Emancipation | By : Dunkelgelb Category: InuYasha > General Views: 3050 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Nestled deep down inside of the Japanese main of Honshu and hidden away within the fertility of the lush Musashi plain, the towering expanses of the ancient InuYasha forest thrived with health and plenty in the quiet throes of a peaceful summer night, its dense evergreen and broadleaf canopy echoing a subtle cacophony of entrancing sonic wash as it rustled softly in the gentle breeze. The scent of pine and the rich, surging drone of cicadas permeated its soothing atmosphere, and high above it in the cloudless, moonlit, and thoroughly star-specked sky, a lone, levitating figure looked upon its reaches with gracious eyes. She appraised it with excitement, for it was an utterly perfect setting for a good, long bath, and one of her homeland's world-famous hot springs lay just below her.
She was a curious, stunning being, born of proud and magical heritage; a Japanese youkai, a human-like demon and living apparition of the night. Virtually immortal, she had walked the earth and navigated the skies for centuries and would continue to do so for more than a millenium more. Wielding the earth's winds as if they were an extension of her own body, she rode the sky upon a magically-endowed, ten-foot-long bird's feather of the softest, most luxurious down, clad in three heavy robes of fine, exquisitely-detailed dyed silk. Her dark, exotic beauty had haunted the Japanese home islands ever since she had reached maturity; with long, glossy tresses of midnight black, smooth, creamy flesh, and eyes of living, blood-red fire, hers was the enthralling radiance that a forest wanderer glimpsed for one, scant moment and dreamt of for the rest of his life, her allure so commanding. This ethereal, heart-stopping beauty was one of Kagura's many blessings, but it would soon prove to be her most damning curse.
Greedy, hungry eyes watched her from far off in pulse-pounding silence, the eyes of a criminal, the eyes of a monster. His associates knew him by an ominous moniker: Kagewaki Naraku, the Spider of Kyoto. Born to a human father and a youkai mother, his status as a half-demon, a filthy hanyou had denied him the best avenues of life, and the harsh realities of growing up in a cruel, uncaring surrounding society had warped him irreparably into the sinner he had become. He'd started his criminal career early in his life as a common, relatively innocuous street thug, but his immeasurable patience and frightening capacity for ruthless, brutally precise violence had taken him far past any forgiveness for his upbringing and allowed him to ascend the ranks of Kyoto's yakuza syndicate quickly. He had inherited a strange but striking natural beauty from the youkai half of his lineage: flawless, almost deathly-pale skin, red, white-pupiled eyes, and a thick mane of long, black hair, its tresses flowing eerily down his back like some kind of deadly poison. He dressed in a black, two-piece business suit and an open collared shirt of cool, dark lilac satin: a real lady killer, and ladies just happened to be his business. His rank gave him jurisdiction over a secret and illegal syndicate casino in Kyoto's red light district, and the equally illegal brothel he operated within it needed a good infusion of fresh female blood. Kagura's blood.
The dark hanyou licked his lips in anticipation as he observed his sexy quarry through the many magnifications of a telescopic night sight, grinning with sinister intent in the cover of the dense woods; if he could capture her, she'd surely earn him a fortune! The wealthiest men of Kyoto's nightlife would pay handsomely to bed a genuine youkai goddess like her. Strong, lovely, immune to any human sexually-transmitted disease and fertile only when inseminated by a youkai male's seed, she'd make a fine addition to his cadre of prostitutes and bring a healthy profit from the needy men of his city's high society.
Naraku had been watching Kagura for a while, observing her routines with obsessive detail; she visited a particular hot spring within the forest before him every week or so, and her predictability allowed him to plan his ambush. He licked his lips in anticipation; she'd please many clients in the coming months, but not before he enjoyed her body's delights for himself. He turned to face his accomplices, nine masked men, their muscular forms cloaked in identical black jumpsuits. As the Spider of Kyoto, he referred to them lovingly as his saimyoushou - his poison insects. He reached into his open collar and withdrew the silver chain of his necklace, upon which hung a large, perfectly-spherical, and absolutely stunning jewel. The sinister crimelord clasped the glassy magenta bulb in his palm and an evil smile spread across his lips as it began to radiate with an intense fuschia light, illuminating his face dramatically. One by one, his accomplices, his slaves snapped to attention, the same ominous, fuschia light emanating through the black fabric of their bodysuits, centered squarely in the hollows of their collarbones. Naraku looked them over and spoke his command confidently, his voice rich and soft like velvet, dripping with sin. "Encircle the hot spring and cordon it off. Move."
