Playing Their Game | By : IceQueenRex Category: InuYasha > General Views: 2057 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Hello everyone, a new story, a new beginning! This has been in the
making for a few weeks now...just never got it down on paper...ah
well! That's about to change! So here it goes. This is going to be a
very....sad, happy, funny, dramatic, romantic, smutty and SMEXY story
in the near future. I'm on holidays right now so I thought, why not?
Here goes! Its AU by the way.
Their Game
1: Pain Is An Alarm Clock
is an alarm clock, it brings you back to reality every time. Don't
let pain cloud your vision Kagome, that's not how it's done.”
The drops fell heavy on
her head, her body, her face, drowning her thoughts away as it
swirled around on the tiled floor of her tub. The floor was pristine
white, betraying grey and black marks of the mud from her feet and
grains of sand when she fell on the ground earlier. Blood swirled
around the water from her knees and arms. And on her cold body, which
had taken on a blue tint, were dark blue and purple bruises. They had
hit her, hard and painfully, but she didn't cry, she wouldn't cry.
She hadn't cried in a long time, and she wasn't about to start now.
come.” She called softly, hearing the patter of clawed feet on
the ground. A few moments later, the tiniest puppy came trotting into
the bathroom, his silky black fur rippling on her skin. She was a
rottweiler, the smallest of the new bunch that were born a week ago.
Smiling wanly, Kagome bent down and lifted the tiny thing into her
arms and chuckled as it began to blink and shake out its fur as the
water fell on her little head.
They say that animals
can smell feelings and emotions on you...if so, perhaps that was the
reason Momo looked up at her mistress with comforting, wide and
innocent eyes. The dark haired girl smiled softly and kissed her on
her forehead, wiping the suds out of her eyes.
my only friend right now, aren't you Momo? You'll look after me
right? Daddy wont...wont take me on his bike anymore. He's...gone
isn't he...just like mama. won't leave me will you? We'll
take care of each other. And...and...Kaede-chan will take care of us
too. don't worry.” Kagome closed her eyes, willing to
keep the tears in. Her mother would tell her, “Be
strong, don't break down, just be strong and don't take any nonsense
from anyone! My strong little girl.”
Smiling to herself, she
cuddled the dog closer, smiling into her fur as the water just kept
5 Years Later...
I've packed your bento, be careful ok? It's a little hot.” An
old, yet kindly voice said.
Kagome turned around
from her breakfast and smiled thankfully. “Arigatou,
Kaede-chan. I will. I'll see you later then. Come! Momo!”
The young girl of
eighteen, stood up quickly and grabbed her bag, pushing her thick
wavy hair behind her back. As soon as she was out of the door, she
heard the bounding of heavy feet and the the excited bark of her pet,
Momo had grown quite
large in the last few years and she was enough to scare away the
whole school should she like to. She had mated with a stray of the
same breed and Kagome, in a few more weeks, would be the proud
godmother of a new litter of pups. Of course she'd had to plead her
guardian into letting her keep them first.
They did live in a
rather big house, but it was in shambles for the most part, paint
chipping, floor boards creaking, doors hanging off hinges and not to
mention door knobs falling off every so often. It was one of those
very old double story houses which had been in Kaede's family for
generations and she refused to leave it. Not that Kagome had any
objections, having many little hiding places all around, not to
mention a little tower right at the top which was her room.
She loved her home, it
was the only one she'd ever had where she didn't need to worry about
anything except school. Or so she told herself everyday. Deep down,
she still carried those burdens and bruises of old, when the kids
bullied her, when her father died on the bike she loved to ride and
when her mother joined him after suffering from cancer.
She'd had one of those
lives where everything seemed to be going wrong, until she decided to
take control of everything and be strong, just as her mother and
father told her to.
Momo, we're here, thank you sweetie, go home and rest now ok? We've
still got to protect those babies of yours.” The brown eyed
girl sat on her heels and gave her friend a kiss on the head, before
watching her trot off and then heading to class herself. It was the
University of East Tokyo that she went to, one of the better ones,
but also a little expensive. Many youkai families sent their children
to it and a good number of “humans” who went there were
known to be quite “gifted”.
But there were also the
groups. A number of gangster groups each with their extremely skilled
members resided in the school and they were usually those from rich
families much to Kagome's dislike. She on the other hand, didn't
belong to any group, and that was probably why she was called a loner
a lot of the time.
Yes she was still
bullied, though not as badly as before, nowadays, people either
didn't notice her or just ignored her. Quirking a grin, she walked
purposely towards the gates, being mindful of the number of students
walking to and fro, all talking to each other happily and exchanging
news about the weekend.
you believe it? He called me! I mean he actually, finally called me!”
well you're one lucky girl! So, did he ask you out?”
Kagome rolled her eyes,
muttering a soft, “Pathetic,” under her voice. Some girls
these days honestly had nothing else on their mind other than guys.
