All Hallow's Eve | By : SplendentGoddess Category: InuYasha > Het - Male/Female > InuYasha/Kagome Views: 7040 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi or VIZ Productions, and I do not gain financially from my fanfic in any way. |
Greetings! I realize to some of you this might seem like a new story, but this particular story is actually one of my oldest works, originally posted on mediaminer back in 2006. It's my very first Halloween fic (since I didn't write one for 2005), which has since become part one of a three-part series I call the 'Hallow' trilogy. I joined AFF in November of 2010 and therefore thought it woud be best to wait a year to post all of my various Halloween stories over here.
Please note: While this story is fairly canon in essence, it is vastly off-canon in that I have expanded the journey to have already taken over two years by this point in time, meaning that Kagome is seventeen years of age where this story begins, which is shortly after Kikyou's final death. Making Kagome older is not an uncommon alteration in the fandom world, especially in stories that involve sexual situations, which this one does. Following this practice, it's what I did back in 2006 and I have no desire to go back through and tweak a bunch of things here and there to make her younger now, so it stays. I'm also sticking to the English word 'sit' in this particular story for the subduing command, rather than 'osuwari', which is my personal preference these days, and I haven't bothered adding Japanese suffixes to anyone's names either. Hey, sometimes you feel like a nut, and sometimes you don't. There is also brief mention of semi-off-canon events that took place exclusively in the animated series and movies. Please suspend your disbelief regarding the strict canon reality of the manga, and enjoy! Chapter 1 - This is Halloween Sitting around the fire-pit in Kaede's hut, everyone was present, except of course for the one person she needed to speak with the most. "So let me get this straight..." Shippou piped up, wishing to be sure he had fully understood her. "The children just go door to door, dressed up in some sort of costume, and all the adults give them candy?" Chuckling, Kagome couldn't help but to shake her head in amusement. It figured that the ancient Druid and Celtic connections to the holiday would have been lost on the boy. "Yup, that's pretty much it." she answered, figuring there was no point in attempting to explain it any further. "I wish I could go with you!!!" the kitsune whined, knowing from previous attempts that the well would not permit him entry into Kagome's world. "I'll tell you what..." she offered, hoping that this would make it up to him, "I'll buy a big mixed bag of Halloween candy, stuff that I've never brought here before, all just for you, okay?" "Really?" he asked, eyes sparkling with unbridled anticipation. Chuckling again, the miko answered, "Really." while placing her right hand over her heart. "Yay!" was the cheer that followed as the hyperactive fox cub scampered outside to play after that. Apparently, he'd heard all he needed to hear, and nothing else of the adults' conversation mattered any longer. "He's certainly a happy child, for having lost his parents at such a young age." Kaede commented. The elder miko often commended Kagome on how she'd so readily taken care of the young youkai, when not many humans would have done so. "Yeah..." the seventeen-year-old agreed with a smile, laughing at the sound of Shippou playing with some of the village children. It'd been over two years now since the day she and Inuyasha had stumbled upon him, when he'd tried to steal their jewel shards, and the miko couldn't help but to think of the boy as almost like a son to her. "This Western holiday sounds very festive." Miroku decided to pipe up in that moment, cutting through the breif silence. Turning her attention to the man who was like an older brother to her, Kagome smiled and said, "It's grown in popularity very fast. Not everyone celebrates it yet, but most people have embraced it. If there's one thing we future-folks know how to do, it's how to tell a good ghost story." she finished with a chuckle. "Even when most people in your time, as you've said, no longer believe in such things?" Sango asked, confused why people would choose to honor such creatures with their own holiday if they believed them merely to be the workings of myths. Shaking her head, Kagome said, "Our history is part of who we are. Even if some people think that youkai are only myths, everyone is still familiar with the tales that have been passed down from generation to generation. Personally, I'm not entirely convinced that youkai have truly disappeared in my time. It seems rather hard to believe, considering how many there are in yours. I would bet that there are quite a few youkai still around in my time, but they're just in hiding." Everyone nodded their agreement; it did seem the most likely scenario. Just then, the reed mat that functioned as Kaede's door covering flapped open, and everyone looked up on impulse to see who had