Instantly, the saimyoushou were in action, each one leaping back and bounding off with inhuman grace and speed, melting into the night to advance on their female objective. Naraku took close pursuit, propelling himself up onto a thick pine branch in the canopy with hanyou agility, leaping forward onto another and another in easy rhythm to follow his men. The Shikon no Tama, the Sacred Jewel of Four Souls and memento from his father felt good and heavy against his chest as it grew warm with its energies, endowing him with supernatural speed and reflex. It was his most versatile tool and most powerful weapon; it allowed him to control the minds of his men with great precision and soon, it would bend the lovely female wind demon just ahead of him to his will.
A mile out, Kagura shifted her weight forward of her feather's balance point and swooped down to the treeline, leaping off of it and landing barefoot on the mossy forest floor in a neat and graceful crouch, the powerful muscles in her toned calves and thighs absorbing the shock of the twenty-foot fall painlessly and effortlessly. Smoothly, she stood up and caught her empty feather as it drifted down and shrank to its normal size, plucking it out of the air to reach back behind her head and slip it into her hair's binding tie.
Unaware of the men stalking her, the wind sorceress smiled as she came upon her destination, one of Japan's famous onsen, a naturally-formed, mineral water hot spring. Ordinarily, she assumed an inconspicuous human form and took her baths in the amenities of human cities, but tonight, she would treat herself to the spring's rich, soothing warmth, to unwind and relax far away from the urban racket in peaceful forest seclusion. Its clean air was clouded with steam, giving it a luxurious, romantic glow in the moonlight and eagerly, she made her way to its rocky precipice to step over the hard ridges there with care, the rocks giving way to warm, wet sand that yielded pleasingly to her slender feet. Immediately, she began to undress, reaching down to her waist and untying the golden sash that held her red and white kimino closed, the heavy silken finery sliding down her body and pooling softly around her feet.
Naraku's pulse quickened in voyeuristic excitement as he witnessed his prey disrobe, his cock stirring and swelling hot and hard underneath his black slacks at the sight of her. Even without optical aid, he had a fine view from his vantage point high up in the woodline around the spring, and the view kept better and better. Kagura's blue underrobe fell away, leaving her clad scantily in her skimpy green yukata, the flimsy hem of it just barely concealing the ample swells of her shapely rear, and moments later, she spread it open with a tantalizing, downward slide of her cool fingertips and let it slip off of her shoulders.
The yakuza stilled his breathing, all eight inches of his thick member pulsing hard and heavy with the rapid beat of his blood. Fully nude for him to see, Kagura was an elementally, almost disturbingly beautiful woman, a delicious sight that could get any male's cock throbbing, his seed churning hot and creamy with desire and make a fellow vixen's heart flutter in jealousy. She was the living embodiment of ultimate sexual fantasy; smooth, silky, flesh spread taut and perfect over a sleek, feminine frame, her figure radiating with mature, athletic finesse, great strength, and boundless fertility. Right then, Naraku began to tease his twitching cock through his slacks, grinding his palm against its swollen tip to the image of the youkai goddess not fifty yards away. Her breasts heaved gently with her steady breath, each full and ample and magnificently-proportioned upon her chest, and her hair spilled down the sexy curve of her back like a river of gleaming tar as she released it from its bind with an almost flirtacious tug of a hand. Reluctantly, the dark hanyou tore his gaze away as he spotted the dark shapes of his men moving through the woods.
The saimyoushou were almost in place; it was time.
Kagura closed her crimson eyes and a deep, sultry sigh flowed from deep in her throat as the warmth of the spring's mineral-rich waters enveloped her thighs, sloshing softly around her as she pressed further in. Suddenly, she took a deep breath and dove forward with a great splash, immersing every inch of herself into liquid, geothermal ecstasy. She submerged completely for a few long moments, then broke the surface to stand up and throw her head back with a gasp of invigoration, nipples growing erect and breasts heaving, heated goosebumps flowing up her body, and her long, black hair dancing behind her to flop wetly down her back. Yes! So soothing, so good! The spring was in fine form tonight; time for a good wash. The lovely female youkai moved off to one side of the spring's pool to reach into a small alcove in its rocky rim, about to retrieve a wooden wash bucket and a bag of toiletries she had left behind during her previous visit, when a chill of sobering realization crawled up her spine. She felt it, felt them, their heartbeats just becoming audible in her sensitive, tapered ears. She could just feel their eyes violating the sanctity of her flesh.
