, just...putting you in your place,” Jakotsu, his
brother, said, examining his nails.
turned to him, looking betrayed and devastated. “Et tu,
letting out a giggle, Kagome snapped her mouth shut, trying not to
smile as Bankotsu turned to her, looking quite angry. Stomping up the
stairs, he backed her against the railing on the stairs, growling
what, may I ask, is so funny?”
struggling with her willpower to stop her mouth from contorting into
a grin, she covered her face with a hand and turned away, squeaking
out, “Nothing, you're just very...dramatic.”
ho! Hell you got that right! You should see him when he loses a pair
of shoes! He goes haywire! We almost had to call the police this one
time because he was freaking out so much!” Hiten burst out,
causing the group to erupt in laughter. Of course, Sesshoumaru
remained as stoic, as usual.
up! Baka!” Cerulean eyes burned with anger as he fixed his gaze
on the other boy. “Those were special shoes!”
ha ha. You're even more materialistic than I thought, aren't you,
Wonderboy?” Kagome taunted, smirking all the while.
her and grinning darkly, Bankotsu leaned closer and whispered in her
ear, “Maybe...but I'm picky when it comes to
clothes...especially girl's clothes. And I'm glad your lingerie is at
least made of a good brand. The black lace is nice, so is the little
ribbon at the top.”
beet red, Kagome snapped her head downwards and indeed, to her
devastation, the two top buttons of her top had somehow come undone
and were now revealing the top part of her bra. Screaming in fury,
Kagome swiped her hand across his face, screeching all the while,
Di-did you see that?” exclaimed Inuyasha, standing up, eyes
wide, along with the rest of the group. His brother just sighed and
Inuyasha. We did see. We were right here, you stupid hanyou.”
was at a loss for words at the moment, as she looked, worriedly, at
the boy who was currently sporting a red, hand mark on his cheek and
was looking very dark and deadly indeed. Jerkily, he turned his head
towards her, his mouth set in a growl.
you...just...slap me?” he asked coldly.
dropping and frowning, the girl retorted roughly, “Do I have to
do it again to bring you back to reality?”
you even start, Wonderboy! I wasn't the one looking down your shirt
and making perverted remarks!”
this, he chuckled and pulled backwards slightly. “Well, little
girls like yourself should learn to button up a top.”
eyes narrowed dangerously. “And little boys should learn to
keep their eyes away from places where they aren't welcome. And that
goes for hands as well!”
put my hands where I like, thanks!”
while I'm around!”
two glared at each other and everyone around could just feel the
tension and the crazy sparks flying in the air.
Kikyo, you think she could do that to all the guys here?” Ayame
whispered, winking at her dark-haired friend.
tall, formidable girl just smirked and breathed out a small, “Hm,
suggest we get Banks outta there before he says something stupid,”
Miroku tried, sneaking a glance at the arguing couple.
should we?” the hanyou asked, crossing his arms and tilting his
head back.
older boy just smiled, shrugged and sat down again. “Why? It's
fun to watch...all we need now is popcorn.”
just sweat-dropped and sighed, turning their attention back to the
You know what Brown Eyes? Let's make this easier shall we? Apologize,
and I wont bug you anymore. How 'bout it?” the braided boy
asked, folding his arms and raising a brow.
was just speechless. Apologize and he'd leave her alone? Apologize?
Are you kidding? She immediately voiced her thoughts. “Are
you kidding me? Apologize? Look, there is no way, in the seven fires
of hell, that I will ever apologize for anything to you! So
you can take that apology and shove it up someone's ass! And it won't
be mine!”
she received was a dark grin and, “Not that I'd mind, though I
usually go the other end.”
from all around dropped to the ground so hard that you could
practically hear the chatter of teeth.
it just me, or has this gotten intimate?” Kouga quipped into
Suikotsu's ear.
deadly silence lay amongst the group as Kagome looked on, unfazed but
very ticked off. So much as to the point where fire seemed to be
glowing within her brown orbs.
Bankotsu continued. “Now unless you don't want me to perform a
treacherous act, I suggest you”
not getting one word out of me, so don't bother asking.”
was beginning to really get grated on her nerves as she continued
trying to find major comebacks against this witty boy. But she
thought sneakily, ‘If he wants to play witty, so will I.’
that's just too bad then. Guess I'll be having a new girl to pick on,
starting today,” he stated boredly.
girl just laughed, earning her weird looks from the gang. “Bring
it on, Wonderboy. I'll be waiting.”
up her lighter from his hand, she picked up her apple, took a bite
and stormed out, without one look back.
all through lessons afterwards, Kagome had to spend a good ten
minutes in the bathroom after school, cooling off. 'Idiot! Why'd I
have to be so stubborn! serves him right. I'm not
apologizing! He should come to me! How DARE he? I have NEVER met
anyone as rude, conceited, arrogant and...and...annoying!'
washed her face and sighed, walking out again. Momo would usually
come and pick her up at around this time. The dog would usually wait
outside the gates under one of the trees and so, not wanting her
darling to worry, she pushed up her sleeves and slung her bag over
her shoulder, walking out.
yes, we know,” Miroku droned, bored out of his skull at his
friend's swearing frenzies. Bankotsu had been at it for the past
three lessons, swearing, throwing, and basically seething. The Monk
had been wary enough to duck several flying objects, one of which
missed his head by centimetres.
calls herself a girl but she's a bloody vixen! Damn it! How can she
be so hard?" He would have started banging his head into a wall
had it not been for the sight of the certain raven-haired, brown-eyed
vixen of his current thoughts. She was smiling for some reason, no
doubt, to Bankotsu, because she had just out-witted him and was damn
ready for anything that he threw her way.