just graced them with their presence. "Aw, Inuyasha, it's so nice of you to join us." Miroku teased, "Please, won't you sit down?" He loved watching the way Inuyasha's ears flinched whenever anyone else said the word sit. Subconsciously, his body had been trained to fear that word. Inuyasha couldn't help but notice the nasty glare Kagome sent Miroku's way at the joke, and he smiled on the inside at her show of consideration, until the reason why he was there quickly came back to the forefront of his mind, his mental grin turning into a scowl that matched his outward expression. "Feh, you humans take too damn long to 'rest'. We should get going while there's still light out." he grumbled. "Well, actually, Inuyasha...I was wondering-" Kagome started hesitantly, though she never got to finish her sentence. "Feh! No wench, you can't go back home!" the hanyou snapped right away, knowing damn well what she had been about to ask. "You already restocked our supplies last week and you didn't say nothin' about no tests, so if you've got 'em now, tough!" he continued defensively. "I...I don't have a test right now-" "Well then why the hell-!" he started to interrupt, only to be interrupted himself. "Actually, Miroku and I wanted to stay at Kaede's another night, anyway." Sango spoke up, quickly coming to her friend's aid. "Feh." Upon catching a glimpse of Kagome's hurt expression, Inuyasha felt the smallest hint of remorse for yelling at her, until he reminded himself again of the real reason why he knew she wanted to go home; to go to that stupid party. Wondering if she would even admit it to his face, or if she'd planned on keeping it from him, he made sure to keep an expression of indifference in place before asking... "Fine, then what'd you want to ask, wench?" His tone was forceful and impatient, as he dared her to lie to him. "I..." What was the point? If he wouldn't let her go home for school, then he most certainly wouldn't let her go home for a party. But... "In Kagome's world," Miroku started for her suddenly upon noticing her hesitation, "They are currently celebrating a holiday known as-" "We ain't got no time for no stupid holiday of the dead!" Inuyasha yelled, unknowingly revealing that he'd obviously been within earshot during their earlier conversation. "We've got a real youkai to worry about, one with jewel shards." He sounded very assertive and unbreakable in his position. Kagome's eyes widened, meanwhile, when what he said...exactly...suddenly sank in, and she realized with a groan what he must have heard. ~~~Flashback~~~ "I've been thinking about going back to my time tonight, but if I do, I'll be back first thing tomorrow, and then we can head back out on the road again." Kagome informed her friends in Kaede's hut. I wonder if Inuyasha would really want to come with me... she added uncertainly in her mind, still trying to think of the best way to bring it up with the hanyou. "Do you have another test?" Sango asked, which prompted Kagome to launch into a quick explanation of the Halloween holiday and tradition, and the party she had been invited to. Last year's Halloween had come and gone without mention because nobody Kagome knew in her time had had anything planned that year, and so since she'd ended up spending the holiday in the Feudal era searching for jewel shards, anyway, the future-born miko hadn't seen the point in making the others aware of what she had theoretically been missing out on when it hadn't been that big of a deal to her. The Halloween before that, her mission in the past had only just begun, and things had honestly been so hectic that she'd completely forgotten all about the holiday until after the fact, surprised to discover it was November the next time she'd gone back through the well. This year, however, Kagome had actually been invited to a party, hosted by her three best school friends, and to be perfectly honest, she really wanted to go. "That is quite an interesting holiday." Miroku commented thoughtfully once her brief history lesson of the holiday's origins and meaning was complete. "Yeah, but..." Her forlorn expression caused him to say, "Do not hold yourself back on my account." as he silently closed his right hand into a fist, which Sango then clenched in her own. "Naraku has been quite evasive as of late, and Sango and I were already planning on telling Inuyasha that we wished to remain in the village one more night, anyway, so you would truly not be delaying our departure. If there is anything I have learned in my short life, it is that you must live, while you are alive. Please Kagome, go with your friends, and have fun, that is what life is truly about." Smiling, and nodding her deeper understanding, she thanked Miroku softly, and said, "Well, if you're sure..." "Absolutely." the monk answered with confidence. "This party sounds like it shall be a lot of fun." he added with a smile. "I'm sure it will be." Kagome agreed then. "I've never gone to a party like this before. When I was younger, I always just went Trick-or-Treating." she commented, which promptly led to her explanation of that