Can’t Stop the Rain From Falling | By : Mirokuslave Category: InuYasha > General Views: 2129 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, nor make money from this story. |
Inu-Yasha, Kagome and Kirara had chosen to continue on after Naraku in hopes of slaying him before he ran off again an hid in some mystic miasma or hidden castle. But Miroku had chosen to stay with Sango and help her instead of having a chance to kill Naraku himself and get the revenge he lusted and relief he so desperately needed.
As Miroku ointed a large bruise on her shoulder he felt Sango tremble and begin to cry silently.
“He’s just a little boy…why is Naraku doing this?” whimpered Sango as she cried into his chest, sounding like a small child, but who could blame her after losing so much...
Miroku wrapped an arm around Sango gently to comfort her.
“Naraku is the most vile of demons I have ever run across. He ruins peoples lives and uses the innocent and not so innocent beings to protect himself as he rises to power. He'll do whatever it takes to win, but his lust for strength will be his ultimate downfall…” said Miroku calmly, knowing that anger only got Sango riled up.
“It’s just not right though…Kohaku has suffered enough as it is…” said Sango as Miroku picked up a blanket and placed it around her so she wouldn’t get cold in the near winter night air.
“Thank you, Houshi-sama…for staying here with me...” said Sango as she wiped her eyes dry.
“I’m sure you would do the same for me…” said Miroku as he smiled one of those smiles at made Sango want to melt into a little warm puddle.
“Well, Shippo, are you done boiling the water like I showed you how to do?” asked Miroku turning from the slightly blushing Sango to Shippo who was boiling water with ease. Shippo nodded at the monk and helped him pour water into 3 bowls of raman and 3 mugs of hot chocolate mix, brought by Kagome just for the occasion of the holidays and lifting everyone’s sprits with delicious treats from the distant future. Both Miroku and Sango loved the chocolaty drink and savored every drop.
Sango took the food she was given gratefully and thanked them for their kindness with a soft “Arigota…” before chowing down.
Miroku ate in silence as Shippo chattered about the battle and how much he missed Kagome already who had only been gone a mere 30 minuets or so.
After the dishes had been cleaned the tired group settled down for a well deserved and needed rest.
Shippo curled up on Kagome’s sleeping bag and Sango lay under a warm blanket. Miroku leaned against a tree as usual, his staff resting upon his chest and his arms folded.
Sango was up most of the night, trying to stop thinking about Kohaku long enough to sleep, but her dreams were filled with horror.
2 days later Kagome, Inu-Yasha and Kirara returned looking tired, dirty, hungry and angry.
"Kagome-chan!!!" squealed Shippo happily as he jumped onto Kagome and hugged her tightly.
"Shippo-chan!" said Kagome hugging him back. They'd missed each other so much.
"Well hello there Inu-Yasha and Kagome." said Miroku knowing that Naraku had yet to be defeated. He watched Sango hold her cat demon with joy and pet her head before setting her down next to Inu-Yasha who was grumbling and searching through Kagome's bag for food already.
Kagome smiled at Sango and hugged her dear friend.
"I missed you too Kagome..." said Sango reading Kagome's mind as she let her go.
"Wow Sango, you're healing so well! Miroku must have been taking very good care of you." said Kagome in surprise.
"But you really look like you need a nice relaxing hot bath. I know I sure do." said Kagome and Sango agreed with a giggle.
Kagome helped Inu-Yasha with his food before picking up some towels and soap. Then Sango and Kagome left for a nice relaxing bath at the hot spring that was close by.
Inu-Yasha slurped down his noodles noisely as Miroku thought -Maybe I should follow them...just in case...- While Inu-Yasha slurped down multipul cups of raman, he didn't notice Miroku slip off and follow the young women...
Miroku hid silently in a bush right at the water's edge, not to far from the bathing girls. He watched them, mainly Sango, slide out of their clothes and into the warm water.
Miroku's purplely eyes paid very little attention to Kagome and solely watched the young taiji bathe.
