Emancipation | By : Dunkelgelb Category: InuYasha > General Views: 3051 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Kyoto, Japan
Morning. Kagura woke slowly, her breathing growing deep and deliberate as her ruby eyes opened with groggy lethargy, the dark, blurry confines of the world around her sliding into focus with her quickening heartbeat. Instantly, memories of the previous night came rushing back with her growing consciousness: the forest, the hot spring, her bath, and then him, his men holding her down to the warm sand and his vile, boiling cream exploding forth to flood the sacred depth of her violated womb as he raped her deep and hard with his monstrous cock. Right then, a rage unlike anything the female youkai had ever experienced before seized her heart; sex was her gift with which to bless a male of her choosing - her gift, his honored privilege, and a moment of wonderful pleasure and heartfelt joy for them both. There was a certain innocence to passionate, consentual sex, and that abomination of a man had ruined its sanctity with a swimming wombful of his horrid seed. She wrinkled her nose in disgust, for she still reeked heavily of the stuff and the liquid evidence of her own pleasure; he had raped her mercilessly, and she had come hard. God be her witness, she was going to rip the bastard's balls clean off and shove them right down his throat one by one before she dug his beating heart out of his chest with her bare, blood-drenched hands and ate it.
The infuriated wind sorceress sat up to find herself tossed upon a messy pile of old, dusty blankets, the only barrier between her and the hard, dirty floor of the hot boiler room that enclosed her. Its air was thick and stifling with a washing heat, the grating of the massive boiler's door silhouetted in a long shadow across the cement foundation and the cinder-block walls bathed in a flickering orange hue by the light of the furnace's furious blaze. Perspiration slipped down her brow with the sweltering atmosphere, and she realized that she was clothed only in her inner yukata, the skimpy green silk covering little and clinging damp to her skin, accentuating her every curve in a delectable but most inconvenient manner. She growled aloud at the thought of her "host" redressing her so indecently and spotted her outer robes lying piled upon a sturdy wooden table across the dungeon-like cell. She rose to her feet and moved forward in an attempt to reclaim them, but she choked out when cold, hard steel dug rudely into her throat.
Dungeon, indeed! Kagura discovered herself to be chained to the wall behind her by a steel yoke locked tightly around her neck, her wrists and ankles shackled independently, and similar, unoccupied chains lined the opposite wall; evidently, the boiler room had served as a prison for quite some time, and the air flowing in under the cell's reinforced steel door was rank with the scent of long-spent gunpowder and old, dried blood. Carefully, she reached up to the yoke with her right hand and summoned her youkai strength; she was usually strong enough to rend cast iron into pieces with her bare hands, but the moment her fingertips grazed the metal edge of the yoke, a shocking jolt of energy shot throught her entire body, and she screeched in blinding pain. Her ruby eyes smoldered with anger and she bit back a vulgar curse as tiny wisps of grey smoke trailed away from her burnt fingers; the yoke hadn't been electrified, it had been enchanted with a binding spell, one strong enough to dampen even her youki. Her captor knew the capabilities of a pissed-off female wind demon well.
Kagura heard the gentle whirr of a small electic motor drone faintly in her ears, and looked up to see an undisguised surveillance camera mounted to a water pipe in a corner of the ceiling, its glassy and lifeless electronic eye peering down unblinkingly at her. She sneered back at it viciously, completely nude underneath her scanty yukata and unable to hide from its piercing stare. Not twenty minutes later, the deadbolt of her cell unlatched and the heavy steel door it had locked groaned open, the sickly yellow glow of an old, dirty lightbulb pouring across the floor and her pale face. A human female stepped in, clad in wooden sandals and a loosely-tied robe of dark-blue silk, her body curvy and ample underneath its finery. Her ghostly-white hair flowed long and soft down her back in an ivory river and a menacing tattoo resembling the scales of a green snake adorned her right eye. She was a sultry, sexy beauty, much like herself, but the sinister, unsettling gleam in her rich blue eyes and the wicked grin spreading across her burgundy lips reflected perverse intent.
Lady Tsubaki, yakuza brothel queen, Shinto shrine maiden fallen from grace, and Naraku's personal mistress.
Sure enough, Kagura's "host" followed close behind the white-haired woman, clad in a similar, scanty manner in a dark lilac hakama. The massive bulge pressing out from beneath it between his legs was glaringly obvious and the evil jewel that hung from his neck glowed potently upon his broad, bare chest with that unearthly, swirling violet hue, transmutating his most male organs to drive him to the zenith of his reproductive prowess. His red eyes lit with sadistic anticipation and Kagura tensed up; she would be damned if she let him ream her cervix with his monster cock without a fight.
"Good morning," Naraku greeted mockingly, closing the steel door behind him with a thunderous, heartbreaking clunk to cloak the sweltering boiler room in near darkness once more. Kagura answered him by springing up and lunging at him with a powerful thrust of her right leg, her chains singing metallic and pulling taut to restrain her incredible, raging strength with their dark magic. Her eyes burned like bloody fire through her sweat-plastered bangs and her lips pulled back in a terrifying feminine snarl, her fangs gleaming with flickering lethality by the glow of the furnace near her, but neither Naraku nor his female counterpart flinched. They knew that she was powerless to harm them.
Tsubaki chuckled with dark, sexy mirth, her soft, feminine voice laced and flowing with corruption, much like Naraku's male lilt. "She's a lively one, Nara-sama," she admired with subtle, vile glee, taking in the sight of her guest's toned muscles flexing underneath her delicious curves as she struggled against her restraints. She slipped her thighs together underneath her robe with liquid ease; she could already feel her inner muscles growing deep and slick with desire for the coming act.
"Yes," Naraku seethed, teasing his pulsing erection through his hakama with his right hand, coaxing his excitement up its great length to soak the thin fabric covering its knob-like head. "An excellent catch, deep and tight for a male's pleasure. She takes a big cock well," he said, grinning with the thought of her bent over on her knees, struggling against his men and crying out to the night in the defeat of her wailing ecstasy as her trembling womb opened wide with her climax to grow heavy and full with his hot, creamy seed.