She was being watched.
The wind sorceress replaced her bag with almost indifferent calm and turned back to her piled clothing on the opposite bank, looking up underneath her thin, elegant eyebrows to scan the treeline for a quick moment before turning back to her clothes. She pored over her senses as she moved; there were at least ten of them, maybe more. The hearts of nine of their number beat normally, but the tenth one was pounding, thundering distinctly in her ears. The demoness called on her youkai energies silently and willed the wind to change direction, urging it into a gentle breeze and analyzing the scent of the excited voyeur.
Kagura wrinkled her nose at it. He was a male, of course, smelling of mixed blood with some kind of perfume heavy about him. Another scent made itself known, and the female wind demon's blood-red eyes narrowed angrily at the implication. Arousal - she could smell his precum thick on him; the fucker was almost creaming himself! Reaching into her red-and-white kimono's left breast pocket, Kagura withdrew a curious object: a folding paper fan. Imbued with her power, it was her most lethal weapon, enabling her to project swirling, razor-sharp and mildly explosive vortexes of tightly compressed air in any direction with ruthless accuracy. Long before in her wild days, during the old Japanese Sengoku Jidai, it and her graceful, dance-like footwork had earned her her name from both allied and enemy shogun alike: Kagura, the dance of the gods. The bastard jerking off in the woods while she bathed wouldn't live long enough to shed a single ounce of his disgusting sperm.
The furious demoness flicked her fan open with a snap of her wrist and swung around in a graceful hook, warm springwater sloshing around her as she launched a heavy volley with a massive charge of her youki. "Fuujin no Mai!" she called, her sultry voice laced with raging furor.
The shrieking blades of wind flew straight and true, scything out and slicing into the forest viciously, hundreds of leaves and needles cleaved in two and thick, severed treelimbs crashing down to the ground below in a tremendous, shattering racket. She noted a dark figure bounding out of the kill zone a shred of a moment prior; she missed. He moved like a youkai and Kagura seethed. "You might as well come out. I know you're there," she said.
Unscathed and only emboldened by the near miss, Naraku leapt down from his perch and stepped out into Kagura's view, a wicked grin plastered across his handsome face as he took in her frontal nudity. Kagura made no immediate attempt to cover herself, but rather glowered at her voyeur's arrogant stupidity, and fired again.
This next volley was faster and twice as dense, but this time, Naraku made no move to evade it. He simply stood still, still grinning, and let the blades come. Though Kagura's aim was flawless, they never reached him; each one slammed and detonated against some unseen obstacle in front of him, exploding into violent gusts of aimless, dissipating wind, and Kagura's eyes widened in surprise as the thick odor of ozone reached her nose. She looked more closely at her target as the vapors trailed away and saw the pale moonlight seem to bend around him, following the magical power curve of a fuschia light whose gradient shimmered and rippled as it pulsed with dark energies.
Kagura growled low in her chest and backed away deeper in the water to conceal the apex of her thighs, covering her generous breasts with her left forearm for some degree of modesty and gripping her fan with lethal poise in her right hand. A barrier? What the fuck was he? He smelled like a hanyou, moved like a ghoul, and could glance off one of her most ferocious attacks with a spiritual barrier like a Buddhist monk of old. Her ruby lips pulled back over her teeth in a terrifying snarl, her incisors gleaming ghostly-white with deadly intent by the light of the moon. "Who are you, and what do you want?"
Naraku bowed with mocking grace, his black mane sweeping over one shoulder. "Call me...master. I want you. All around the spring, twigs snapped and foliage rustled as all nine of his saimyoushou thugs emerged from the cover of the woods, masked, faceless, and menacingly uniform in their black bodysuits, almost like ninja assassins. Kagura glanced over her shoulders at them in steadily growing alarm; she was surrounded by a total of ten men now, nine unproven henchmen, but one extremely dangerous leader, one who could evade or simply withstand anything she could throw at him. She was outnumbered and outmatched. The unmistakable scent of the leader's growing arousal assailed her nose and she could almost feel his cock throbbing. Little doubt dwelled in her mind as to what his intentions were; she would have to flee immediately, or risk being raped viciously in a place that had brought her so much comfort.