-damn! with hips like hers, giving birth will be no problem!- he thought pervertedly like he had thought so many times before. But as he chuckled to himself Sango reached for what looked to be soap but when Miroku opened his eyes after chuckling he saw a large rock being sent from Sango's hand, and it hit him on the head with a loud thud. Miroku then fell out of the bush and into the water.
"Stupid monk..." grumbled Sango waiting for the monk to resurface as Kagome giggled loudly.
"Inu-Yasha, haven't you noticed that Miroku's gone yet again?" asked Shippo as he played with his toy top after consuming a stick of pocky.
"Nani!?" yelled Inu-Yasha jumping to his feet looking angry.
" more cup of noodles before I kill him..." said Inu-Yasha sitting back down and eatting even more noodles.
"He's hopeless..." said Shippo to himself...
Sango started to look worried when Miroku didn't come up after a few minuets.
" don't think that he's-" started Kagome
"Houshi-sama!?" yelled Sango, diving in after him now panicing.
A few moments later Miroku and Sango resurfaced but Sango was the only one breathing. Sango pushed him onto the shore and knelt next to him feeling his chest.
"He's not breathing!!!" she yelled in hysterics, afraid that she had killed him.
Then, not caring that she was as nude as the day she was born, she opened his mouth and placed hers on his to breath air into his lungs.
Sango breathed air into him a good half dozen times before Miroku suddenly grabbed her roughly in a defensive manner and coughed.
"H-Houshi-sama-a?" asked Sango nervously as she trembled all over.
Miroku panted for breath as his eyes came back into focus and he quickly softened his grip on Sango.
"Are you okay?" she asked and Miroku nodded, but he wasn't looking at her face any more.
"*slap* Pervert!" yelled Sango, her mood changing suddenly as she grabbed a towel and covered herself.
Miroku, still flat on his back, clung to his cheek and looked at her saddly.
"Don't even think about it..." growled Sango collecting her clothes and storming off angrilly.
Miroku walked slowly back to the campsite, soaked to the bone in the cooling night air. Kagome stayed behind to finish her bath, hoping to get three days of dirt and grime off her skin and out of her hair.
As Miroku approached the warm fire he sneezed loudly, causing Sango to look up at him...
"Serves you right Houshi-sama..." said Sango in a low tone, her eyes narrowed. Miroku sat next to her and sneezed again before he starte dto shiver.
"You're going to end up dead if you don't take care of yourself..." said Sango standing up with a blanket and wrapping it around his shoulders.
"Thank you my lady *sneeze*" said Miroku as she sat down again.
"I apologize for my behavior... but your lustrious radiance, like that of the beautiful moon, attracted me to you like a moth to the burning flame..." said Miroku in a velvety tone as a hazed look fell over his eyes. Sango turned a deep shade of red.
"You say that to all the girls you meet..." she siad grufly.
"But do I mean it to them? For the honor of my grandfather and father I must find a woman to help me pass my line of curse if I fail against Naraku. Women love complements even if I don't mean them but it gets their attention. But I'd never lie to you my Lady Sango..." said Miroku only to recieve a glare from the taiji who then took out her sword and began to clean it.
"You are such a womanier Houshi-sama. It's men like you that- Ouch!" hissed Sango as she accidentally sliced the palm of her own hand out of carelessness.
"Here...let me help you..." said Miroku, taking her bleeding hand only to have it pulled back.
"I don't need your help you advantage taking lecher." growled Sango trying to wrap her own wound.
"Hold still..." said Miroku, taking her hand once more and using his own sleeve to wipe away the blood and he wrapped it with a gauze roll that he pulled out of Kagome's pack. Sango watched him tie off the bandage but she was shocked when he lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the palm softly. Sango was silent...stunned...
"Is something wrong my lady?' asked Miroku sweetly as he let Sango's hand go and she quickly withdrew it.
"N-No..." she muttered as she stood up.
"I'm going to go get Kagome..." she said almost shakily before leaving quickly, her face so red that it would have shamed the roses into turning white...
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