to himself in frustration, he frowned as he looked to where she was
going. "Ne, Inuyasha, what do you know about her?"
silver-haired boy just raised a brow and asked blandly, "Why are
you asking me? I've hardly even noticed her at school. Idiot, why do
you let a stupid little girl get the better of you? Pfft! And I
thought you were more manly than that!" But secretyly,
the amber eyed boy was feeling slightly guilty for calling the girl
"stupid" and for lying about his relationship with her. It
had been ages since he'd last talked to her and he hadn't a clue of
what had been going on in her life.
when he noticed his friend and Kagome fighting today, he'd seen
something between the two of them. Bankotsu was one rowdy, rough,
rude and insensitive bastard. Much like the rest of the group. And
she had the guts to go against all of that dump them all where they
belonged. But...he knew, even she wasn't very strong. Not emotionally
anyway. She could hardly control her feelings back then and he was
damned sure she still had that weakness now.
damply, he just stood up and frowned down at his friend. "Oi.
Get up."
eyes met amber in confusion. "Eh? Why?"
get up will you? Since you're so interested in her, let’s go to
her place!" he shouted.
friends' orbs widened considerably. "What? Who says I'm
interested in her? Besides, do you even know where she lives?"
Baka! Why would I be taking you there if I didn't know? Use some
common sense!"
who's talking! I don't see you using any most of the time! But
FINE! Lets go!"
you guys! Are you coming?" the hanyou called to the others, who
were just looking at him suspiciously.
did you know where she lived?" Miroku asked, eyes twinkling.
he sighed, defeated and muttered. "We were friends, years ago.
But whatever! Are you coming or not?"
hai, Inuyasha. Keep your boots on," Kikyo said wryly, a small
smile gracing her lips as she got up and fought not to chuckle.
sent a glare at her back but they softened when she smiled, amusedly
at him. "Well, are we going, Inuyasha?"
boy just turned away and nodded, leading the gang towards the
Kagome's house. As they were walking, they noticed the change in
scenery as well as the style of the houses. It was no longer the high
class, luxurious place they were used to. The streets were narrower,
not to mention quite uneven. Cars parked at the side of the road,
narrowing them even further and the buildings weren't as clean,
modern or as well planned as the city or its outskirts. They
continued through the turns here and there, noting the change of the
people as well.
weren't as well-dressed, or if they were, they did stick out a great
deal. But what surprised them the most was the fact that they managed
to fit in quite well with the number of youngsters that prawled the
place. Unlike other rich families and their children, The Ravens were
rebels and thus they tended to stay away from the dresses and linen
trousers. Their style was more...street style in a way. And
yet...they still portrayed class and refinement, they naturally
wouldn't just start sporting a pair of shorts and some old baggy
shirt, they still had an image and a background to show off and keep
the group suddenly came to a stop, everyone was pretty much awed at
the sight before them. It was an old house, falling apart here and
there, looking quite like a run down old villa that hadn't been
tended to for decades. But, it was quite large and it held a sense of
warmth and comfort, very welcoming indeed.
just walked to the front door, turned back and gave his friends a
bracing look before knocking on it. Sesshoumaru had come beside him
sometime ago, and the two had just walked in silence. When Inuyasha
got tired of it and asked his brother why he was there, the older boy
just turned to him and said, stoiclly; "I, like you, Inuyasha,
have not paid attention to her for about five or so years no. I look
forward to seeing her again. You are not the only one who has known
her, little brother."
that, the conversation was left to rest.
is where she lives huh?" Ayame whispered to Sango.
Taijiya just smiled and looked at it. "It seems very old.
But...very welcoming. I might actually feel at home here. What do you
think, Kikyo?"
tall girl just smiled softly. "It has a good feeling about it.
But," her expression saddened somewhat. "There is
pain...deep pain. But there is love, none the less... a lot of it."
looked at the house with no particular expression on his face. He was
wondering more so at what the hell he was doing here and what he was
going to say when he saw her. But then, remembering what Inuyasha
said earlier, about them being friends a long time ago, it brought a
strange, forlorn feeling within him. Scoffing, he just turned towards
the door, only to see it opening.
Sorry I!"
ALRIGHT! Yes, here is the well awaited second installment of Playing
Their Game. All I have to say is....WOW! I still cannot believe that
I've gotten so many reviews and favourites for ONE chapter!!! KEEP EM
COMING PEOPLE!!!! Thanks so much! You've really boosted my confidence
and now I KNOW I'll have fun writing this! A BIG thanks, not to
mention cookies, to SilveryDarkness for being my BETA. You're a doll,
honey! Thanks!
As for the rest of the reviewers....ARIGATOU!!!
dimension guardian, Kage Youkai, kagome4hiei, fireychika24, shadow
miko, Saturn-fox, Kage otome.
Kapitan Nemo, Shivers, bluemoon_175, Kaleigh.
Kitsuna, Roxie Selvetie.
ALL! And keep REVIEWING! I'm also looking for some critical advice
here...NO FLAMES!!!
Chapter: In order to NOT be rude, Kagome is forced to invite everyone
into her home. But what's she going to say about Sesshoumaru and
Inuyasha? After all, she hasn't talked to them in years and now her
old friends are on her doorstep? Hmmm...and what about Bankotsu? Is
all this affection going to get our man jealous? Find out soon!! ^^
*damn this sounds like a preview of an upcoming episode or
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