"Fuck you!" Kagura spat, thrashing wild and focused in a bold, yet fruitless attempt to simply rip her chains right out of the wall, surge across the room, and decapitate both Naraku and his whore with a clean, bloody swipe of her surgically-sharp talons. Naraku merely smirked at her violent display; she retained all of her spirit, even after taking every hard, throbbing inch and rich, pumping ounce he had and climaxing into gasping unconsciousness in the process. The night before had proven her to be a proud, yet undeniably erogenous creature; her prolific sexuality would get the best of her, and training her into his most prized courtesan, his most beautiful slave promised to be great, cum-soaked fun.
The dark hanyou took the Shikon no Tama in hand and willed Kagura's shackles to move, the steel cuffs lifting her into the air, spreading her wrists and ankles apart, and floating backward to pin her secure and vulnerable against the cold cement wall behind her. He advanced upon her and reached out to stroke her pale face, twining a silky tress of her midnight black hair around a finger. "I have been watching you diligently, as of late," he said to her, eyeing the deliciously exposed cleavage that the parted folds of her yukata could barely contain. "You are a marvelous beauty - I must admit that you've stolen my heart. What is your name?"
Kagura shuddered at Naraku's touch and growled deep in her chest as she looked away. She considered spitting in his face or even driving her forehead against his in a vicious headbutt, but otherwise helpless to fight back and completely at his mercy, she knew that it certainly wouldn't bring her better treatment, and the fucker would probably derive some sick, masochistic pleasure from it. He clearly reveled in her anger and her misery, and she refused to dignify him with a response and give him the satisfaction. The heartless yakuza lord cocked his head and smiled at his new pet's incensed silence, leaning in close to her and bringing a handful of her long, healthy hair to his face. He buried his nose into the soft black mass and breathed greedily of her lovely scent, clean springwater and raspberry shampoo laced with the incomparable, striking fragrance of a woman's youthful fertility tainted with fresh male seed - his. "You're right," he whispered, aligning his hips with hers to grind his thick member against the flat pane of her abdomen through their clothing. "Introductions can wait. First, a snack. Tsubaki, join me."
Naraku pulled away and dropped his hands down to the the sash that held Kagura's yukata closed as his ivory-haired queen sidled up next to him, untying it eagerly and peeling the tiny robe open to reveal her nude, lovely body to his lusty view. He cupped her full, round breasts in his palms and tweaked her rosy nipples for a few moments, relishing in the failing denial with which she fought her own husky groans, and sank to his knees to level his face with her bare, hairless sex. He slid his right hand up the smooth, toned flesh of her left thigh and lifted it away from her by the crook of her knee, holding her open and nuzzling his nose against the exposed petals of her feminine flower and the hood of her clit to take in her heavy musk. Slowly but surely, the deadly beauty's unrestrained hips began to move as her groans became rich, throaty mewls, her body responding instantly to the intimate stimulation.
Kagura seethed through clenched teeth, her blood becoming beating liquid fire in her veins as Naraku serviced her with flawless precision, his slick male tongue swishing over her swollen clitoris in long, passionate strokes and dipping inside of her in deep, rhythmic plunges to drive her wild with desire. He lapped at her sex with depraved enthusiam, tasting her most private flesh, devouring the building flow of her female cream as it wept from her, and sliding a long, slender finger up into her quivering, drenching viscera to nudge at the tender swell of her g-spot. The yakuza lord exploited her anatomy ruthlessly; his long hanyou life had given him ample time to study the secrets of a woman's body and hone his carnal art, but his aim was not only to please, but to harvest. Her textured internal passage had blossomed inward with her arousal, offering access to her demonic womb and all of the creamy sperm preserved so perfectly within its living walls; Naraku would soon have his treat.
Tsubaki threw her robe open and slid her body between Kagura and the wall, kissing the female youkai's neck, thrusting lewdly against her rear, and cupping her breasts in her hands from behind to knead them gently in time with Naraku's ministrations. She then took hold of her raised thigh behind the knee with her left hand and placed her right against her flat belly, just above the dip of her navel, and stroked it in slow, sweeping circles, concentrating deeply with her corrupted Shinto magic and feeling out for her most feminine organ. The dark priestess gasped quietly as she found her prize; there - a great living thing nestled deep within the wind sorceress' belly, totally flooded with Naraku's thick cream. Such volume! The yakuza lord was about to be drinking from the youkai's pussy. "You're so full," Tsubaki hushed in amazement, patting Kagura's healthy, fertile womb lovingly with her fingers. "Nara-sama rarely enjoys his girls so much."
Naraku looked up and grinned at his queen, his lips and chin slick and dripping with Kagura's milky juices. "That's only what she managed to keep inside of her," he chuckled. "She ruined my jacket with the rest."
"Go...to Hell," Kagura whispered breathlessly, the heat of a building climax washing through her veins with the thundering of her heart. The yakuza lord smiled and spread the petals of her sopping cunny wide with her curse, kissing the lovely pink tissues of her wet, quivering interior and gorging on her fluids as they flowed from her body's deepest sources. His hard cock beat demandingly under his hakama, male fluids churning wild; he wasn't certain that he would last until the main course, but he would definitely enjoy the appetizer. "Empty her out," he commanded.
Tsubaki aligned her fingertips perpendicular with the center of Kagura's womb and pressed down, pushing deeply and releasing in a gentle rhythm, and the female wind demon bit her lower lip in a restrained moan, acutely aware of Naraku's creamy seed moving inside of her as its warmth drained through her cervix from the pressure. Soon, her womb emptied and her vaginal chamber filled up with the copious volume of it, and Naraku peeled her swollen petals apart once more to receive it all into his mouth in one, dolloped gush. The sinister yakuza lord moaned into the rich flood and drank in greedy gulps as his hanyou sperm slipped thickly down his throat, using Kagura's sex as the living fleshen chalice from which to consume his own reproductive essence. He almost climaxed from the thought alone, for however indirectly, he was tasting not only his own seed, but the inner lining of her uterus, and his mind boggled with the doubled and utterly sinful carnality of it.
He was dining on the ingredients of life itself.
Naraku devoured the last vestiges of the delicious, tangy flavor from Kagura's cunny and licked his lips clean, pumping his middle finger against her g-spot rapidly and bringing her to a quick, gasping climax. He relished in her sultry cries of release and let her juices flow freely and heavily from her, standing up and pulling away to brandish the Shikon no Tama in a drenched hand. Tsubaki saw the evil, anticipatory gleam in his eyes and slid out from behind his victim, taking her place beside the boiler room door to watch the unfolding entertainment. "Now, my pet, let me demonstrate just why you should exercise...respect," the vile hanyou growled, his voice soaked with lust and malice.