The moment Kagura turned her head to assess her opponents, Naraku made his move, seizing upon her distraction to propel himself torwards her at blinding speed with a flick of his right foot and a jolt of the Shikon jewel's magical energy. He became a streaking black and lilac blur as he closed the thirty-foot gap between himself and his beautiful victim in a single heartbeat, the spring's steamy water roiling violently in his wake. Kagura shrieked as the yakuza hanyou seized the thin, white column of her neck in his right hand, clutching her throat tightly as he hoisted her the air easily with a single arm.
Dangling by her neck and her feet lifting off from the bottom of the pool, the female wind demon fought her attacker like a mad wildcat, snarling at him with frantic, incoherent obscenities to pound her fists down at his face. With no solid earth to stand on, her legs thrashed wildly beneath her, kicking through the water again and again to send it splashing about in all directions in a desperate attempt to connect with Naraku's lower body. The hanyou grunted as her blows began to hit home, tucked his head down between his shoulders to avoid her fists, and simply squeezed.
Suddenly, Kagura's vulgar snarls lurched and died away into sickening, choking gurgles, her oxygen cut off almost completely, and she reached up to her throat to claw at Naraku's hand in a vain bid to pry his vise-like grip away. The eternity of passing seconds and lost breaths began to add up, however, and she grew steadily weaker as tears of suffocating agony slipped down her cheeks. Naraku looked up into her wide, scarlet eyes, saw the terror brimming in them, and chuckled darkly as her lifelight began to fade, her heart slowing its precious rhythm in her chest. Crushing the life out of her, the sinister yakuza boss laughed aloud, deriving an immense sadistic joy in this moment; she was utterly gorgeous, even more so as she teetered on the cusp of her death, but he knew that it wouldn't do any good to kill such a rare beauty, as much as he enjoyed the chilling intimacy of a good strangulation. He had much more entertaining plans for her.
Naraku willed him saimyoushou to come forward and four of them slipped into the water, approaching quickly. Two of them sidled up and took hold of Kagura's upper arms, the other two knelt into the pool to seize her legs, and only then did Naraku release his strangling grip upon her throat. Kagura's gasp of intake pierced the depths of the surrounding forest, and she slumped limply into the saimyoushou's custody, coughing violently, veins throbbing and straining painfully in her neck and temples pounding as she drew desperate breaths of precious oxygen into her starved lungs.
The ruthless yakuza lord reached down and grasped Kagura's chin between firmly right thumb and forefinger, lifting her head up to look into her eyes once more, and the demoness tensed up and thrashed against his men to spit heavily right up into his face. He stiffened and recoiled slightly as the viscous liquid heat of her saliva spattered across his cheeks, but he did not move to strike her, wiping himself off with the back of a hand. His white pupils tightened in amusement and his lips curled in a unsettling smile. Oh, she was a wonderful example of her sex, strong, beautiful, and filled with spirit. She'd be difficult to tame, but the effort would result in an excellent fuck for him and an great asset for his organization. "Hold her head," he whispered.
The thug to Kagura's right fisted a gloved hand in her long, silken tresses and her yanked head back carelessly, exposing the reddened column of her throat to his master. The wind sorceress thrashed against her captors; she was far stronger than any one of them individually, but working together, they held her supine and off-balance on her knees with cement steadiness. Naraku knelt before her; his slacks were soaking wet now, but the spring's water felt good and warm around his flesh as it seeped through the fabric and he found himself in a most delicious position. Kagura's ample breasts heaved beautifully mere inches away from his face, and his cock felt absolutely huge to him as it beat against his lower abdomen, his chest swelling with the flutters of male anticipation. He cupped those taut globes in his hands lovingly, each so warm and full and firm against his broad palms as he leaned in close and sucked a rosy nipple into his mouth, teasing it passionately with his tongue to knead and tweak the other in matching rhythm.
Kagura bit back a husky moan of growing pleasure as Naraku suckled at her, his smooth, agile tongue hot and slick and working her into a sexual frenzy. She cursed as her body betrayed her, helpless to control her building desires, and her rage died away as fear began to claim her just as quickly as her arousal, the fear of being violated in her private sanctum by these ruthless males, and the fear of what they would do after they were finished.