It really was pathetic in her eyes.
The University campus
was very large, creating what some people would say, a small town in
itself. You would usually have to take the bus around it in order to
save an hour of walking and getting lost. And like most universities
out there, there was no dress code. This sometimes bothered her
because you'd get girls walking around with practically nothing but
two pieces of cloth. And not to mention guys who “lost”
their shirt on the way.
The brown eyed girl
sighed and sat down in her seat, waiting for class to start. All of a
sudden, everyone in the class began to gasp and some girls started
whispering amongst one another. It was then that Kagome noticed a
large group of people, all looking quite intimidating as they walked
in. Kagome shook her head, realizing who they were and she turned
back to her book. It was one of the gangs, The Ravens as they called
themselves. A weird name for weird people, she thought, but then
again, she thought that she herself must be pretty weird to everyone
The gangs around the
school were quiet feared amongst the students, having had quite a few
nasty things done to them over the years. But if you just made
yourself seem invisible, probably nothing bad would happen. The young
Higurashi peeked up again and in her mind, named the members of the
Ravens. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha Turomiki, Miroku Tatsugaya, Kikyo
Hanajima, Kouga Hitoki, Hiten and Manten Yagahara, Sango and Kohaku
Mutsou, Ayame Janurobu some others who didn't take the class, and of
course, a group of brothers, Jakotsu, Renkotsu, Suikotsu and
History, Pure
Chemistry, Pure Maths and Languages were the worst because the entire
gang took those. The girl sighed and returned to her work. The
teacher came in a few minutes later and gave them their assignments.
About halfway through class, the teacher left, apparently needing the
The minute he stepped
out of the class, the students began chatting and talking, totally
abandoning their work. Totally oblivious to this, Kagome just
continued, earning her a few whispers and giggles from a group of
if it isn't Kagome Higurashi, the world's biggest suck up.”
Came a sneering voice from above.
The girl all but jumped
from her chair and looked up, dropping her pen in the process.
Giggles and laughter erupted all around and Kagome felt her cheeks
burn. It was Megumi Atoni and her friends Ami, Yui and Eri. They all
looked at her with spite and amusement, leaving Kagome to roll her
eyes and look back down.
what exactly is it that you want with this 'World's Biggest Suck
Up'?” she asked boredly.
Megumi narrowed her
eyes and scowled, “Watch it Higurashi, in case you haven't
noticed, not that many people are on your side in here.”
Getting slightly
annoyed, Kagome bit out a comment, “Well then lets just hope
they aren't on 'The Worlds' Most Annoying Bimbos' side. I'm pretty
sure that's much worse.”
Now this got a few
laughs and maybe even an 'ooh' or two from the guys. Kagome just
smirked and turned back to her work.
Aquamarine eyes watched
the scene in amusement. An interested grin slowly made its way across
the boy's face as he watched the small girl battle with four other
Ayame, look at this. Some chick is going fireball on the Barbies.”
Bankotsu said in a low whisper.
The red-head
immediately looked up at this and grinned. “Well looks like
someone's putting them in their freaking place. Bunch of plastic
Bankotsu eyed the fiery
girl with interest, her hair was either a very dark brown or black
and her eyes were currently blazing with fire in their brown depths.
She had a very small stature but in his opinion, it was
She wore a black crop
top and a pair of tight, faded jeans and a pair of boots. All of a
sudden, something happened that he didn't expect, she slapped one of
the girls right on the face.
dare you talk about my
guardian that way!” He heard her scream. He could still hear
the slap that echoed in the air and stilled the class. Everyone
looked at her, wide eyed and disbelieved.
Megumi was still
recovering from her initial shock and she had her hand placed on her
cheek, a red mark beginning to appear. She suddenly looked at Kagome,
fury in her eyes, “ BITCH!” With that, she lunged
at Kagome, pushing her to the ground and banging her head against the
floor, delivering punches to her face. Her friends, Ami, Yui and Eri,
joined in a few moments later and kicked the girl and with that, the
whole class ended up in an uproar.
The class began
crowding around the fight, some cheering, some yelling, some telling
them to stop. Bankotsu immediately jumped to his feet, pushing his
way through the crowd, trying to shove the huge mass of students
away. “Move outta my way!”
Inuyasha! Gimme some help here!” He called, though he really
had no need to, as his hanyou friend was already by his side, helping
him through.
did you see that?” He shouted, wildly.
I did, I was right here! Now get these ass holed outta the way!”
Bankostu finally got so annoyed that he began elbowing people out of
the way, trying to get to the girl. Finally making it through, his
eyes widened as he saw the amount of blood splattered on the floor.
Megumi was still delivering punches while the other three helped,
holding the struggling girl up and delivering kicks and yanking at
her hair.