The jewel began to glow a bright, swirling red, the color of oxygen-rich arterial blood - Kagura's blood - and pulsed eerily, almost audibly with a sickening, organic rhythm, the rhythm of the most precious beating organ that gave her life. The jewel shard buried deep within the female youkai's clavicle shone in immediate response, and Naraku grinned darkly at the sight. "Do you feel it?" he asked, holding the jewel out until he could see its concave reflection in her wide, fearful eyes, and curled his fingers around it tightly, practically crushing it in his palm. Kagura's breath hitched jaggedly, her eyes screwed shut, and her face contorted in lovely agony as she thrashed against her chains, her strangled cry echoing off the walls; she could feel it perfectly well, the burning at the base of her throat, and the invisible, malevolent hand ghosting over her bare sternum, reaching into her chest, and seizing her very heart with careless fingers, clutching tightly and threatening to bear down vise-like, throw her into crushing, utterly catastrophic cardiac arrest, and stop her blood cold in her veins, killing her in a literal heartbeat. Naraku squeezed and released time and time again with torturous glee, his laugh and her keening screams of pain mingling in the quiet boiler room to fall as beautiful, chilling music upon his ears.
Eternal moments of crushing, mind-bending pain passed for Kagura before Naraku unclasped the jewel to loosen his telekinetic grip upon her heart and bid her chains to release her. The gasping female wind demon's legs buckled underneath her as she slid down the wall and slumped to the floor. She shook and trembled and clutched at her chest with quivering hands as if she had just suffered a heart attack, her ruby eyes brimming with tears and rage and the pain of a massive near coronary. "Damn you..." she cursed weakly, her voice coming out with but a whisper, each strained intake of breath irritating her disturbed, erratically-beating heart. She felt as if her trachea was strangling her from the inside out.
The yakuza lord only smiled down at her. "You understand my power, now. It is but a simple matter to kill you," he said, rolling the Shikon no Tama around in his right hand. "A crushed atrium, a burst ventricle, or a clamped aorta - anywhere at any time. Your heart in in my hands and thus, your life belongs to me. Never forget that. Now, once again, what is your name?"
The captive wind sorceress finally caught her rasping breath and glowered up at Naraku through her thick, tussled bangs, contemplating all of the different, blood-soaked patterns she could vivisect him with her talons, but she was an intelligent warrior; he had the advantage, the ultimate advantage, for the moment, and with a little patience, the vengeance of the killing time would come soon enough. He could crush her heart, but not her spirit; she would simply have to tolerate it all. "Kagura," she seethed with reluctance.
Naraku cocked his head. "Ah, the dance of the gods!" he laughed. "Yes, a name befitting a goddess like yourself. I am Kagewaki Naraku; welcome to the basement of my The Web, my Kyoto hotel. However, it is only a front for my true operations. Namely, my brothel."
Kagura's eyes narrowed with Naraku's words, the cold, empty ache of fear replacing the pain that stabbed outward from within her chest. Brothel. The word and all of its implicit sexuality ignited a still, lifeless epiphany in her mind, and like that raw, sinking moment of realization the night before, she no longer had any doubts about her situation. God damn him. "So, I am to become a whore?"
"Not quite," the hanyou replied curtly. "You will be this city's most desired courtesan, a nightly companion for the richest and loneliest - or most adulterous - men of this city's highest echelons. As a whore, however, you will be mine alone. First, I have a small task for you."
The boiler room door burst open and two of Naraku's saimyoushou thugs entered, dragging a third man along between them with a tremendous kicking, cursing racket. Kagura grit her teeth; save for the white towel wrapped around his waist and the black hood tied around his head, he was completely nude, and judging by the violence with which he fought against Naraku's men, he wasn't the slightest bit pleased about it. She knew exactly what they had brought him in for; he was an attractive male, lean, muscular, finely-tanned, and simply oozing with human sexual potency, and it was then that she noticed the fuschia light shining from the center of his collarbone, the same light as that damned jewel, the same light that she suspected shone from her own body. He was one of Naraku's captives, as well.
One of his toys.
The saimyoushou forced the man's hands above his head, outstretched his arms, and clasped his wrists in the wall-mounted shackles, chaining his ankles apart a moment later. Bowing to their lord, they left the room and Naraku stepped up to yank the man's hood off, revealing his handsome face. His long, black hair ran down his left shoulder in a thick, knotted braid, and the tattoo of a blue, daggerlike cross adorned the thatch of forehead visible through his thick bangs: the mark of a yakuza assassin. His ice-blue eyes burned in anger and familiar disgust at the sight of the vile hanyou before him. "Welcome home, Bankotsu," Naraku said.
Bankotsu sneered viciously and swished his cheeks, preparing to spit in Naraku's face, but the yakuza lord spoke quickly. "I wouldn't do that. I have your transsexual in the next room," he said, cool and apathetic to the crass indignance.
The dark hanyou glanced knowingly at the open doorway and a second later, a shrill male scream rang out through the basement hall. Bankotsu grimaced, his blue eyes softening with compassion for his comrade. "Jakotsu," he breathed. "Jakotsu, stay put! I'm coming!" he called."Bankotsu, help me! They're-" Jakotsu's voice cut off with a cry and a sickening crunch as a heavy fist connected with his face, and Bankotsu snarled out. "You son of a bitch..."
Naraku flashed his former underling a wicked smile, gesturing to the lovely female youkai slumped against the opposite wall. "Meet Kagura, my latest...acquisition," he boasted. "You, Banko, were my very best, until the unfortunate lapse in judgement of you and your men. I've decided to send you to your end with a gift: her service."
Kagura's heart sank in her chest at it continued to throb with the dull pain. She had been reduced from a powerful and intelligent and independent woman, a wind sorceress of legendary strength and beauty to a gangster's mere sex toy, and soon, she'd be this Bankotsu's sexual entertainment, taking his hard cock and all of his creamy seed into her body as she drove him into an explosive climax with the living, silken heat of her rich and rippling internal texture. She found him to be just as unwilling as she, for she looked up into his ice-blue eyes with trepidation to see not only the first small, smoldering ember of rising male desire, but the silent pangs of regret and genuine apology, and tore her gaze away to find some kind of paltry solace in the blank, pocked grain of the concrete wall next to her.