"Stop," Kagura whispered breathlessly, her heart pounding a wild rhythm in her chest. "Stop...please." She was begging.
Naraku moved up to nuzzle at Kagura's throat, pressing a gentle kiss to it to chuckle with that rich, lilting velvet sin at the sensation of her most precious artery thundering against his lips. He loved the feeling of a fearful woman's heartbeat. "I think we've come too far to stop now," he answered. He shifted to his left and trailed his right hand down the shallow dips and swells of the female youkai's ribcage to slink down the taut pane of her flat belly, teasing the sexy hollow of her navel before disappearing below the surface of the water and advancing on the most forbidden area of her body.
The black-hearted yakuza growled with his excitement as he stroked the lush curves of Kagura's smooth, shapely mound, its bounty hairless and silky soft beneath his fingertips. The demoness struggled against the saimyoushou and her cheeks flushed as she gasped aloud in growing passion at Naraku's questing touch, his middle finger slipping over her delicate clitoral hood and stroking directly at the thick, tender pearl nestled within. Her hips began to undulate with tiny, almost imperceptible tenses of her trim flanks, thrusting her mons against Naraku's palm as her pleasure grew and grew, then surged with her sultry cry as his slender fingers began to dance through the swollen, blood-flushed petals of her sex, playing over her most intimate flesh and getting her body burning with the fires of carnal need.
Naraku kissed the tapered shell of Kagura's right ear, relishing in her involuntary shivers and gasps of rising ecstasy. Such an erogenous woman, he mused. The entire internal length of her vagina had begun to blossom and slicken with excitement, her most feminine entrails pulling at the roots of her womb and drawing it deep into her body, ready to receive a potent male's long, hard cock and drink greedily of his virile sperm. He could feel the liquid warmth of her sexual juices building up into a copious, constant flow over his fingertips, viscous and milky and stark against the ambience of the water. Her pheromones of potent arousal wrought a powerful effect on him, his hanyou blood burning for her as it pumped through his veins with the pounding of his heart, and he slid a long finger into her overflowing canal to sample her depths. Oh, fuck - her inner muscles contracted and clutched at his finger with a pronunciation and quivering heat like nothing he had ever felt inside of any other woman's body. Hardly innocent, but long celibate. He'd soon change that. The yakuza boss curled his finger and stroked intently along the anterior wall of Kagura's sopping cunny and she almost screamed out to the night as he passed over her sweet spot.
The dark hanyou stilled with a grin, almost sending his writhing victim over the edge right then and there. She was extremely responsive and most well-endowed; she possessed the largest g-spot he had ever encountered inside of a woman's channel, a testament to the intriguing advances of her species' evolution. His mind reeled wickedly with the applications of her internal anatomy; so easy to access and stimulate, her sensitive inner pearl would catch the flared rim of his cock's big, bulbous knob and the powerful thrusts behind it with ease, sending her spiralling into one absolutely earth-shattering, juice-gushing climax after another, and if he took her from behind...
Naraku withdrew his hand, pulled away, and stood up, licking his fingers clean of Kagura's tangy fluids, savoring her coppery flavor with a throaty groan. "Move her to the bank," he growled to his men, unable to stand his cock's demanding throb any longer. The saimyoushou rose to carry Kagura backward and the yakuza boss walked with them, shrugging out of his jacket and throwing it down silk liner facing up on the bank, creating the makeshift bed upon which he would soon conquer his prey. The lilac satin of his shirt followed soon afterward, and his men lay Kagura down upon his neatly-placed clothing, holding her arms out away from her and spreading her shapely thighs wide for his inspection.
Rivulets of water and perspiration slid down Kagura's pale skin, her black hair gathered in a wet, glistening pool beneath her head and her full, flushed breasts heaving with her rapid breath as she lay supine and spread wide open for Naraku to see. Their red eyes met for a moment, Kagura's filled with fear and shame in her bleak moment of greatest helplessness and vulnerability, Naraku's burning gimlet with lust and triumph, and the female youkai looked up to the starry, cobalt skies above, searching religiously for some kind of escape in the endless lightyears of freedom they beheld.