Someone tried pulling
Megumi off the girl but to no avail. Bankotsu growled and lunged at
the girl, shoving her against Inuyasha who sneered at her and brought
her away. The other three seemed to get the hint and they jumped up,
trying to step away but they were taken away by another group of boys
as the girl fell to the floor breathing heavily.
Kikyo, Sango and Ayame
stepped forward and knelt down next to Bankotsu who was pushing her
hair out of her face while getting his hands bloodied in the process.
The girl soon started
to wince and move, trying to get up into sitting position. “Ow...oh
kami that hurts.” She whispered.
easy girl, we've gotcha.” The braided boy helped the bloodied
girl up only to have her collapse back down again. She would have
probably hurt herself even more had it not been for Bankotsu quickly
catching her in time.
fine...I can do it.” the girl said, determined.
Amused by her self
righteousness and self pride, he chuckled and picked her up, bridal
style, walking her to the nurse's office.
When the nurse had
cleaned her up and left, Kagome was sporting a split lip, bruises all
over her body, cuts and scratches, and a cheek that was now turning
blue. Nothing had been broken but she still felt like crap and was in
bad pain.
She sat on the white
bed, dangling her legs and looking at the floor when three girls
walked up to her. “Hey,” a red head said, “You
feeling better?”
Kagome chuckled
mirthlessly and shook her head. “I feel like I've just been run
down by a herd of heavy metal weight champions.” She looked up
at the three looked down again, whispering a soft, “Thank
The girl who she
recognized as Kikyo laughed and sat down on the bed, next to her
stroking her hair. “I think it's Bankotsu who you might want to
thank. What's your name by the way?”
Higurashi....aren't you...the Miko, Kikyo?” She asked,
uncertain, looking at the pretty girl next to her.
Kikyo nodded, “Would
you like me to heal you...I could do it easily-”
she was cut off, “I've suffered worse than this, but thank you.
You're very kind.”
The other three girls
looked at each other uncertainly. “What do you mean...suffered
worse?” Sango the Taijiya asked.
Kagome looked down, not
knowing what to say. “Well...I..I've fallen off my father's
bike a couple of times or so while riding.” She lied smoothly,
you ride huh?” A voice said from the doorway. All four girls
looked up and saw Bankotsu leaning against the door.
Did you get those girls suspended?” Ayame asked, spitting out
the word “girls”.
So no worries about them anymore. Though you did put up quite a punch
in defense didn't you Wench?” He stated, looking down at her
from the tip of his nose.
Kagome narrowed her
eyes and stood up, “The name's Kagome, not Wench. Spell it if
you can, makes saying it a lot easier.”
fiesty aren't we.” Bankotsu said, smirking and folding his
arms, bending down so he was face to face with her. “A nice
“thank you” would suffice...Kagome.”
The raven head sighed
in defeat and looked up at him, annoyance in her eyes, “As much
as it pains me to say this, thanks.” With that, she brushed
past him and out the door.
like her.” Kikyo said, quirking a smile. The girl was quite
intimidating, though once she saw something interesting in someone,
she tended to soften up a bit. Bankotsu just looked at her with
horrified eyes.
this, Miss Heartless likes someone? Now that's something.”
Throwing the braided
boy a scowl, she snapped, “Watch it, Bankotsu, I might end up
disliking you and we wouldn't want that would we?”
Whatever, I think she's too proud for her own good.” The blue
eyed boy said indifferently.
Maybe she can put you back in your place and calm you down a bit.”
Sango laughed.
true, Bankotsu, much like many of the other boys in the gang have
gotten a little too high in their heads.” Ayame huffed, linking
arms with the other two and walking out.
But before they left,
Sango turned and asked with an unreadable smile, “But I'm still
curious to know, why'd you help her?”
thought so.” The Taijiya laughed before she and her friends
Shaking his head in
frustration, the boy left, looking for the rest of his friends, the
girl's question ringing in his head.
A/N: SO! How'd you like
it?? Good? Bad? REVIEW MY PRETTIES!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! So yea, please
review and tell me what you think ok? Tell me what I should improve
on, or if you think I need a BETA to proof read this. If you think I
do, who'd like to volunteer?? I'm always up for BETAs!! So! TELL ME
WHATCHA THINK!!! I know some of em are going to seem a little OOC but
I'll put them back into place soon...sorta. Now I know a lot of you
don't like Kikyo, but I personally don't have any objections to
her...Yes everyone is as they are in the series, they've all still
got their powers, skills and whatnot. And yes, even in this time,
people know they are youkai, Miko, and blah blah blah. The gangs are
all made of people who are pretty much rich and who are a little
tired of their diamond lives and want to rebel and cause a little bit
of havoc. So go on, how's the idea?? :)
Next Chapter: Bankotsu
has another encounter with our darling Kagome and they end up getting
into a pretty big argument while the Gang watch, amused. Who's side
do you think they'll be on? ;) And yes, the chapters will get longer
and more organized and in sync.
Peace out!
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