Naraku chuckled triumphantly, watching his best mercenary and his latest pleasure slave find some kind of common ground together with a glance; it fostered respect and with that respect, they'd enjoy the act all that much more, deriving greater ecstasy and producing a far greater amount of their delicious juices in the process. Kagura's orgasmic cries still echoed in his ears and he could still feel her magnificent pussy milking him dry; Bankotsu was about to discover religion before he died. He took the Shikon no Tama in hand and focused its powers, using it to alter his body's anatomy once more with an entirely new and far more depraved application. A large tattoo dominated his back, reaching from his shoulder blades all the way down to the base of his spine, the image of a wolf spider drawn with deep violet ink; the muscles that flexed under the smooth skin into which it had been inscribed began to ripple and shift with the horrific transmutation, six ominous bulges of hidden tissue emerging from within his ribcage to push out and settle at six equidistant points across his back, centered between each of the spider's legs. Naraku's skeleton creaked in his ears with the strain, bone marrow working overtime to produce the necessary fluids; the bulges swelled and pulsed with a demonic rhythm, their evil roots winding deep and fusing with his spinal cord, then bloomed and erupted bloodily with his howl of pain and insane enthusiasm to give birth to six twenty-foot-long tentacles one gushing, throbbing foot at a time. Their ink-black lengths grew rapidly and extended to their full height, scything menacingly through the air with a ponderous, prowling agility, each one thick with girth and gleaming with fluid and massive circulatory vessels beating visibly and audibly with the rhythm of an organ not known to any scientific discipline, like six long, flexible cocks, ready to rape and fill with creamy jets all day long. Their tips swelled and flared with bulbous, knob-like crowns and shed hot, copious globs of transparent lubrication down their undulating lengths; their purpose was obvious.
God help them all.
Bankotsu's blue eyes widened in disbelief and Kagura's horror seized her just as tightly, the bitter tang of bile rising up in the back of her throat at the sight of the monster before her. Her mind's eye could see it all with frightening clarity; every possible orifice defiled, her deepest tissues violated, immense, gushing ejaculations filling her up, corrupting her body forever; something crucial strained and finally snapped inside of her. High on the adrenaline surge and free of her chains, she leapt to her feet to bound frantically for the open door. She never made it; one of Naraku's freshly-bred tendrils straightened and shot out at her like a fleshen spear, hooking under her right arm and coiling around her slim waist to drag her kicking and screaming back into the boiler room lair, a second tentacle slamming the steel door shut. A third wrapped tightly around her throat and together, they pulled back to bring her face to face with their dark master; Naraku grinned as he took in the female youkai's wild fear.
The beautiful wind sorceress was sobbing now, her terror consuming her and washing all last vestiges of pride and anger away; the tentacles tugged and pulled to strip her of her yukata, their black, glistening flesh sliding effortlessly over her taut, nude skin, holding her by the waist and closing as a living tourniquet around her throat. Her veins beat furiously against that pulsing coil of smooth, inhuman muscle and tears slipped freely down her cheeks as she hung her head low to avoid the nightmarish face of her captor. Naraku would not be denied, and the second tendril of his wound itself in her long, black hair, drawing her head back. The dark hanyou stroked her pale face with a hand and grasped her chin to kiss her softly upon her full, ruby lips. "Please," Kagura begged of him, blood-red eyes sick with fear. "Please, God, no!"
Two more of Naraku's tentacles curled around Kagura's sleek calves and pulled her legs far apart, the bulbous cockhead of the sixth and final appendage tracing a warm, slick path up her left inner thigh torwards her hairless mound to nestle against the trim petals of her unprotected sex, slide through her opening, and nudge bluntly at her hooded clit. The psychotic yakuza lord growled with the acute sensation of her heat as the thick, pulsing knob pressed her open and drew away in a steady beat, her juices drenching its opaque rim and flowing down the long, wriggling shaft behind it with her body's unmistakable response. Each questing advance elicited a tearful cry from his victim and he just barely suppressed the urge to impale her completely; it had been quite a while since he'd explored what lay behind such a beautiful and fertile woman's cervix, but he had plenty of time to get acquainted with the end of her tract. "You're so wet," Naraku whispered to her, pulling the tentacle away from her dripping pussy to slide it probingly along the taut cleft of her bottom. "Ah, your womb weeps for a fill, but these fine specimens of mine are not meant for it. He is."
Bankotsu sneered with clenched teeth, helpless to do anything but watch his former employer violate the beautiful female wind demon with his hideous extremities, and looked upon the blood tattoo that claimed the curve of her back with sad eyes. She had been "inducted" into the ranks, a comrade in the Spider of Kyoto's sick sex games. Naraku raised a thin eyebrow at his expression. "Wouldn't you like that, Banko?" he asked, feigning concern. "Tell me, have you ever taken a female youkai to bed? I must confess, the sensation is simply divine. Voracious appetite, these creatures. Plenty of room inside for it."
"You sick bastard..." Bankotsu seethed, a soldier's honor and compassion burning hot in him.
Naraku's smug smile disappeared as he flexed his tentacles to lift Kagura upward, carrying her over in a smooth drift to present her to the towel-clad mercenary. He held her shapely thighs wide open and pressed her nude body against his, letting Bankotsu feel the warmth of her perfect flesh on his own, her full breasts pressing up against the muscular panes of his broad chest and her rapid breath washing over his right shoulder, her lovely scent flooding his nose as her silky hair brushed against his right cheek. "But you don't find her sick at all, do you?" the yakuza lord asked.
Bankotsu couldn't lie to himself, felt the flutters of real excitement leap into his throat; he was a potent male in his prime, and she...she felt amazing, her rich body warm and soft and deliciously ample upon him. He breathed deeply and his blue eyes slipped closed as he took in her scent, raspberries and springwater and youkai fertility. Utterly classic beauty, endless sex appeal, feminine through and through. Kagura could feel a blunt object pressing against her flat belly, long and thick, heavy and hot with healthy human blood; Bankotsu couldn't deny his sexuality, and neither could she. Her womb began to quiver in need, not totally unwilling torwards the man beneath her, and she pulled back slightly to look into his ice-blue eyes; they both knew what was about to happen between them.