Naraku studied Kagura's nude form hungrily, her legs held far apart to reveal her taut inner thighs and beautiful mound. Youkai females were truly blessed creatures; her sex was completely devoid of hair, not a single strand or pore there to mar the perfection of her flesh, and her swollen nether petals had parted in readiness, the vibrant pink tissues of her cunny's interior quivering visibly with her heartbeat and sopping healthily with her cream, practically begging to be fucked. Truly, her body was the pinnacle of female sexuality and Naraku's hands trembled with excitement as he fumbled with his belt, his slacks slipping off of his hips and piling around his ankles, leaving him clad only in the black cotton of his boxers, his cock straining hard and thick against it.
"Look at me," the hanyou ordered of the demoness. "Look at me!"
A saimyoushou thug turned Kagura's head forcefully, forcing her to look upon the sinister yakuza before her as he removed his final garment, pulling it away and tossing it aside. Nude, his lithe male form was lean and muscular, his masculine angles oozing with hanyou strength and raw virility. He stepped forward and smiled at his victim, reaching down and closing his right hand around his heavy manhood, stroking it from twitching base to bulbous tip in slow, well-lubricated glides. "You've a beautiful pussy, woman," he admired, his voice dark with lust as his precum continued to ooze forth. "These eight inches just won't do it justice. Maybe ten will."
Naraku clasped the Shikon jewel in his left hand as he pleasured himself with his right and it began to glow once more, its fuschia light deepening into a dark, malevolent violet and playing across the toned features of his chest in the darkness. His head fell forward, his jaw setting tight, teeth gnashing and hips jerking in rising discomfort as the jewel's magic flowed through his body, taking control of his flesh and altering his anatomy at the cellular level in a most unnatural and disturbing manner. Deep down inside of him at the root of his cock and the diverse array of organs that sustained it, cells began to divide and multiply at an incredible rate, the tissues that they formed rippling with unnatural growth. His seminal vesicles began to swell with churning fluid and the muscles of his prostate thickened with building strength, his balls growing heavy and huge in their smooth, hairless sacs with an enormous supply of hot, creamy hanyou sperm. Finally, his body convulsing and his veins swelling visibly with a pounding flood of freshly-brewed blood, he threw his head back to roar out to the night with a terrifying combination of pain and gasping exultation, his right thumb and forefinger spreading apart as his cock surged from the inside out with a grotesque eruption of fresh tissue to grow by more than two full inches.
Kagura recoiled in revulsion, her ruby eyes widening with horror at the sight of Naraku's body transforming before her. The hanyou's jutting cock grew huge with new girth and length and leapt visibly with the venous pulse of his freakish heartbeat. He growled in ecstasy, the pain of the metamorphosis giving way to immense pleasure; he could feel his super-prostate twitching with exhilarating power, receiving copious amounts of precum from his inner vesicles and passing it up his monstrous erection's new length like his heart pumped his blood. It was absolutely bleeding from him, running down over his hand and the bulging underside of his shaft to drip heavily onto the sand in long, gleaming threads, and he spread its lubricating heat all over his cock, licking it off of his fingers as he stepped closer to Kagura, looming large in front of her. He grinned with the delicious taste of his body's essence; his enhanced organs were functioning magnificently, blooming with false potency and ready to give the lovely demoness her massive, creamy fill.
It was such a shame that his hanyou genetics had cursed him with complete sterility, he thought, but then again, there was no need for a condom; Kagura's sweet cunny would soon make a wonderful, steaming mess.
Naraku knelt between Kagura's thighs and brandished his dripping member to her, spreading her silky petals wide with his left hand and guiding his bulbous crown directly into her open sex with his right, teasing the healthy pink flesh of her quivering, soaking depths with the flared rim of his knob. The wind sorceress cried out as the outer gates of her vaginal canal opened and closed over and over, fighting the instinctive urge to lift her hips to him and take him inside her, and pleaded for him to stop. "No, please!" she begged, trying to throw him off of her. Naraku said nothing, but merely grinned, leaned in close to claim the youkai beauty's ruby lips in a fiery, bruising kiss, and buried all ten inches of his thick demon cock into her body's sacred vessel with one, brutal surge.
Kagura tensed up tight, tossed her head back, and screamed with the penetration, her blood-curdling cry splitting the silence of the forest - he was immense! She'd never been taken so deeply, never been filled so full, and the living, sopping silk of her tight pussy's internal lining spread to a new, mind-boggling capacity to take Naraku's heavy girth. The yakuza lord leaned over her and ground his dark curls against her swollen, hooded nub, savoring the exquisite sensation of her body's most secret tissues milking at him with one breathtaking, richly-textured contraction after another, and he knew that he wouldn't last long. Snarling with extreme pleasure, he drew back until he felt her trim outer folds suck at his bulbous tip, then gave her his full length all over again.
