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Reviews for Unforeseen Obstacles

By : Xakana
  • From ANON - kai on July 21, 2005
    great job with another lovely chapter! i loved it! another kit/vampire nice! i liked the interaction between miroku and rin, it was nicely done!! update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - bob on July 20, 2005
    i don't know what i was hoping for but this chapter was longer and i luved it!!!
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  • From ANON - Snowfall on July 20, 2005
    Chappie 21: Oh, that was too cool. I love action. Two bits in three chappies. My thanks. Sess sure has a lot of faith in Tensaiga. That demon had the gall to try and kill the group and then to kill Miroku! Aaaaah! Bad demon, bad demon. I'd be ready to go on a slaughtering spree of any demon I could find. I'm pumped. Ooooh. Can't wait for the next chappie! But, don't fell pressured.

    Snowfall aka Hanyou Slave
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  • From ANON - Snowfall on July 20, 2005
    Chapter 20: Oh, my poor Sessy. "Dismissed". *sniffle*. His feelings were hurt. That's so sweet. No, make up lemon's aren't cheesy. It happens in real life. I really enjoy the lemons. I love the way you ended it, "...crying out into the night." So picturesque. Lovely.

    Snowfall aka Hanyou Slave
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  • From ANON - Snowfall on July 20, 2005
    Chappie 19: Short, but good. Miroku standing up for his belief that the youkai shouldn't be killed was a good way to begin a learning experience for the couple. I loved the way Sesshoumaru said "Drop". That was too cool. Are you posting two or three chapters at a time? I check everyday and wonder how I miss some of them.

    Snowfall aka Hanyou Slave
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  • From ANON - Kira on July 20, 2005
    NO FAIR! T-T well, as long as the story has 1 more lemon, then fine... *sighs* ANOTHER CHAPPTER!go you! well, i have a question. shouldnt have the vampire efected Inuyasha as well, even if just a little bit since he has human blood in him? or am i just making it too difeculte....heh heh heh...well, i must go get some foddies, and re-read the story yet again!!hm....CHEESE!!!
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  • From ANON - isabeau on July 20, 2005
    Love this story. I have only one small criticism to make though, please don't refer to Miroku's prayer beads as rosary beads. That aside, I'm loving the character interaction between Sesshy and Miroku and between Miroku and Rin. It's really touching to watch how readily Miroku takes to the fatherhood he always wanted and the lengths he'll go to to protect his new daughter. I like your lemon scenes as well even if they have been sparse. Please keep up the great story, I'm looking forward to reading more.
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  • From YoukaiObsessed on July 20, 2005
    I'm with you on mentioning certain things in a story, that matter to me, and will matter to the story later, even though I know sometimes people think, what in the hell did she mention that for.

    No more lemons? Six chapters left *that means like only 4 days left of this...gasp.. ill be lost w/o it* (wails) *clings to author's leg* (Notices I'm being pulled to the cliff 'oh shit, she's going to throw me over it...hope I land on a hot youkai') Would it help if I said??... "Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated." Or "Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor not a mechanic!" Hehehe bribery...Another great chapter. I love the drama in this. I liked the vampire, and pulling of the life energy. The sweetness of Miroku being with Rin and combing of his hair, was really sweet and cute. And of course Sesshoumaru's thoughts!! Great job!!
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  • From ANON - Kira on July 20, 2005
    I'm so bored right now, that all i can do is sit here, reading the story over and over again.....heh. I have no life like that. well its midnight basicly, and my dad might be coming back down stairs to makes sure in mot down, i guess all i have to say is, you keep me accupied, so that means your my anti-drug....YAY!!! i have an Anti-drug besides sugar!!!xP
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  • From ANON - bob on July 20, 2005
    it is interesting that the lemons were on 10 and 20 but i was disappointed with chapter 20, i wanted the chapter to go on after the lemon!!!!
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  • From ANON - shanna on July 19, 2005
    Cool cool cool!! Two new chappies, two new chappies, yay!! Wow, you so totally rock the house!! Or is that rock the feudal era? *shrug* Either way, you are soooo nice for updating. And Sesshomaru and Miroku are gettin' it on again. By the way, you are good at putting Sesshomaru on the bottom (I actualy know this Japanese word, its UKE =D) and still making him just as arrogant and Sesshy-like as always. Go, you! you very cool person, you. I like how Sesshomaru protected Miroku, then gets chewed out for it... Miroku seemed to be pushing his luck, Sesshomaru could have killed him (LOL and actually considered it!!). I like how you added that, so that Miroku knew he'd been riiight on the edge. Star Trek? You mean you are a *gasp* Trekkie?? *googly eyed* Dude, are you like, old? (I didn't mean that in a mean way... I mean... *ahem* I meant you are probly a liiil bit older then me. XD) Anywho, keep updating and I'll keep reading and we'll all be happy! *bounces off to go check other addictive fanfics* *bounce bounce bounce*
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  • From ANON - Kira on July 19, 2005
    OMFG!! YAY! such great lemony-ness *drinks lemonad* yummy! well, no worrying about the chapter updates, so all i have to say, is I LOVE THIS STORY!! *crys from greatness of story* an there better be a chapter 30!!...please...?
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  • From ANON - lilly on July 19, 2005
    My, my, another update. Two chapters! I truly enjoyed both chapter 19 and chapter 20. The fight was interesting, especially since it stemmed from Sesshomaru's drive to protect Miroku. After all, Sesshomaru can not help who he is. He is a demon, and as such, enjoys killing. It is a simple fact of life (or fact of fiction, if you will) *stops to appreciate that little oxymoron*. Yet, I also enjoyed chapter 20. The lemon was extremely nice, but the conversation before it was also gratifying. I am simply amazed at how truly in-character you are keeping all the characters of the series, but especially Sesshomaru and Miroku. I have read so many stories that mangle his character into something so different that it is truly a horror to read. My favorite part of the chapter are these lines: "He only ever waxed poetic with Sesshomaru. With one so regal as he, it only seemed appropriate." I adore you for writing like this. Hmm, a lemon every ten chapters? That should not be a problem if you keep updating at this rate. Two chapters per day, ten chapters until the next lemon, that equals five days until another lemon. I applaud you for writing for my favorite pairing, and please keep up the marvelous writing. Oh, that reminds me, what is this about me being a teacher? [Shanna, dear, if you are reading this, that was the funniest thing I have read all day. And rest assured, I am NOT a teacher. I don't think I would have the patience for it. And thank you for the compliment.] But the lovely authoress is correct, many people have good grammar skills. I simply prefer to utilize them when typing. (Now look what you've done to me, I'm responding to other reviewers as well!! It must be addictive...) Please take my eternal gratitude for your descriptiveness and way with words, and continue to write to your heart's content.
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  • From ANON - anon on July 19, 2005
    hi. nice couple of chapters... fight (intense) and then make up (sweet). good job. thank you for noticing me... i like you story very much.
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  • From ANON - kai on July 19, 2005
    i liked it!! XDDD you always update soooo fast, keep it up!!! i love this fic!!
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