Naraku smirked. "Good," he said, pulling Kagura back slightly and kneeling behind her to see the mighty bulge pressing out from beneath Bankotsu's white towel. He reached up between them and pulled it away, grinning with wicked glee at the sight of the condemned mercenary's long, thick cock beating healthily against his muscular abdomen, the transparent evidence of his excitement oozing from its bulbous tip and flowing down its length. The dark hanyou had always known the mercenary to be a disciplined man; his balls had grown heavy in their hairless sacs with his creamy seed from weeks of abstinence from sex and masturbation, a fine, filling load churning to swimming life in each one, high-grade fuel for a uterine explosion. He boasted nearly nine inches of length - an excellent dimension for any woman, but he could, Naraku grinned, stand to be enhanced.
Suddenly, Bankotsu gasped out and jerked against his chains, an alien sensation striking like a lightning bolt deep behind the internal root of his cock. He could feel his insides pulsing and shifting and he hissed out as each organ began to grow, fluids brewing and tissues expanding with cellular modification. Soon, his discomfort exploded into ecstasy, the first pulsating clutch of his prostate rocking his entire body as the already powerful cores of his heavy testicles throbbed out fresh, endless floods of healthy, highly-virile sperm, each mighty male orb growing larger with the incredible, breathtaking potency of it all. His cock surged organically with new length and girth, velvet flesh stretched taut over living steel, leaping visibly with his racing heartbeat and able to reach deep into a willing woman's body to pump his potent seed directly into her empty, thirsting womb - Kagura's womb. He threw his head back and groaned out. "Oh, fuck..." He felt as if he could inseminate the ceiling.
"I knew you'd like it." Naraku reached out between Kagura's open thighs and closed his right hand around the curved girth of Bankotsu's long, jutting member, feeling its powerful, straining beat and stroking it from pulsing base to flared, throbbing crown to coat it with the mercenary's hot, lubricating essence. So hot and thick - Kagura was in for the ride of her life, after himself, of course. The sinister hanyou willed his tentacles to move ever so slightly, pressing Kagura flush against Bankotsu once again and lowering her hips until her sopping petals glistened a mere inch above his cock's bulbous, dripping tip, licking his lips with the control he exerted over both them and the very act of sexual intercourse itself. He aligned them perfectly, watching Kagura's sex tremble with the anticipation of receiving her most virile comrade and feeling Bankotsu's shaft quiver with the thought of penetrating the beautiful wind sorceress so deeply. They were each a fine specimen of their sex and species; it was an almost magical moment.
Neither Bankotsu nor Kagura could stop it now, and the female youkai brought herself face to face with her human sex partner as Naraku's tentacles tightened and eased her hips downward, her ruby eyes filled with desire and regret and his own, ice-blue pools brimming with heartfelt apology, glimmering like polished sapphires in the dim, almost romantic glow of the boiler's light. The fleshy tendrils held her fast; she could not escape, could not go back, and so chose to go forward, perhaps her only weapon against the madness and fear of Naraku's heinous captivity. She chose to revel in the life of the moment, her only avenue of defiance. Her arms were not bound and she cupped Bankotsu's face in her soft, feminine hands to claim his lips with her own in a passionate, yet sorrowful kiss, the slick petals of her sopping cunny opening wide for his knob as her vibrant pink interior drank his pulsing cock into her body, inch by slow, torturous inch. His deep, male growl and her sensual, throaty mewl of penetration mingled in the boiler room as their bodies became one, the flared crown of his cock opening her up deep inside and the thick shaft behind it filling her completely, a seamless transition of delectable, mathematical perfection.
Their chests swelled together and sank apart with their deep, husky breathing, her ample breasts melded warm and intimate with his broad pectorals and their hearts thundering as one; they were lost completely to the act, to the joining of their flesh. Bankotsu's cock surged against Kagura's inner muscles with the powerful, washing beat of his blood, his heavy knob nestled against the mouth of her womb to stimulate her deep inside with a gentle, fiercely erotic pressure, and in return, her body's hot, silken tissues suckled at him with the most stunning texture and rhythm he had felt in his life, each incredible contraction working deliciously over every throbbing ridge and pulsing vein to set his entire world alight. He shivered; no human woman had ever felt like this! The copious reserves of his virile seed churned in delight and the female wind demon's inner fertility quivered with thirst for it, their bodies singing with absolute compatibility. And then, Naraku's tentacles lifted Kagura up until the sharp, flared rim of Bankotsu's mighty, swollen tip emerged and glistened to their master's lusty view, letting her sink to the hilt of nearly ten throbbing inches all over again.
The boiler room filled with the gentle vocality and rhythmic gush of energetic sex, Bankotsu's hard cock filling Kagura's hot, sucking pussy right up to her cervix and emptying her out again and again, her hooded clit cresting neatly upon his finely-trimmed base at the deepest foray. It was an utterly licentious sight, and Tsubaki could stand no more; she discarded her robe, bent over the sturdy wooden table next to the door, and spread her ankles wide, dipping two fingers inside of herself shamelessly and beckoning Naraku to join her. The dark hanyou needed no further encouragement; he slipped out of his hakama and stalked over to his queen, letting his tentacles run the beat of his victims' coupling as he aligned his own cock with Tsubaki's open sex and sheathed himself deeply in one potent thrust.
Bankotsu's hips were not restrained and soon, they began to surge with the pleasure, the intense sensations of joining with such an exquisite woman rocking him to the very heart of his virility. His mind spun with sensation and emotion; he regretted meeting this Kagura in such a manner and enjoying her body's internal secrets in such an environment, regretted enjoying it at all. Guilt washed over him with the pleasure; he wanted so very badly to wrap his powerful arms around her and press her to a warm bed in a quiet, safe place somewhere, bring her to a peak she'd never forget before letting her pull him over the edge, but it was all impossible. He was a condemned man; this rare demonic beauty's unwilling sexual company was his last meal, so to speak. All he could do was show her passion, even love, and make it as good as he possibly could for her. It would be his last act in life and really, he couldn't think of any better way to die.