The female wind demon's fluids gushed audibly in the quiet spring, slipping down between the taut globes of her bottom and streaming through the sand as Naraku's cock displaced them from her body, and the hanyou was as a rutting animal as he took her, raped her hard and fast with long, deep thrusts. Sultry cries of unwilling passion flowed long and throaty from the female youkai's lips; Naraku emptied her and filled her up again and again with a merciless rhythm, the steely knob of his cock delving deep and pounding against the mouth of her womb to set her uterine depths aflutter with the forceful shock, stimulating her most feminine entrails in ways no male or toy had ever done before. Her durable cervix shuddered deep down inside of her and her whole body shook, ample breasts jiggling against Naraku's broad chest with the assault, and God help her, her pleasure grew and grew, her deepest glands growing hot and huge with a swelling, burning flood of her cream deep inside of her quivering pussy's anterior wall.
She felt like she was going to die.
Naraku tilted his face to the sky, teeth clenched and his long, black hair fluttering over his back with his savage pumping. "Fuck!" he gasped, giving himself fully to Kagura's slick, gripping heat to beat his cock against her very core with wild abandon. Nothing could have prepared him for the torturous delights that her body could inflict upon him. His heavy balls swung against her cleft with the surge of his hips, drawing up tightly to his body with his impending eruption, each one tense and huge and throbbing with what felt to him like an entire pint of boiling demonic sperm sloshing around in their powerful, churning cores. He couldn't hold back any longer; the delicious pressure was building too great.
The sinister yakuza pulled out completely, all ten inches of his pulsing demon cock slick and glistening brightly with Kagura's lubricating juices, and the saimyoushou thugs comprimised their hold upon her just long enough to flip her onto her knees, holding her head down into the cool silk of the jacket liner beneath her and presenting the ample swells of her shapely rear and hairless mons to the dark, growling hanyou. He took his place without delay, nudging his cock's heavy knob up against her clit and sliding it through the gaping lips of her sex to grasp her hips in his hands and fill her deep to the hilt all over again.
Kagura screeched with the new, piercing depth of Naraku's reach, the bulbous tip of him hooking against her soft g-spot before slamming home against her cervix time and time again, winding her completely and forcing her womb to open up for its rich, inseminating fill with powerful, jarring thrusts. Her juices traced gleaming rivers down her inner thighs non-stop with the violent fucking, the prelude to her orgasmic flood; thundering heartbeats later, with her fists clenched, her toes curled hard, and her head and breasts mashed carelessly against Naraku's jacket, she wailed out long and loud to the empty night as a devastating climax surged through her body to claim her very soul, her most feminine glands imploding inside of her to pump her milky cum out hot and thick in long, explosive jets of shattering liquid ecstasy.
And that did it. Naraku's flanks rippled like living steel with long cords of thick muscle as he pounded his hips against Kagura's perfect ass, his prostate twitching excitedly with the onset of his own end, and the feeling of her liquid heat blasting over his hairless sacs, combined with the textured stimulus of her inner muscles rippling up and down his thick length in the silken throes of sucking female climax sent him sailing completely over the top into gushing male bliss. His unholy roar of release joined with her cries to shake the very surface of the spring's water as his enhanced anatomy clutched tightly deep down inside of him. The hot, surging pressure of moving fluid crested at his twitching base in a copious rush of sensation and enormous, swimming gouts of his creamy seed erupted up his pulsating cock to explode directly into her open womb, coating its quivering walls with its intense heat and absolutely flooding its fertile depth in a matter of frantic male heartbeats.