concept, which delighted Shippou to no end. ~~~End Flashback~~~ Sighing, the miko knew it was her fault that Inuyasha had gotten so upset; she could honestly understand his point of view on the matter, since it had been a concern of her own until Miroku had assured her that she would honestly not be delaying their departure since he and Sango had been planning on telling Inuyasha they wished to remain one more night before heading back out. But besides the perceived irresponsibility of fluttering off on holiday when they had an evil spider-hanyou to hunt down, Kagome knew Inuyasha well enough by that point to know that he was probably also feeling left out and neglected, as if she would rather spend time in her world with her friends than in his world with him. He was always so concerned that her world was more important to her than his; that her world would take her away from his. But what Kagome hadn't revealed in her earlier conversation with the others was the fact that her friends had also invited Inuyasha to the party. Kagome was almost positive that he wouldn't want to go, but now that she was equally sure that he'd overheard her talking with the others about going to a party, inviting him definitely seemed like the right thing to do, so that at least he would know she wasn't trying to get away from him for a night. But how to go about bringing it up? Well, first things first... "There haven't been any signs of Naraku for a while now." she pointed out calmly, attempting to start up the conversation, to which the hanyou promptly exploded with, "All the more reason why we should keep looking! We can't just sit around and wait for him to come to us!" "I'm not implying that we should!" "No! You just want to waste time playing while he grows in power!" "One night won't make that much of a difference!" "Fine!" he shouted, flinching at the way everyone else around him flinched at his tone. "Go head, go to your stupid party, see if I care." he muttered quietly, aware of what he said that time, though not really caring that he had revealed his eavesdropping, as he turned and stormed out of the hut. But Kagome was right on his heels. "Inuyasha-" "I said you could go, so shut up already." he interrupted snappily, heading towards his forest. Kagome remained quiet but continued to follow after him, knowing damn well that he knew she was following him, and secretly relieved that he was still walking at a pace that she could keep up with. After a few minutes of silence, however, he suddenly whirled around and yelled, "What the hell is your problem now?!" "You were invited too..." she whispered, sheepishly twisting the toe of her right shoe in the dirt; a nervous habit she'd picked up long ago. "Huh?" She nearly chuckled at the way he was suddenly just staring at her, blinking silently. "You were invited too." she repeated, louder that time, while meeting his gaze. "Yuka, Eri and Ayumi, they invited me to their party, yeah, but they also said that you could come, too." "Those girls from your room that one time?" he asked for clarification, believing he was in fact aware of who Kagome's friends were, having seen them on a few occasions, and having actually met them once. "Yeah, umm...." she paused, unsure of how to continue. "I'm sure you think it's stupid, but I really want to go." she said seriously, "I hardly ever get to see my old friends any more." she continued, seeing his ears droop at the depressed tone of her voice, "But you could come with me if you wanted to, if you didn't want to feel left out." "Feh." Inuyasha grumbled in denial to her statement, his cheeks warming at her words. "Like I care if you go to your own time, go ahead and go." That said, the inu-hanyou turned and started walking away again, and Kagome sighed. She knew better than to attempt to appeal to the softer side that she was sure was there...somewhere. Regardless of what he said, Kagome knew that Inuyasha didn't like it when she left, and for more reasons than simply their need to continue hunting Naraku. He had even told her once when he'd come to her time that he'd come 'cause he'd wanted to see her, and Sango and Miroku had always insisted that it was quite obvious that he missed her whenever she was gone, usually spending his time pouting up in the Goshinboku, or even gazing down into the depths of the well when he thought no one was looking. He'd lost everyone he'd ever cared about, Kagome knew. First his mother, and then Kikyou, and then Kikyou again...she sighed. Kagome could easily remember the times, though few and far between, when Inuyasha had told her that he needed her with him. She cherished those memories. "Inuyasha..." she spoke up softly then, knowing that he would have no trouble hearing her quiet words as she continued to follow him a few paces behind. "Why don't you come with me? Please? I...I want you to." He stopped, but didn't turn around, as he asked loud enough for her to hear, "You say people wear costumes at these parties?" Feeling tremendous relief when she realized that he was actually considering it, Kagome nodded happily, before