The tentacles' langourous rhythm quickened, and Kagura moaned softly into Bankotsu's shoulder with the effects of the increased stimulation, sliding her hands up and down his the well-muscled panes of his back and gyrating her hips at the tentacle's lowest reach to grind her clit against the dense ridge of bone at his base. She pulled back to drink another breathless kiss him and pressed her ruby lips to the mark upon his forehead, closing her blood-red eyes and chanting silently, mindlessly against it, forgetting her surroundings for a precious moment and letting the pleasure sweep her away. Warm and firm and strong beneath her, she could feel him thrusting right back; the heavy knob of his cock licked at her swelling g-spot with its smooth, flared rim and stole her breath again and again with a forceful, loving nudge to the mouth of her womb at the questing apex of his penetration. Her deepest chamber's fertile walls began to quiver with the first, gentle flutters of a powerful uterine climax, her cervix opening wide and granting him the delicious, trembling access that all males needed to create new life within their mates. He nuzzled and kissed at her throat, whispered heaving, heartfelt words of comfort and gratitude and undeniable male ecstasy into a lovely, tapered ear, burying his face into her silky hair as the tentacles forced her to ride him; he could feel it coming, the unmistakable pressure of rich and creamy liquid heat beginning to move deep down inside of him, those enhanced organs at his cock's living root twitching and aligning with the tumultuous chain reaction of his male onset.
Naraku watched the forced lovers closely as he pounded into Tsubaki, her harlot's cries lost upon his ears as his red eyes narrowed in careful observation; Kagura and Bankotsu were both putting on a show that he hadn't anticipated. He could see it with every coital beat of their hips and hear it in their gasps; the camaraderie, the passion, the strange, impersonal affection - he was almost certain that had his tentacles not been guiding Kagura's body and Bankotsu's not been chained to the wall, she might have taken the traitorous mercenary's hands in her own, led him to the pallet of blankets behind them, and pressed him to it with a chaste kiss to have her way with him regardless. Her exotic youkai beauty only flourished as she gave her love to the total stranger beneath her - was her sexuality really so boundless? Her deliberate, sensual movements, her gentle kisses to her lover's lips, and the ecstasy displayed so plainly and honestly on her face as she threw her head back to release a sultry cry of very real pleasure from deep within her throat: they all spoke volumes to Naraku's sinister intellect, and a burning jealousy ignited in his heart.
Just by standing chained to the wall, Bankotsu had won Kagura's carnal passions more completely with a single, wordless glance than Naraku himself did with any of his sexual advances the night before, and perhaps, Naraku mused, that was the price he would pay for his new toy. He could take Kagura against her will as often as he wanted, fuck her over and over again with cock and tentacle alike and leave her overflowing with semen night after night, but even as she lay nude and and open and helpless on that bed in his mind's eye, she would rise up again and her flawless body would still be hers to give. The sinister hanyou realized that her spirit, her resolve to give herself so fully to Bankotsu with a woman's compassion just because she was not giving it to him was a great part of her value. All of a sudden, Bankotsu's life had grown more valuable, as well; Kagura would be at her best in his welcoming arms, mounted upon his cock in genuine pleasure, and it simply wouldn't do to kill him...permanently, at least.
Bankotsu's toes curled hard against the floor and he tilted his chin upward to seeth through his teeth as he fought the roiling pressure building up deep within his heavy balls, his cock beginning to swell and throb with his impending climax, and Kagura gazed deep into his blue eyes to see it all, the sorrow, the edge he teetered on, and the crime he knew his body was about to commit. His big, bulbous knob swelled huge inside of her and felt to her like finely-polished steel as it pounded up against her cervix , her womb wide open and her precious egg bared to him, and she slinked her left, trembling hand up the smooth, muscular column of his outstretched right arm to align their open palms and twine their fingers together. "It's...it's all right," she hushed to him, squeezing his hand with her own to profess her affections as she opened her heart and opened the very core of her fertility to the rich flood that neither one of them could stop. "Give it to me. Fill me up."
"Yes, Banko," Naraku applauded, the hot, sucking heat of Tsubaki's pussy working him into his own gushing end as he witnessed the onset of his victims' shared pinnacle. "Don't fight it anymore. Give it all to her - give her a daughter."
Human males were supposedly incapable of impregnating female youkai, but Kagura was such a extraordinarily fertile specimen, and Naraku knew exactly what the power of the Shikon no Tama could do for Bankotsu's already healthy and prolific virility. The mercenary's thick cream would be packed with the most powerful and energetic sperm his mighty testicles had ever brewed, able to brush aside any such trivial incompatibility between species and breed her within minutes; preventing the conception with a mere difference in protein strains would be like trying to derail a freight train with a paper clip, and the beautiful wind sorceress would be walking out of the boiler room with creamy seed slipping down her inner thighs and a strong, new life growing in her belly. Twenty years would pass quickly in the yakuza lord's long hanyou life; if they threw a son, he'd train him into a fine killer, a worthy lieutenant, and if they produced a daughter, a daughter of the lovely Kagura...his lips curled upward with the dark thought - two for the price of one. He felt compelled to assist in the conception of their child.
Two of Naraku's tentacles advanced upon the two lovers, and Bankotsu cursed to himself as he felt the pulsing flesh of one slink up his inner thighs, its smooth and opaque, mushroomed tip probing against the cleft of his firm rear. Kagura felt the same horrifying sensation, the thick head of the other appendage sliding through the taut globes of her ample bottom and pressing directly against the clean, pink orifice of her rectum to coat it with a hot, slick fluid that churned deep within Naraku's body. Bankotsu gave a deep thrust of his hips and Kagura's breath hitched with the firm, cervical nudge; she looked down at him with fearful eyes as the tentacles positioned themselves, their shafts straightening and preparing to sodomize them both. "Look at me," Bankotsu whispered shakily, kissing her softly and trying his best to ignore the heat of the tentacle as it pushed into his body. "I'm here."
Bankotsu and Kagura trembled against each other, their rectums opening slowly to the tentacles' knobs and their untested inner flesh spreading wide to take the thick lengths behind them. Bankotsu grit his teeth; he could feel the cock-like thing reaching deep into his body and gasped as it pressed right up against his colon, acutely aware of its circulatory beat as it pulsed against his tissues, and he could feel the other girthy monstrosity through the durable membrane between Kagura's chambers, sliding up along his hard cock as it sheathed itself in her tight canal. An immense wave of liquid heat ignited within them both as the tentacles pumped a creamy, lubricating fluid up into their asses and began to move.