Kagura yowled in ecstasy, agony, and humiliation, Naraku's thick, sterile cream bursting forth and roiling around inside of her innermost chamber, feeling to her like untold millions of hot, tiny spiders crawling all over the walls of her womb, each one making a futile attempt to pierce her most sacred cell and sew the life of some horrifying little monster inside of her. Each of her wild, uncontrollable internal contractions triggered one of the dark hanyou's powerful, swelling ejaculations in steady, alternating rhythm for a full ten seconds, and the yakuza lord tilted his head back to gaze at the sky, his brain swimming in his head with the feverish chemical euphoria of male orgasm and the stars spinning above him as the last few rocking, throbbing pulses washed through his body. He felt utterly drained and his balls pulsed with aching emptiness, pure ambrosia flowing through his veins as a strange, soothing warmth enveloped him, carving the moment of this most intense pinnacle into his mind for all eternity. He soared in his personal afterglow for nearly a minute; kneading the full globes of Kagura's rear in his hands, the vile yakuza lord pulled out only reluctantly, his cock softening and drooping in relief and growing dormancy as it shed a final, dripping dollop of thick, yet impotent sperm. Yes - she was an amazing fuck.
Naraku stood back and chuckled as he witnessed the graphic culmination of his conquest. Abused and aching, the beautiful female youkai's violated sex quivered for a moment before opening up and flooding over in a clearly-audible gush with a messy, frothing flow of his ghostly-white cream, her brutalized pussy absolutely bleeding with his demonic sperm as her fluttering inner muscles clutched forcefully to drive it out of her body. She had taken so much from him, and the stuff seemed to drip out endlessly, collecting in an impressive puddle of living quicksilver upon the jacket between her knees; there must have been a whole pint of it still washing around inside of her, its drenching warmth stimulating her very ovaries from deep within. The demoness rasped and shivered with the wracking aftershocks and copious overflow of her vicious ordeal, and she exhaled with a breathless, fluttering sigh of trembling delirium as her distant ruby eyes slid closed and she slipped into unconsciousness.
It was simply all too much. The color drained from Kagura's vision and the whole world seemed to teeter end for end before her as she passed out, cascading shades of grey swirling around in a muddled, runny mix and fading to black in her head. She slumped limply in the arms of the saimyoushou and they released her at long last, easing her onto her left side with sudden gentility. Naraku dressed lazily, looking upon Kagura's nude body as he buckled up his slacks and making grand plans for her. His red eyes smoldered gimlet with psychotic depravity; she was a wonderful specimen of her sex and species, and she was all his. Oh, the nights to come...
The sinister hanyou reached into his right pocket and withdrew a small, re-sealable bag of transparent plastic, within which shone a tiny shard of familiar magenta amber: a fragment of the Shikon no Tama, and the tool with which he would bend his prize to his will. He opened the bag and plucked the shard out, rolling it between two fingers as he knelt by Kagura's side and pressed her onto her back, eyeing the sexy hollow of her collarbone with malicious intent. She was fortunate that she had fainted, he supposed; the insertion of a jewel shard was always excruciatingly painful for the victim.
Naraku cupped Kagura's head with his left hand and lifted her upper body to him, exposing her throat and pressing the needle-sharp point of the shard to the dip of her clavicle with his right. He watched the delicious, unconscious expression displayed upon her face for a second and rammed the shard home, burying it into her flesh and submerging it completely. Her hot blood welled up from the small but deep wound instantly, tracing a sluggish crimson path down the crook of her neck and dripping into the sand beneath her. The yakuza lord leaned in close to her throat once more and devoured her body's life essence eagerly, savoring her precious flavor, and grinned as the jewel shard embedded just below her throat began to grow warm beneath his lips, glowing beautifully within the sanctuary of her living flesh.
Gently, the yakuza lord lay his victim against the sand and eased her onto her stomach, watching her back intently. The jewel shard's magic flowed through her unstoppably, and a spot of dark discoloration began to form in the center of her spine, a blood vessel ruptured underneath her skin. Its lines were far too perfect and deliberate to be a bruise, however; the blot swelled outward, spreading boldly over her back, and soon it began to take shape. A thorax, an abdomen, and moments later, eight long, spined legs - the dark image of a spider, the ominous design that all of Naraku's women carried upon their tainted flesh. It spread across her back with the beat of her heart, a most sinister tattoo inked from within with its unwilling bearer's own blood, and it was done. She wore his symbol and carried his jewel shard. Her life belonged to him; none would dare take her from him, and if she rebelled, he could stop her heart cold in her chest with a mere squeeze of the shard's parent jewel, killing her instantly in a most entertaining and definitive manner. Naraku stroked Kagura's back, running his fingertips over the lines of his evil mark, and pressed a kiss to its center. "Sleep well, my love," he whispered seethingly in her tapered, unhearing ear, tucking a loose tress of her hair behind it. "You've a long day ahead of you."
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