rolling her eyes at herself when she realized that he obviously wouldn't see her gesture with his back still turned. "Yeah, they do, they dress up as all kinds of things." she answered him aloud then. "What kinds of things?" One of his ears twitched as he asked this question, and the miko couldn't be sure if it was a coincidental and unconscious reaction to some distant sound, or a more direct result of what he was currently thinking. "All kinds..." she repeated, closing the distance between them, but knowing better than to try putting her arms around him in any form of a hug. Instead, she walked around him until they were facing once more, while making sure that her eyes and smile both reflected happiness and acceptance, which she was sure was what he needed the most at that moment. "You wouldn't have to wear a hat, or shoes, or anything." she continued then. "I could just be myself?" he asked, rephrasing what she'd just stated. "Yup." she confirmed cheerfully. "Just be you, and everyone will just think it's a costume, so there'll be nothing to worry about. You'll get to meet more of my friends, and they'll get to meet you, and you can learn more about my world..." Her sales pitch continued for a couple of minutes, though he tuned it out. Nodding absently at everything she was spouting off, Inuyasha knew that he didn't really give a fire-rat's ass about the party, or her friends, or her world. But he did care about her happiness, whether he'd ever admit to that or not being beside the point. "Al right." he answered suddenly, instantly quieting her continued attempt to convince him.. "...Really?" she asked, somewhat dazed for a moment at the sudden realization that he had actually agreed. "Yeah, sure. Why not?" he replied with a shrug, trying to act as casual about it as possible. At that, Kagome did embrace him, as she rushed forward shouting "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" at the top of her lungs, earning Inuyasha a nice set of rosy cheeks, for which he was ever so thankful that she couldn't see with her own face currently buried in his shoulder. "Keh." he mumbled, attempting to gently push her away. "Come to the shrine at sunset!" Kagome squealed happily then, before quickly scampering off towards the well, saying something about how little time she had to get ready. He just rolled his eyes. ````````````````` As the day ticked on, Inuyasha wondered absently how he'd gotten himself into such a situation, and not just with the pending party of the coming evening, but with everything. How had he gone from being an outcast, from being pinned to a tree in mystical slumber, to being the leader of his own little pack, to having friends? It was all Kagome's fault; of that he was sure. She was changing him, he could tell, though he supposed he could at least admit to himself that he knew it was for the better. So he supposed that if she really wanted him to do this one little thing for her, to go to this party with her, that it was the least he could do. Maybe Miroku was right; maybe it would be fun. Nobody would know he was really a hanyou, after all. Instead, they would all just think that he was wearing a costume. They'd all think that he was human, that he was normal, and they would treat him as such. Inuyasha had to admit, he was definitely curious. Though he also had to admit that someone already treated him that way, and as he saw the sun slipping itself out of sight, he rose to his feet to go join her. Arriving on Kagome's side of time, Inuyasha slipped silently through the darkening shrine grounds, making his way towards the tree by her bedroom window, leaping effortlessly upon it, and then stepping off onto the rooftop just above her window. He smiled. The window was wide open, Kagome obviously having figured that he would be using his standard method of entry into her house, nobody once ever complaining about his manners in that he failed to properly use the front door downstairs. Slipping inside, Inuyasha took note of the fact that Kagome was not present, and following her scent, he quickly headed down said stairs, and into the kitchen, where it turned out the whole family was currently gathered. "You're here." he heard the miko say happily as he rounded the corner, and he could not help but to smile in return at the grin she flashed his way. But then, as her appearance slowly registered in his brain, Inuyasha quickly found his smile slipping from his face, unable to suppress his gasp of surprise at what he saw standing before him. "K-Kagome?" he stuttered uncertainly, despite the fact that his nose was telling him that that was who she was. Her silly smile never left her lips as she asked him playfully, "Do you like it?" while gesturing to her very being. "" He was, for once, speechless. There, standing before him, was not his Kagome. She was dressed in a humble kimono, something a simple housewife of his time might wear. A yellow yukata, something he'd never seen her wear before. It had a simple floral print in red and green, with a solid red obi that matched his own kimono. Instead of her usual Mary