The horrible things fucked them slowly and rhythmically, their tips pushing in as far as their internal anatomy would allow and pulling out until their flared rims emerged to open air, and neither Bankotsu nor Kagura could deny the pleasure building up within them. The female youkai cried out in a bleak passion, feeling as though she were about to burst; the thick tentacle and Bankotsu's hard cock filled her completely, her colon and cervix stimulated simultaneously by each immense, thrusting organ, and her hips rocked with their steady beat. Her womb quivered more rapidly and wildly now, drinking at the mercenary's swollen tip and beckoning it to enter as a devastating climax loomed over her, and her feminine glands began to swell with the hot, female cream of her orgasm.
Naraku tilted his head back to growl at the ceiling, his long, black mane rippling over his back as took in the sensations of the slick, gripping heat of two women and one man milking at his body. The insane power of control washed over him endlessly as he pushed his sexuality to new, undiscovered horizons, feasting upon the delights of two sexes and two species at once, his balls tensing up and sterile cream churning within them as he approached the end. He willed the tentacle buried in Bankotsu's tight ass to pull back by a tactical fraction of an inch and angle by the slightest of degrees, its bulbous tip yearning against his hot inner walls to nudge at the mighty living bulb of the human male's prostate.
Bankotsu hissed out, the tentacle pressing right up against the heart of his virility, and as much as he hated the sinful pleasure of being fucked in the ass by what amounted to a twenty-foot long cock, he couldn't prevent the bolt of pure ecstasy is sent shooting through his entire body. Naraku grinned as he explored the mercenary's healthy interior, his most masculine gland swollen huge and pulsing in male delight with the rich and creamy liquid heat of his virile sperm, about to clamp down hard and sent an enormous gout of the stuff gushing up his cock to flood Kagura's open womb. He would fill her even better than he himself did the night before, but this time, his seed would sew a new life inside of her; Naraku simply couldn't wait to see the look on Kagura's face as she felt her uterus grow hot and full, and began pumping the tentacle against Bankotsu's prostate in the final stretch of the carnal ordeal that the mercenary and the wind sorceress shared.
The tentacles' thrusts grew slow and shallow as they began to twitch and swell with the unmistakable precession of their ejaculations, an ominous bulge forming in their throbbing bases and moving up their lengths with the steady, muscular contractions of the tissues bound therein. Naraku released a groaning laugh as Kagura received hers first, her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she felt the massive size of it press up against her rectum. She clenched the globes of her bottom together tightly with every ounce of strength she could muster but could not stave it off for long, and the evil thing's liquid contents slipped inside her as the tentacle's bulbous tip swelled huge and erupted against her trembling colon in an enormous gout of hot, creamy pseudo-sperm.
The wind sorceress' glossy black tresses fluttered behind her as she tossed her head back and wailed, the intense heat of slippery tentacle cum flooding her insides and sending her rocketing into a climax of unprecedented length and power, each massive, throbbing jet exploding inside of her to set her off into the corrosive flames of orgasm again and again. Her feminine glands clutched with release inside of her pussy's anterior wall and drove her fluids to gush against Bankotsu's base, its milky warmth flowing down his inner thighs in glistening rivulets. She overflowed with the internal explosion almost instantly, the rich black goo frothing past the tentacle's convulsing girth and dripping out of her clenching rectum to build a inky puddle on the floor, and right then, Bankotsu felt the same unholy thing overtake him. The bulge destined for his own interior powered past his clenched flanks and the tentacle's urethra blossomed powerfully against his prostate to contain the enormous load flowing through it, the creamy liquid heat of the copious, boiling flood exploding against his body's natural dead end and instantly drenching any flesh left untouched inside of him.
The alien sensation of an entire pint of the tentacle's evil spunk unloading thick and fast in his ass sent Bankotsu spiralling over the edge; his mighty male prostate bloomed, quivered for a moment of pulsing eternity, and clamped down powerfully to send a huge, gushing gout of his virile sperm swimming up his cock. His hips bucked wildly in release, pounding his cock as deeply as Kagura's body would allow, a mad thrusting frenzy born of the ecstasy of unleashing the roiling pressure inside of him at very long last. Every inch of him swelled thicker to accomodate the immense flood and his heavy cockhead locked firmly against the mouth of Kagura's womb; he howled as his hot, creamy seed burst forth from it in a long, gushing ropes to coat her deepest chamber's quivering walls with its living liquid heat. His balls tensed and pumped their hot, reproductive contents out in a steady, endless rhythm and his heart beat mad, orgasmic thunder in his chest as the thick, washing tide of his essence followed the gentle curve of Kagura's very back wall to coil back into itself and flood her completely from neck of her cervix right up to fallopian gates of her ovaries. The female youkai's cries of orgasm and insemination mingled with his howls of powerful ejaculation, the dark, mind-blowing ecstasy of it all driving them both to the brink of pure insanity.
The pulsing explosion ebbed away to the smooth, drifting warmth of the afterglow and soon, they were drained completely. The beautiful wind sorceress slumped against the handsome mercenary's heaving chest, breathing in deep, husky sighs and together, they basked in the overdose of the sailing endorphine high for several minutes, their hearts pounding next to one another and their orifices dripping with either ghostly-white sperm or ink-black tentacle cum. Kagura nuzzled her cheek into the warm crook of her lover's neck and gazed blankly into the blurred grain of the concrete, trying her best to block out the thought of the disgusting fluid running out of her rear; she chose instead to savor the rich sensation of Bankotsu's male cream washing around inside of her womb with its boundless reproductive energy, its living heat cleansing her precious chamber of Naraku's liquid filth, and then, she felt it, one of the untold millions of his tiny, but furiously potent cells melding passionately with that fertile jewel of hers to become one forever. They had proven her body's most hallowed function in the most doubtless manner; they had conceived. She was pregnant with Bankotsu's child, but she felt strangely thrilled, only emboldened by the knowledge. It gave her another reason to live, something to protect, a source of strength that she knew would be so crucial in the coming days. She kissed Bankotsu's muscular shoulder weakly and vowed to herself that her child, their child, would be born free.
The tentacles buried in their bodies twitched drew out and pulled away, heavy dollops of inky cream dripping out of their asses in the aftermath, and the ones that held Kagura airborne lifted her upward to pull her off of Bankotsu's softening cock. Her quivering pussy frothed over with sperm and it began flowing out of her just as quickly, joining the growing pool of mixed fluids beneath her, and Naraku gave Tsubaki one final thrust, one final, steaming internal gusher of his own before pulling out himself, drawing Kagura's exhausted form over to him. The tentacles raised her up and leaned her back, presenting her hairless mound to him, and he buried his face between her open thighs to seal his lips to her dripping cunny and drink.