Janes, waiting in the genkan to be slipped upon her bare feet was a plain pair of wooden geta sandals. But that was only half of it. Skimming his eyes up and down her body, Inuyasha couldn't believe what they were telling him he saw. He couldn't believe that she would have purposely done this to herself. Sure, he understood that it was only a costume, but that wasn't the point. There, nestled upon her head, was a very realistic looking pair of dog-ears in the same raven black as her flowing locks, locks that had been styled in such a way to hide her human ears from view, flowing curls pulled forward over her shoulders. Glancing down to gaze upon her delicate hands, hands that had, over time, mastered the bow, he flinched at the sight of seemingly deadly claws of bone white, just as long and pointy as his own, adorning each of her tender fingertips. When she smiled her sweet, innocent smile, he grimaced at the sight of pointy fangs protruding from behind her cherry lips. "What...what did you do?" he managed to ask, finding his voice after a moment, while she spun happily in front of him, showing off the success of her labors. "I thought this way, we'd match." she answered him simply, as though it were the most carefree decision in the world to disguise herself as a disgusting half-breed. He desperately shook the negative thoughts free from his mind. That wasn't how she saw him, and he knew that. If he hadn't known it before, then he most certainly did now. Why in all the ten hells would anyone want to make themselves up to look like a hanyou, especially for the simple reason of 'matching' their friend? On second thought, who in all the ten hells would have a hanyou for a friend in the first place? Only Kagome... he thought, utterly baffled. Upon seeing her expression suddenly grow nervous, and quickly realizing that she was probably starting to fear that she had done something very, very wrong, Inuyasha somehow managed to swallow the lump in his throat, finding the courage to assured her, "You look...great." With her smile back in place, it was then Mrs. Higurashi's cue to get the camera, and Inuyasha and Kagome posed for several pictures before she eventually shoed them out the door. Walking down the sidewalk, Inuyasha was amazed by the hordes of children running happily about, some dressed as monsters, others in the elaborate robes of royalty. While he'd been listening, and had heard Kagome's descriptions to their other friends, he hadn't really given it much thought until that moment. Several parents, children in tow, passed them as they walked, and everyone merely smiled, and nodded, and said "Happy Halloween" as they passed. He was walking about, in plain sight, in his ancient red robes, sword sheathed at his hip, silver hair, dog ears, claws, fangs, and no one was looking at him in disgust, or running away in fear. It was unfathomable. They were also receiving some rather odd smirks from some of the people closer to Kagome's own age, who were also out and about in some form of costume or another, but the looks didn't really seem to bother Kagome any, so he ignored them. Kagome... Why had she done it? Simply so that they would match? It didn't make any sense. From what Inuyasha could see, most of the groups of people they'd passed had consisted of somewhat random creatures. Not that he would really know, he realized, but in his opinion, just based upon what he'd seen so far, he was fairly certain that Kagome wasn't required to match him. She could have dressed herself up however she wanted to. Even the way she'd phrased it herself, upon her explanation of wanting to match him, had definitely implied that it'd been purely by choice. Glancing around, Inuyasha noticed after a moment that there were in fact a few other pairs of people walking towards the same house they were nearing who also appeared to be wearing matching costumes, but that made a little more sense because those couples were mated. He knew because he could smell it. So why would she- "Kagome!" "Eri!" the miko-turned-hanyou cried in return, greeting her friend who was dressed up as a witch, Western style, pointy hat and all. "I'm so glad you could make it." her friend continued, shaking Inuyasha out of his thoughts as he realized they'd arrived at their destination. "Kagome!" two more voices cried in unison, as two more school girls rushed forward to greet their friend and her date. "I'm so glad you could make it." the female pirate that was Yuka stated, to which Eri teased that she'd just said the exact same thing, earning a laugh from Kagome before she answered them both with, "I wouldn't have missed it for the world." "We were worried your ulcers would have been too severe." Ayumi piped up, her somber tone clearly dripping with concern, which in no way matched her costume as a fairytale princess, complete with tiara and fairy wings. Without missing a beat, Kagome said, "Nah, I'm fine. I'm on a lot of medicine, but I'm not gonna let a little thing like that keep me down." all the while thinking Jeez Grampa, aren't I too young for ulcers? Inuyasha, being familiar with the fact that Kagome's multiple absences from her world were explained away with lies of illnesses she didn't have, knew enough to remain silent on the matter, rather than blowing the miko's cover. Of course, it didn't take too long for the topic of conversation to shift away from Kagome's health. "Inuyasha, it's good to see you again." Eri spoke up honestly, having decided after first meeting the boy that he wasn't nearly as bad as she'd originally suspected. "And how cute! Matching costumes!" Ayumi cooed, hearts in her eyes. "So what are you guys supposed to be, anyway?" asked Yuka, as she walked circles around them both, trying to figure it out. "Wait, let me guess..." she added before either of them could open their mouths. "Dog demons?" Kagome smiled while Inuyasha's mouth dropped open. "How did you...?" he started, before shutting his mouth with a confused expression at Yuka's innocent laughter. "Well, I figured it was either that or cats, but considering that your name actually means dog-spirit, I figured it was a pretty safe guess." Taking in a deep breath and feeling himself relax at the girl's playful attitude, Inuyasha got surprisingly brave when he found himself taking Kagome's hand in his own before stated, "Well, actually, we're half-demons." Kagome's smile widened tremendously as she squeezed his hand in return. "Duh..." Eri piped up, which surprised everyone who then turned all eyes on her. "Didn't you pay attention in history class?" she asked Yuka with a chuckle, "Like Mr. Sato explained, full-blooded animal-based youkai had both a human and an animal form, but hanyou had only one form, which was a mostly human body with some animal traits from their youkai parent that they couldn't hide, like their ears." she finished, waving her hand suggestively in Inuyasha and Kagome's direction. "I knew that." Yuka defended, though it was clear that she hadn't paid much attention in that class. "Higurashi!" Five heads all turned at the sound of Kagome's family name being called from across the room, followed shortly by a soft groan that only Inuyasha could hear over the music. "What's wrong?" he whispered to the girl by his side, but before she could open her mouth to answer, they both suddenly found themselves face to face with the most goofy-grinned Dracula that Kagome had ever seen. "I'm so glad you could make it." Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, she answered politely, "Hi Hojo." Now it was Inuyasha's turn to suppress an urge, his urge to growl. Hojo, he knew that name. That was the boy who was always giving Kagome presents, trying to court her. She always waved off his accusations, of course, insisting that Hojo was nothing more than a friend. Perhaps that truly was how Kagome saw it, but Inuyasha was sure that that Hobo fellow wanted more from Kagome than just her friendship. Why should I even care? he asked himself for a moment, merely to shake his head at the stupid question. He knew the answer. But, I'm just a hanyou... he argued defiantly. And so is she, for the moment, or had you forgotten? the rarely used optimistic side of his mind pointed out. He was pulled from his conflicting thoughts, though, when he felt Kagome gently squeeze his hand again. Apparently, the foolish human boy before them hadn't even noticed that they were holding hands... We're still holding hands??? ...and was proceeding to ask Kagome if she'd like anything to drink, while holding up a can of soda in offering. Inuyasha did growl to himself that time, though fortunately nobody heard the soft rumbling over the loud party music. How dare that human boy offer her a beverage to the miko when she was clearly with him, and if anyone was going to be getting her a drink, it would be him. Whoa, where did that come from? he wondered, before Kagome's voice snapped him back into the here and now. "Inuyasha? Did you want a soda?" he heard her ask him, and mentally smiling, Inuyasha realized that Kagome was, in her own subtle little way, telling that Hoho clown that she was already taken. "Yeah, sure." he answered, as he released her hand before proceeding to take both cans of soda that Hojo had been holding, having obviously meant for one of them to be for himself when he offered Kagome the other one. Perhaps his stunt had been a little rude, Inuyasha conceded, but then again, Kagome had told him to be himself. "Uhh, I'm glad you're feeling so much better..." Hojo fumbled nervously for a moment, finally recognizing their matching costumes, and realizing that that man, whoever he was, was obviously Kagome's date for the night. "I'll see ya 'round the party." he tried to voice cheerfully as he slowly padded away. Inuyasha, having no trouble at all with soda cans from Kagome having brought them to his time before, proceeded to pop open Kagome's can for her, knowing that her press-on claws were too weak to accomplish the task. He didn't catch Kagome's expression as she gazed at him thoughtfully, surprised by the simple, yet tender gesture.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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