Naraku gulped greedily and audibly as he consumed Bankotsu's creamy sperm, lathing his tongue over Kagura's swollen petals to devour every last delicious ounce and licking his lips clean of the potent flavor. It all slipped down his throat with the greatest of ease; the mercenary was unbelievably virile and tasted even better than he himself did. The stuff began running down between the taut globes of the impregnated female youkai's bottom and Naraku pulled back to gaze deeply into the pink flesh of her drenched interior; somewhere deep behind those beautiful feminine tissues, new life was beginning to take root. He carried her to the pallet of blankets behind him and lay her down upon it with utmost care, draping her yukata over her and stroking her pale face. "Rest well," he said, grinning with evil machinations at the thought of the wonderful, magical process getting underway within her flat belly. "You're living for two, now."
The sinister yakuza lord turned and looked over to Bankotsu, his head hung low as he recovered from the act. He strode over to him and grasped his chin in a hand, lifting his face to look into his eyes. The pleasure and the hatred was obvious in those ice-blue pools, his chest heaving breathlessly, his cock dripping with semen, and his ass overflowing with the evidence of the tentacle's enormous climax. "Was it good for you, Banko?" Naraku asked, stepping away and opening the boiler room's door, nodding at one of the masked saimyousho standing attent in the hall. "I thought I'd make your last moments memorable, but I'm afraid that Jakotsu's will be decidedly...inauspicious."
Bankotsu jerked upright and his sleepy blue eyes grew wary as the chilling sound of an assault rifle's charging handle yanking back and slapping forward reverberated throughout the hall and in his head, and somewhere out there, an unintelligible screech of pleading and realized destiny ripped brutally from Jakotsu's throat. The roaring, crackling chatter of automatic gunfire and agonized screams sounded out seconds later, followed by the rolling clink of the last spent casings falling upon concrete and the shuffle of a lifeless body slumping to the floor. The mercenary shed no tears, and hardened himself to the death of his friend; if anything, Jakotsu was free, along with all of the others. I'll avenge you all.
Naraku took the Shikon no Tama in hand and pointed accusingly at Bankotsu. "You had everything. Everything! Money, power, women..." he trailed angrily, lunging in close and cupping the mercenary's heavy balls in his right hand. "And the virility to please them all. If you thought for one second that you had a chance to kill me, then you truly are a fool."
Bankotsu's eyes narrowed and he scoffed fearlessly. "Fuck off. I won't work for a terrorist."
The yakuza lord straightened, shrugged, and curled his fist around the Sacred Jewel. "So be it."
The jewel shard in the hollow of Bankotsu's collarbone glowed brightly like the ones in so many of Naraku's victims had done before, and the mercenary grunted as he felt a strange, squeezing pressure reach into his chest. Kagura opened her eyes as she lay drained of strength on her pallet, looking up at Bankotsu's face; God, no! This time, there was no ceremony, no exhibition to Naraku's torture; the dark hanyou squeezed as hard as he could, and Bankotsu threw his head back to scream long and loud, thrashing against his chains as the unseen fist clenched around his pounding heart, each finger an invisible dagger bearing down with murderous intent. The beat of the mercenary's blood grew slow and erratic as his precious atria struggled painfully to pump their life-giving essence, and tears slipped down Kagura's cheeks once more as the sickening, muffled pop of one of Bankotsu's ventricles exploding in his chest echoed stark and unforgiving in her ears. The dying mercenary's screams silenced instantly, his blue eyes widening with the grim realization, and his breath left him in a final, coughing gurgle as bright red blood streamed out of his mouth to drip hot and quick down his chest. He looked down upon the beautiful woman that carried his child one last time and then, his lifelight drained away in the moment of his end. He was dead.
Naraku released Bankotsu's chains with a telekinetic gesture and instantly, his lifeless body succumbed to gravity to crumple to the cold, hard floor, dead, blue eyes staring out unseeing through tussled bangs of black, silken hair. The dark hanyou laughed, for the mercenary had died beautifully. With Kagura's compassionate warmth there to please him night after night, he would come to die even better. The dark hanyou did not forgive treason easily enough to kill his victims just once. God bless the Shikon no Tama and its power of death and healing. "Look at him, Kagura," Naraku commanded, retracting his tentacles into himself as he dressed. "That is how I punish disloyalty. Know your place, and you will go far in my organization and be paid well. Defy me, and...well, I'm sure you don't want to find out how it really feels, do you?"
Naraku opened the boiler room door and stepped out with Tsubaki in tow, slamming it shut behind him to leave Kagura alone with the dead father of her child. She ignored the buzz of the security camera watching her as she rose from her pallet and rushed unsteadily to the mercenary's side, for it had already recorded far more vile footage. She knelt beside him and eased him onto his back, cradling his head in her lap; his ice-blue eyes were empty, glassed over with death. She didn't know him, barely knew his name, but her introduction to him had been the most intimate of all, and she was now carrying part of him inside of her. She knew that he had been on the wrong side of the law to have ever been in league with Naraku, however tenuous their relationship was, but the regret she saw in his blue eyes as they joined and came together had given her real hope. They were both Naraku's victims, and she liked to think that they could have become friends, deriving great strength from each other in the face of such a monstrous enemy. The female youkai wanted to pray for him, hope that the heavens would be merciful, but tamped down the thought with sudden anger. Where was God when she had been raped and abducted? Where was God when she was being sodomized by Naraku's tentacle and flooded with its cum? And where the fuck was God when Bankotsu's heart exploded inside of him?
God answered quickly enough. The jewel shard in Bankotsu's throat shone a pure, brilliant white and deep inside of his chest, his burst ventricle's torn membranes mended and his collapsed atriums bloomed and imploded hard to pump their fluids joyously, his nervous system rebooting and restoring the flow of his blood to prevent irreversible brain damage by less than a minute. Bankotsu's chest swelled with breath and he coughed to life, the coppery taste of newly-healed internal bleeding filling his mouth. His eyelids fluttered as his sight came trickling back; he looked up at Kagura's blurred face and she smiled down at him in relief, but the evil laughter echoing from somewhere down the hallway marred the blessing of resurrection and reproduction as black and evil glyphs scribbled across their minds, the proverbial writing on the wall.
Their ordeal had only begun.
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